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Found 4 results

  1. It's occurred to me that it might be of interest and of value to some people as a starting point for (possibly silent) reflection. ☮️
  2. It's occurred to me that it might be of interest and of value to some people as a starting point for (possibly silent) reflection. ☮️
  3. Storyteller Theory

    So I was watching a movie on G+ the other day and it got me thinking about the daemons, angels, and their pursuits of Love... Even daemons need (be) loved... Life, the world and universe, and everything... Omniverse; all-ness... We all exist, we all experience, we all feel, think, and observe; be we rock, mountain, flower, tree, forest, ant, mantis, butterfly, bat, human, or star. Daemons and Angels are things of our imagination, plot devices in the grand scheme of story. To the authors of reality, we are the story... yet we tell tales of our own authors, making us the authors of their lives as well... The story of stories is a tale of telling tales... the revival of old and forgotten legends, retold anew with more trials and new faces, the untangling of karmic debt by revisiting the same stories time and again, retelling them over and over, until the stories themselves change, thus paying off karmic debt the characters have incurred... The tragedy of Romeo and Juliet leaves two souls twisted and mournful with sorrow, retold as garden gnomes, healing two lost and all but forgotten souls... Tell the tale of tragic end... tell it over and over again... tell that tale again and again, until finally the tragedy comes to an end.
  4. FUCK your human karma!

    So you humans keep eradicating Ants and destroying their colonies. they will reincarnate as and infiltrate the lifeways of humans. they are evident in politics. So you figured in the past that it was okay to wield dominion over nature and systemically hunt and eat the Dodo and mar the Buffalo for her fur. So the Dodo stuck around and made fools of you all but you called those poor children stupid, the Buffalo is born a man who refuses to acknowledge other men, and you call it autism! So Your history tells it one way, when it really happened quite differently... no doubt about it, the so-called reptillians (dont make me laugh) oy. you cannot even comprehend how your science could be lying to you about the dinosaurs. Raptors were so brilliant and beautiful people, and you wiped them out. genocide. you deserve their indignant retribution. END YOUR HARMFUL LIFEWAYS!