I sway no matter how hard I try to be..! But in externalities I resume purpose..! My only purpose is to be purposeful at what I do..! Begrudgingly I have been shown to accept and am comfortable with Candace Perts' saying (how I remember it at least)
"Every Thought you've EVER thought of has been Thought before..!"
We are all connected but the true purpose of self righteousness as in I or (EYE) is what hold us..! Only when BIG I or (EYE) is acknowledged when we can overcome.
I would hope to see and learn perspectives different methods of understanding myself and ourselves..!
I have never been fond of "MASTERS" "TEACHERS" & self aggrandizing humans (even if your Buddha or Prophet). Doesn't presume disrespect.
To teach with out ever acknowledging thought is abhorrence to ourselves..!
I hope this community is a place where sound dialogue can may & be encouraged to have, while we Co-Habit each breath we share.