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Found 1 result

  1. I am a cryptocoin enthusiast and yesterday i came upon the first scientific cryptocoin. In bitcoin and litcoin mining the decryption is done just for the sake of decoding blocks and obtaining coins. But all the power that used does not really contribute in any meaningful way to society, yet. Now a new concept has been invented that pairs the mining of coins with BOINC. What is BOINC? Similar to Folding@Home, BOINC (Berkeley Open Infrastructure for Network Computing), is an open-source computing grid where scientists, universities, and companies can create their own projects to host on the client and have volunteers contribute processing power. BOINC takes unused clock cycles from your CPU and, depending on what platforms a particular project is coded in, your Nvidia and AMD graphics cards. So now while you are mining cryptocoins, you get extra reward based on how much computational power you are providing to the BOINC clients. So imagine if a portion of the mining resources that are now used in popular cryptocurencies such as Bitcoin and Litecoin are directed towards Gridcoin, we can have some major scientific breakthroughs in all scientific fields. This can really improve the lives of many people. I have a relative that has cancer and I know many other people that are in the same boat. So for me personally this is a great way to to really contribute to medical research. Official thread @