Hello everyone,
A friend of mine introduce me to this system called Heavenly Essence Qigong and Master Li Tianhua. I followed some of their free presentations on Zoom. There are 5 levels on this practice, most of them costing extraordinary sums of money (up to 5000 euros for level 5) and working for Yang Shen emergence on level 5. You can see the method here (https://heqigong.com/courses/)
I tried to do more research and I found this is based on Zhong Gong (δΈε) a spiritual movement based on qigong founded in 1987 by Zhang Hongbao, but with another name. Their teacher died in relatively young age (60 or so) in an accident.
Does anyone have experience on this path? And do you think the claims mentioned in the different levels are legit?
Thank you,