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Found 3 results

  1. I'm Kay, I have read many translations of the Tao te Ching since I was 10. I have always been in love with understanding reality through whatever way I could. I seek to be a physicist and a Taoist monk of some sort. I am currently taking steps in both directions. Hi.
  2. New from Canada

    Hey everyone. I'm Lori-Anne. I'm brand new to this forum, just been looking around for the past couple of days. There's lots to read. I honestly haven't been spending much time on forums lately, although I do have a forum of my own, but it's not very active these days. I do have a lot going on on Facebook though, with groups and things. I like crystals and stones, animals, mythological places, magic, creative arts, writing, astrology, aliens herbal medicine and any and all of the healing arts. Currently I spend most of my free time, (while not at my day job) running a little internet business Light Medicine healings and activations, Tarot readings,as well as herbals and bath and body products. I like to stay busy. Looking forward to reading around and meeting some of you lovely folks Thanks for having me
  3. Greetings

    Peace, i'm Kreshendo. A persistent curiosity has caused me to constantly seek to know the true nature of the energetic systems of the human body and the universe. From what I have seen browsing as a guest, the members of this message board may have some valuable insight on topics I have interest in. Thanks