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Found 1 result

  1. Patent: apparatus for inducing desired states of consciousness And also interesting are the patents referring to or referenced by: Cited Patent Filing date Publication date Applicant Title US2466054 * Sep 27, 1947 Apr 5, 1949 Siebel Victor H Method and apparatus for minimizing pain caused by drilling teeth US3160159 * Jan 4, 1960 Dec 8, 1964 Hoody Jusha Borisovich Device for inducing sleep US3576185 * Jun 19, 1968 Apr 27, 1971 Saba Gmbh Sleep-inducing method and arrangement using modulated sound and light US3712292 * Jul 20, 1971 Jan 23, 1973 Karen Lafley V Method and apparatus for producing swept frequency-modulated audio signal patterns for inducing sleep US3753433 * Jan 18, 1971 Aug 21, 1973 Aquarius Electronics Electroencephalophone and feedback system US3826243 * Jul 10, 1972 Jul 30, 1974 Anderson W Brainwave analysis and feedback method and apparatus US3837331 * Oct 24, 1972 Sep 24, 1974 S Ross System and method for controlling the nervous system of a living organism US3884218 * Sep 30, 1970 May 20, 1975 Monroe Ind Inc Method of inducing and maintaining various stages of sleep in the human being US4034741 * Feb 17, 1976 Jul 12, 1977 Solitron Devices, Inc. Noise generator and transmitter US4141344 * Mar 2, 1978 Feb 27, 1979 Barbara Louis J Sound recording system US4227516 * Dec 13, 1978 Oct 14, 1980 Meland Bruce C Apparatus for electrophysiological stimulation US4335710 * Jan 16, 1980 Jun 22, 1982 Omnitronics Research Corporation Device for the induction of specific brain wave patterns US4573449 * Mar 8, 1983 Mar 4, 1986 Warnke Egon F Method for stimulating the falling asleep and/or relaxing behavior of a person and an arrangement therefor US4834701 * Jul 24, 1985 May 30, 1989 Ken Hayashibara Apparatus for inducing frequency reduction in brain wave US4883067 * May 15, 1987 Nov 28, 1989 Neurosonics, Inc. Method and apparatus for translating the EEG into music to induce and control various psychological and physiological states and to control a musical instrument US5036858 * Mar 22, 1990 Aug 6, 1991 Carter John L Method and apparatus for changing brain wave frequency US5101831 * Jul 12, 1991 Apr 7, 1992 Matsushita Electric Works, Ltd. System for discriminating sleep state