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Found 2 results

  1. So, I posted not so long back about the possibility of God Creating the Tao, in a reply it was proposed that perhaps the Tao created God. Last night I had a moment where that made great sense. Perhaps the Tao made God and God then created the Tao that created God even. I’m not ruling that out as paradoxical as it is. Anyway when all this (existence) started and the first Yin and Yang expression formed. I would put God up there at the top. (If not above the Tao.) I think I also read someplace that Guan Yin is regarded as the very highest expression of Yin. I also read she is regarded in the same way as Mary. As Mary is also viewed as perfect and the mother of God. The perfect Mother and mother of all Christians, I guess she in her human incarnation is regarded as the highest Yin. I’m Im just spitballing here, it’s all pretty new to me this so please bear with me if my opinions sound underdeveloped. Have you thought about this? How does it make sense to you? Do you pray to either of these Beings? Do you feel as though the prayers likely go to the same place? Should or shouldn’t be intended to? Your thoughts on this would be greatly appreciated. Love reading your responses on this ere forum. It’s quite brilliant so thanks in advance for your time. Best, Thrice Daily
  2. So, I posted not so long back about the possibility of God Creating the Tao, in a reply it was proposed that perhaps the Tao created God. Last night I had a moment where that made great sense. Perhaps the Tao made God and God then created the Tao that created God even. I’m not ruling that out as paradoxical as it is. Anyway when all this (existence) started and the first Yin and Yang expression formed. I would put God up there at the top. (If not above the Tao.) I think I also read someplace that Guan Yin is regarded as the very highest expression of Yin. I also read she is regarded in the same way as Mary. As Mary is also viewed as perfect and the mother of God. The perfect Mother and mother of all Christians, I guess she in her human incarnation is regarded as the highest Yin. Im just spitballing here, all it’s all pretty new to me this so please bear with me if my opinions sound underdeveloped. Have you thought about this? How does it make sense to you? Do you pray to either of these Beings? Do you feel as though the prayers likely go to the same place? Should or shouldn’t be intended to? Your thoughts on this would be greatly appreciated. Love reading your responses on this ere forum. It’s quite brilliant so thanks in advance for your time. Best, Thrice Daily