I’m doing the Lotus Nei Gong process and have a very good teacher in it (UK). But my teacher says it’s hard to say how long the process takes for different people. If you yourself have gone through the process from being a beginner to ‘stilling the Jing’ (getting your abdomen warm), from there to ‘interconnecting and expanding the Huang’, and from there to developing the Microcosmic Orbit, and whatever the stages are thereafter, how long did it take you to get to each stage, and at what sort of rate of practice? I’m especially curious as to how long it takes to both get to the stage of the abdomen warming up (’stilling the jing’, this seems to be the first key stage) and then to the point of developing the Microcosmic Orbit. Myself I’m pretty much right at the beginning; though have done some qigong (fairly intensively I guess) in the past with a different teacher/ school, and otherwise my body’s in good shape from a yoga point-of-view. I’m practising this system in order to fix a chronic health-problem with my back.