~~~ admin statement ~~~
It's *fine* to link to other forums.
This banner in signatures has been reported lately, and deserves a public statement by me.
My thoughts on the current forum set up by MPG (vis-a-vis TTBs interaction), quoted from discussion w/ mods:
I think that people SHOULD create other venues (plural) with various purposes and parameters. TTBs isn't everything, can't be, never will be. I think that people should create venues (both digital and live-in-person) more often, blogs, discussion sites, sites specific to schools, teachers, pts of view, etc, etc. If TTBs isn't exactly what you want and it's frustrating for you, CREATE what you want, link to it from TTBs if you want... don't wait until you are so so frustrated that it's a real drag.
My view is that MPG went through a *LOT* here at TTBs and was *VERY* patient for a very long time, under pressures. If he wants a place to express exactly how he wants, that is beyond/outside TTBs rules, he (or *any*one else) SHOULD have that kind of space. CREATE. BE FREE!
- Trunk
Of course, if people link to sites that blatantly break laws, racist, etc... we'd hide those posts/links, but that's a very different situation than what's going on currently.
~~~ /admin out ~~~