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Found 1 result

  1. Hello various internet entities, I have long browsed these forum and recently found myself returning to them for the value of the discusssion. And today I specifically created this account to ask one question that I have been challenging myself with answering. Can we practice/meditate/do significant energy work while working on other things? I think to myself about how much time I spend each day seriously meditating (usually a half hour to a hour), and think but what about when I am doing other things? Does that count? I ask myself, and answer, sometimes. I at most do fusion of the five elements, open my third eye point, do some chi kung, or ground myself by connecting deep into the earth. And in many ways I think this is helpful, but it is going to help me achieve enlightenment as I define it in my Taoist practice? I answer, I am not sure. I don't think that everything I do energetically/meditatively needs to be towards that specific end, but I think it might be anyway. What do you think?