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Found 1 result

  1. inhaling vs exhaling

    Hi guys. I can manipulate "kundalini heat" through my mind only, but lately I've been experimenting with supplementing with movement as well. Unlike all of you, I always try to send it downward to ground and never upward where it causes bad symptoms. I found that I can squeeze it downward by forcefully contracting my chest and intercostal muscles while pushing the shoulders down. However, I am not sure if I should be doing this on inhalation or exhalation. I've been reading around and it seems like most people inhale when they try to move "energy" upward, so it would make sense to exhale when trying to move it down. But exhaling involves pushing the diaphragm muscle upward, so shouldn't inhalation (which pushes the diaphragm, and presumably "energy", downward) be used instead? Thanks!