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  1. Dear Dao Bums, Many of you might have read my former posts on Sri Vidya. I've since continued my journey. As always I'm looking for deepening as well as adventure. My adventures have led me to test out new avenues in Sri Vidya, namely occult spiritual skills. I've learnt one skill I'm now experimenting with, and am in the process of learning a second. This post will contain 3 parts: 1) Occult Spiritual Diagnosis Using The Goddes Bhadrakali 2) Occult Spiritual Protection As Well As Removing Negative Energy Forms 3) Continued Scope Of Occult Skills In Sri Vidya (Including Nagas or Snakegods) 1) Occult Spiritual Diagnosis Using The Goddes Bhadrakali I've spent now nearly 6 months learning this. First you get a Bhadrakali mantra initiation. Then you do daily mantra japa for some months. When ready you purchase a vamavarti shankha (left-hand natural conch). You then do prana-pratistha (infusing it with life force and Kali energy) on that conch for 8 days; 1 day with a big ceremony (2-3 hours), then 7 days with a smaller daily ceremony (about 1 hour). After having established a connection with Bhadrakali through mantra diksha and mantra japa, and then using this connection to do prana-pratishta on a natural conch, you're ready. There's a whole Kerala tantric system of using it. You simply need the conch, red flowers and a 5 wick diya (lamp). You can use it to get guidance and direction for life questions. You can use it to identify energy blocks holding you back (in money, health, love, sex, spirituality, any field), as well as get instant answers for which energy forms to use to remove those blocks (whether it's black magic, evil eye, evil spirits or a relationship issue). So far I've used it for myself, my wife and my wife's sister. Me and my wife asked it different questions, yet we both had the same energy block! That's was a huge shocker, as probability-wise the chances of getting the same answer using the conch is exceptionally small. So that means we've both been touched by a similar negative energy, it was the energy of a deceased person, who had been a great tamasic yogi during his life. However, we got different remedies to do. It's was super hard to go through with, but we managed. For my wife, we went back to the conch after doing her remedy for 3 days to check if it was fully cleared. However, only a layer of the block was cleared. The next layer was a different energy related to relationships. So she was directed to re-connect with 2 of her girlfriends. After doing that for 2 days, we checked again. This time the block was fully gone. She then asked about whether there was any energy block in another area of her life, but there wasn't. So she was all clear to move forward in a normal way. In my case I had to get a specific Rudra mantra. I will detail this in the next section. For my wife's sister's case, she asked whether she had an energetic block in her aura regarding finances. She got a yes. We then asked the nature of the block, it was something called "murti dosha". I was shocked when we got it. My wife and her sister were raised muslim, and murti means an idol. Murti dosha is when you daily and in a disciplined manner pray to a specific energy. You ask it for help, and in exchange for your dedicated worship, it helps you out. Murti dosha is when you suddenly and abruptly stop connecting to that energy, and the energy form gets offended. So I had to interview her a little bit "did you ever pray diligently to a specific energy form, asking it for help often, and making promises in return for that help?" - to my great surprise she said yes. I then asked her "did you then suddenly and abruptly stop connecting with it daily, and just leave it, even though it helped you, and you promised to give something in return, yet you didn't?" Again to my great surprise, she said yes. I was shocked, it didn't make any sense. No muslim prays to an idol. We then found the remedy for her, which was a specific Surah of the Qur'an she should recite 7x daily for 7 days to counter the block. After the reading ended, I asked her: "what energy form were you diligently praying to? And what did it give you, and what did you promise in return that you didn't deliver?". She explained that in a certain period of her life she was hospitalised and things were very bad. She then did diligent salah (muslim ritual prayer) and du'a (supplication or what we would normally call a prayer) to Allah, stating that if Allah helped heal her and get her out, she would always pray. Turns out she got well, yet after she was released she stopped doing salah and did other new age spiritual things instead. So the "murti" she had offended was Allah, who is a faceless and formless Divine Energy. I was really surprised and kind of shocked. But it made sense in some way. She had made a promise in exchange for getting well. She got well, yet she didn't deliver her part of the deal. It's really mind blowing what Kali can tell you through these rituals. Now for the next section. 2) Occult Spiritual Protection As Well As Removing Negative Energy Forms This is a 2 month training where mantras of Tvarita Rudra as well as Aghora Rudra are given. You also get Kavach as well as prayogas for using these mantras in occult ways. There are 3 modes: creation and the energy of sattva (the god Brahma), sustaining and the energy of rajas (Vishnu) and destruction and the energy of tamas (Shiva). Shiva takes many forms, again in 3 modes sattva, rajas and tamas. Rudra is Shiva's tamasic forms. So Rudra is the destructive energy (tamas), of the destructive energy (Shiva). I was told by Kali that Tvarita Rudra (meaning SWIFT Rudra) would help alleviate my personal energy block. I just got the mantra a few days ago and have been saying it all the time. So today I checked with Kali if it was enough and whether my energy block was cleared, to my great surprise I got a yes! Tvarita Rudra is indeed swift! Later in this course Aghora Rudra (Fearless Rudra) which is a very aggresive form of Shiva will be taught, Kavach which is an occult shield or armour of mantras will be taught, and finally prayogas or means of using these energies for protection and removing negative energy forms from yourself, others as well as places will be taught. Will keep you updated how it goes! 3) Continued Scope Of Occult Skills In Sri Vidya (Including Nagas or Snakegods) After experiencing succes with these occult skills, I've decided to learn more from this Kerala based Sri Vidya system. The next class is a yearlong free class: one is on Sri Vidya, the other is on Nagatantra. I'm very interested to connect with this specific lineage, as it seems it's a bit different from the other lineage I've been in. Karunamaya and Amritananda of Devipuram are more bhakti focused; simply do the rituals and daily japa to clear your karma, connect with Divine energy and in the end get spiritual liberation (moksha). So far it seems of course Moksha is also the final end goal, however this Kerala based school has also maintained a lot of its occult practices and skills (e.g. Bhadrakali conch spiritual diagnosis as well as Rudra for spiritual protection and removing negative energy). Further, I've for many years been curiously interested in understanding what all this "snake" business is. In South America they had snake gods, the vikings had the Midgårdsorm, there are many snake gods in Africa, there are snakes around Hermes' staff which to this stay still symbolises healing and the medical profession. In India, Nepal and Tibet they speak of Nagas, and in China they of course have the flying Dragons. The strongest and most powerful qigong I've ever learnt was Wu Long Gong or 5 Dragon Qigong from the Dragon Gate Lineage through Master Zhongxian Wu. Further, the Kundalini force is also symbolically depicted as a snake, and the most powerful meditation I ever learnt was Simplified Kundalini Yoga (SKY) by Vethathiri Maharishi. The young Guru from Kerala specifically says that Naga Tantra is exceptional for health and healing, so it's seem there's a connect with global snake cults (South America, Africa, Scandinavia, India and China) and health, power and healing (qigong, kundalini and now Naga Tantra). I'll keep you posted how it goes! If any of you are interested, here are the sign up posters for both of these 1 year long free online trainings.