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Found 2 results

  1. I was trying to find it. Had no luck. There are many mentions of sauna on this forum as a good thing but only in a context of a discussion but never as an actual central topic. However, what do taoists think about sauna? I saw that M. Chia has a lot of detox methods but does not utilize sauna as method in any of his books. And searching outside did not help, scholar nothing. Journal of Daoist studies nothing as well. I read this book - based on the inspiration from Varis Ahmad (talking about sauna as a good option to heal oneself of problems caused by toxic methals and whatever toxic stuff we got too much in our body Sauna therapy might be quite taxing for a body and internal taoist methods like iron shirt chi kung, probably some advanced practices will possible help the body to get rid of crap. I think sauna could still be good idea to combine with taoistic approaches. However, I would like to read what do taoist think about sauna, how it works according to them. Does anyone know about something?
  2. Beginner Meditation

    Well, I have begun my meditation journey and I love the effects. I am registered for 10 day Vipassana in August (praying I get in) and they told me I have a good chance of getting in. However, Ill be going back to college after that so if I won't there will be some time before my next chance. I am realizing meditation is my path. I like how it feels and relaxes for my mind and body. I meditated in the sauna and got tk the point of barely breathing (didnt feel like I was breathing). I try to concentrate on my nose, but I was wondering: is that the best spot to focus on? I got back to the room and continued the meditation and I came across another question: is it okay for my breathing to be in sort of a 1,2 rhythm as opposed to say a 6,12 count rhythm? What does this mean? Should I nudge my breath toward being slower? I am buying "The Little Book of Meditation" tomarrow thanks to The Energy Cultivator's Handbook thread. One last question: I have a pinching pain inches under my right (and sometimes left) shoulder blade that wont seem to dissipate. Any advice or should I just continue meditating the way I have been?