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Found 5 results

  1. Hi all, hope someone can help me. I have bipolar one disorder, so I'm VERY open to energy and if I don't sleep this can lead to issues. I'm sleeping fine bar one occasion 2 weeks ago - I tried storing my sexual energy for 6 days, sleep got progressively worse as I went on, by day 6 I was getting around 1.5 hrs light sleep. So I gave up, and released the old fashioned way. So, I'm looking to try again. Do I need to move the energy around my body? Should I do qigong before bed? I'd prefer to just do meditation if possible, but nothing from Mantak Chia as he's a bit out of my range energy wise. Any advice would be much appreciated.
  2. Hi i read for some days about microcosmic orbit, jing, qi, sexual transmutation etc and im still very confused especially cause i read different stuff - would like to ask : * mainly what are the names of the "stuff" we convert when we do sexual transmutation ...... specifically what is the first thing we convert (what its name - is it pre heaven jing/ post heaven jing or something else ) ... and to what we convert it too is it to qi ? post heaven qi ? Zheng Qi ? ..... and what is the final goal of it after we converted it to the second thing (to bring it back to lower dantian from head ? to make it into void jing>qi>shen>void ? ... by the way the format of X>Z>Y>G>R is a real simple way that can make it very clear ) so would like to know what is the exact name of the "stuff" we are converting - meaning if its post heaven jing than write post heaven jing and not just jing , or if its yin qi or yang qi than write that and not just qi... and what is the exact stuff that it needs to be converted to through its stages including what is the final final stage it goes by ** I would love long replies that explain in detail it all (including the whole microcosmic orbit etc) .... but before that part i would love a section before that explains just the names of the stuff we convert - cause i mainly ask this question cause in different places they say different names (even by Taoists not other traditions even) and its confusing its not the same thing *** i would love as much different people here to reply to me with their view
  3. Hello and my first qestion

    hi im new in eastern teaching. began with mantak chia doing his exercise to criculate enery directly to my head and transmuitation i already feel more intellligent like a genius like napoleon hill said im his book about think and grow rich with sexual tramsntation so i wathc naruto and there is a character called rock lee and he can open his 8 gates to achieve the lotus and gain speed resisance and more for a period of time im wondering if there arer some practixes or exercices to make myself able to make do it by myself to incfrease my strehngt and speed and semen treretion sory for my bad grammmar my kekbard is a lite bad nowadays and im witjout money amd a little conf used recently emaybe too much energy am also recovering form pornm adcicdtion thansx
  4. I've heard a few people say something about how full lotus helps when conserving jing/sexual energy. I see absolutely no reason why a particular sitting position would do this but then again I'm not all that knowledgable on the subject so I really don't know. Anyone know if there's any truth to this and if so can you elaborate?
  5. For more information about the ongoing sexual abuse by Sogyal Rinpoche see: