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Found 2 results

  1. Satria Fighting Arts Germany (Pencak Silat)

    Hey guys,My name is Ben, I am a teacher for Satria Fighting Arts (a form of Pencak Silat) in Stuttgart, Germany.This is a video of my class: I hope you enjoy! Our homepage is: Best,Ben
  2. This was posted on the taobums facebook page by Simon Das, so if you want to message him you know whereto go!: Seminars on Silat Ksatriya in and around Virginia comming soon ...Please inbox me if your interested .. Silat Kysatria is a perfect synergy of the Malay/indo and indian arts ...covering , armed /un armed mulitple oppenents 2 man drills conditioning inner power meditations footwork patterns forms combat techniques and a lot more , , seminars will take place on the weekends and regular classes during the week in the northern virginia area soon to reserve your places and to book courses and seminars in your area ...!!! Jaya Haribol Peace