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Found 1 result

  1. As the topic title goes. I'm a newbie.Yes i'm looking for a spirtual group. All the groups I looked at are not spiritual. They either qout the bible not thinking or stuck on them self. I read many topics and replies and this feels more spiritual then the rest. I little about my self. I always been into spiritual of things. I studied buddha, same judism, kalaba, metaphsicist and the Tao De Ching. I never got into the power and control that most poeple get caught up in. I was 16 whan I first read the Tao translated by Micheal Steven. I remember telling my self after reading the Tao. This is a book to live by. Not to read one and never again. I been reading thinking about medationing on and trying to live the Tao. I have found it really helpful in all other spiritual works by other practices. By living the Tao the way I do I found alot of common ground between the major religions or practicings after studying them. I'll want to share my spiritual travels and see what others are doing and not doing. My first questions will be what is your deifintion of being spiritual? My it's being one with the Tao. That implies alot. Being fully aware of yourself and the I am or the Tao. Being in balance and harmory. Not just some of the time all the time. The most important part is love. Recieving and giveing it impersonally. It takes time, practice, medation and living it everyday. It a beautiful thing.