I find that different spiritual traditions . . . don't seem to map the same territory.
And my suspicion is that no higher map of maps . . . is actually possible. Although Id love to be proven wrong.
My primary practice in the past has been Sufism. It's strong (nearly 100%) in its understanding of the emotions . . . but weak in its understanding of the physical body.
So I've begun studying Qigong. It, in turn, is strong in its understanding of the physical body . . . but weak in its understanding of emotions.
Bottom line: I'd be interested to hear if anyone has come to any understanding of how the Lataif, specifically, pattern the physical body. I just don't see it clearly at all.
If QiGong had a more well-articulated understanding of emotions . . . we could get from the Lataif to the emotions (via Sufism) . . . and then from the emotions to the physical body (via QiGong).
But so far I haven't see anything like that . . .