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Found 1 result

  1. This thread is about an almost always forgotten chapter in the famous book "The Secret of The Golden Flower": chapter 6, titled Signs of Verification of Turning Around the Light. After talking about the philosophy, the method and the common errors, the author(s) dedicate an entire chapter to the description of specific spiritual events that accompanies the practice and -most importantly- confirm the effectiveness of what has been done. Why is that important? In my opinion, there are essentially two reasons that gives to this chapter a tremendous value. The first one is that the spiritual experience tends by nature to be subjective and it varies from an individual to another in most schools of practice, therefore when certain milestones are given in a method, it means that they are (or they tend to be) objective measure of spiritual progress to a large extent. The second reason is that, when it comes to the actual method of "turning the light around", this specific book is interpreted in a variety of ways by different people who often rely on it to complement or explain a method that they already know from different sources. About this matter, it is sufficient to mention the Dan-Tien cultivation approach, the Ch'an sitting approach, the third eye meditation approach and the MCO approach which complement or explain the practice (even in the texts itself, given that there are at least 3 different versions of it available in translation, and maybe more in original language). Nonetheless, this chapter Signs of Verification of Turning Around the Light is generally consistent in different versions and it is -at this point- evident that it could be effectively used to determine the true original method of Turning the Light around among the various interpretations given to the text. I will refer, copy and paste from this beautiful website The Secret of The Golden Flower to extract the relevant parts present in all of the available versions of the text and I will ignore the parts which are embedded with philosophies and that are open to interpretations. Now, can you talk a little bit about your experiences with those things while practicing the Golden Flower Method? And how do you actually cultivate the golden flower?