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Found 18 results

  1. The highest truth

    We live, we live, we are reborn. Consciousness consists of supercharged electrons of quantum energy. “Quantum” means a deepening of the transformative. We exist as electromagnetic resonance. Imagine a deepening of what could be. We must learn how to lead life-affirming lives in the face...
  2. Occam’s razor can be used quite effectively to cut through bs that one will invariably have to deal with in spirituality. A general rule of thumb I found to be effective is that any spiritual teaching or system that overcomplicates it’s understanding or practice is less effective than an...

    Each one of us here on Earth is an Individualized Manifestation of the Very Source of All That Is!God is nothing but the Very Consciousness that pervades the entire Universe!!Your soul script or what all you will go through and what you will become is more or less decided before you are born, though...
  4. The Dragon Revealed -

    Thank you for making this opportunity available for others to share their experience in the Chinese Internal arts. My name is Eric Wilson . . . I trained and taught Chinese Kung-fu, Tai-chi, and Qigong for more than 24 years. And while I did realize a great manifestation of "internal" powe...
  5. Exploring all paths as one

    Namaste from India. It has only been like 10-11 months, since I started my self-paced self create practices. I awoke to inner silence right around this time and just fell into meditation. Unknowingly I started playing with energy. Without knowing it led to orgasm, I kept on it for days u...
  6. The Tao that can be named is not the true Tao. I think I'm starting to get it. We really don't know what we're talking about, do we? It really is a mystery. Since we need a word to call it, we call it Tao. But that's really not what it's about. Is it?
  7. W@tcher

    Hello, nice to meet you all.
  8. I was put in a situation recently, where I was not sure whether speaking the truth was the best course. To tell a lie for an assumed greater good, or simply to keep silence. All options seemed to cause some harm to other(s) -- in my perception. I always have trouble with the 'silence' as a...
  9. Existence, Life.

    We normally use the terms Existence and Life very casually. What do they mean actually? What factors determine existence or life. I would like your ideas on this. I would also like to have an in depth analysis into this topic of discussion.
  10. New to this site

    Hello My name is Peter, I just wanted to introduce myself. I have been on a spiritual search for decades and am still seeking absolute truth. I have determined that righteousness and meditation are major keys to consciousness and enlightenment. It has been quite a nightmare wading through the ju...
  11. From what I have read about the law of attraction, we can change our perception of the world and opportunities by feeling as if the thing that we choice(instead of want)is already present is more powerful as opposed to just pure visualization(which borders fantasy). Wanting implies lacking, so o...
  12. Truth.. how do we separate it from opinions and bias's? When does a preponderance of facts become the truth? Is there absolute truth or shades of grey? Getting very close, but not so much. I suppose our best tools are the Socratic method and basic logic. Truthfully, I have 10 fingers. Not...
  13. Here is a link to my latest blog post: I have just started absorbing this idea, but I am curious to know if you think I am on the right track or not. I appreciate your feedback!
  14. There have been so many beliefs I had to let go of from my former Christian faith. Some of these, such as the concept of sin, have been a relief. As I progressed along my spiritual path I found other beliefs that empowered me, such as the concept that my thoughts create my reality. In other words, t...
  15. Ancient Memories

    Many lives, many worlds, one focus....consciousness and it's expansion. Large scale field coordinator seeks old souls for the purpose of collaboration. Those who walk the Path, reveal yourselves!
  16. Hello Fellow Lovers of the Tao

    Hello. I am really interested in taoist thought, practice, and ways of living. I consider myself a student and seeker of truth, which means while I understand philosophies and their place I realize the most important part of anything is how it affects short I like practicality and to prove...
  17. Hello, I've been TaoBums browser for the last several years and I greatly appreciate the information found and presented on this site. So thank you! I've joined for a few specific reasons. As it turns out, there are way more frauds out there than fish in the sea. It's plain ridiculous. So, my firs...