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Are Shamatha and Vipassana practice the buddhist version of ming and xing practice in daoism
Asher Topaz posted a topic in Daoist Discussion
I have been an avid reader of William Bodri's work and some of Nan Huai Chin. They seem to imply that Buddhism and Daoism are doing the same thing but from different angles. Buddhism is from the angle of mind/Shen. While Daoism is from the angle of Qi. Bodri talks about how the first 4 jhana's or form Jhana's are alchemical in nature hence why they are called form Jhana. They purify the form realm of a person's being which is yuan jing, qi and shen. And then the formless jhana's work on emptiness itself. They say its slower than alchemy but safer. As one achieves each jhana the alchemical transformation occurs naturally on its own. They say as one becomes extreme yin true yang qi rises and opens the extraordinary meridians. He emphasizes Anapanasati or Skeleton Visualization. Do you guys think his right. Also on my own as I started reading books on daoism like Damo Mitchell, Wang Mu laying the foundation, Jerry ALan Johnsons Neigong book, Taoist yoga and even Nathan Brine the disciple of Wang Liping. They all talk about xing and ming. Ming represents jing to qi to shen transformation. While xing represents working with ones true nature. The two seem similar to buddhist Shamatha and Vipassana. Cuz Shamatha or concentration practices do not work with ones true nature rather they help to purify ones mind until it becomes comlpetely still and pliable which is at fourth jhana.Plus they seem to be energy transformations as one climbs the jhana ladder. At the point of fourth jhana you have reached yuan shen. Then from 4th jhana one can practice Vipassana cuz the mind is still and strong enough to look back on its own nature and observe itself. Similar to Xing practices in daoism. Do you guys agree with this? -
Hi everyone! I’ve just begun kunlun... a bit stalled for want of a rubber mat... but using a woollen shawl meanwhile. Tailed this in after Vipassana. I found the latter very helpful in deepening consciousness practices. I come with consciousness practices aka Neville Goddard, Vadim Zeland. Have practiced deep meditation as per classical Raj yoga, Qi gong of various paths, and a few healing streams. Now looking to accelerate everything. with kunlun level one, was told to add one breath and I jong. In what order do you do them? And what duration? Is one breath practiced with I jong ?
Strange things happening to me... From time to time I like practicing observing my breath as meditation (as given in "Spiritual Reality"), since I enjoy the clear and concentrated state of mind afterwards. I focus on a point in my nose and "observe" the feelings of my breath there. Some call this Vipassana meditation, but since I concentrate quite intense, it's rather a kind of Samatha meditation. After a while my breath almost ceases for a minute or so and then I have to take a deep breath again. Meitation Time: 30-40 mins. I am also doing Zhan Zhuang and PC muscle exercises. So far, so good.... What I observe is, in the night following the breath meditation I have often intense and bad dreams and now I had a really awful depressed feeling in the morning! May this relate to the meditation? Am I doing something wrong? Or is this probably some kind of "clearing" the subconcious? I did this kind of meditation last summer for one month once a day for 50 mins. with no other meditations during that period and I had no bad side effects. Maybe it is the combination with other meditation types that makes trouble? Thanks for your help!
I read several articles about vipassana and that one gets "insight" from it. But nowhere I found an explanation what kind of insight. Can anyone explain, please? Thank you!
I finally got accepted into my Vipassana retreat in early August!!! For those of you that don't know what Vipassana is it's basically an ancient Buddhist ritual where you meditate for ten or more hours a day, for ten days straight. I was just wondering if anyone in the forum has done this before or done anything similar so I know what to expect. Btw, I got the idea for this from an old post on Mantak Chia's stuff. The person reccomended this as a way to start a spiritual path.
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This experience of deeper and fresh wounds on my return
DreamBliss posted a topic in General Discussion
I returned from a 10-Day Vipassana Retreat a few days ago. Some of you may have been waiting for some sort of status update from me. I am struggling with what I want to say. I will attempt some words here with this post, and you can read my initial impressions at my blog: I will focus on how I feel, right now, in this moment. I am feeling anger, frustration, hurt and weariness. The best way I can describe my experience since my return is that it is like I have been given a treatment that makes me feel far worse than the disease. I knew, after the first day, that this was not the place for me. This was not what I needed at this time, and it especially was not what I wanted. I chalked it up to what I was told, everyone wants to quit on the first day, and I am an especially stubborn bastard. Plus SNG, in that first video discourse, alluded to anyone who leaves as being weak minded. So that was a challenge, as he intended it to be. The feeling that I did not belong there remained, becoming especially apparent again after the 4th day, but again I stuck with it, because everyone quits on the 5th and 6th day too. By the 8th day I was feeling deeply hurt inside, I was depressed and melacholy, but I stayed because now it was a matter of pride to see this through, to be able to tell others I made it through rather than have to say I qut within sight of the finishing line. The stupid things we do for or out of pride... Since I have been back I have felt especially raw. I feel worse than before I left. Sometime midway through the course I cried a lot before bed, tossing and turning, not able to sleep. I had this strong feeling that I could not kill myself. I had these reasonas why, never mind the bullshit SNG teaches. I had my own reasons. But I don't feel that anymore, I just have this memory, this echo. My whole life has been like this stupid course, it really has. I have kept myself going out of sheer stubbrness and pride, for no other reason. I am halfway through it now, the finish line is still not in sight. Yet I will keep going even though I don't have a single, solitary reason to do so. At the risk of sounding like a complaining, spoiled whiny little brat I have to say that this experience is not one I wanted. It could be argued that it may be needed at some time in my life. If this is so, I doubt very highly it was at this time. What I wanted, and what I think I needed, was a loving, supportive healing experience. I needed to recover. I needed clarity, space an a chance to get my feet under me, pull myself up by my bootstraps. I received some clarity, I received space. But I feel as if I have been further smashed into the ground by the sheer weight of all the shit I am forced to carry. In a year or less I will not have a place to live. I look around at other people, and they seem to have it figured out. They have jobs, have started families. It is a complete mystery to me, like a painting I just can't figure out or a code I can't decipher. As if there was a class but I never got the notice, never took it, now I have am F in "Getting Out On Your Own." I simply can't and won't do work that does not interest me, and I would prefer that I enjoy it. I simply can't and won't live my life alone. I am weary in body, mind and soul. I feel like I have been run through a meat grinder, emotionally, mentally, physically and spiriitually. I have no intention to ever return to one of these so-called "retreats." There is nothing there for me. In fact, I suspect there is nothing in this entire world for me. But that is a pretty stupid thing to say when I have seen so little of it. I guess we can add immature and naiive to my list of flaws. Fine. Just going to focus on helping my grandma get her stuff packed up, getting her moved out. See where my parents end up, test the fleece (referring to the Christian Bible, Gideon I think), see what employment or education opportunites are available. Already looked pretty well into the education side of things, not much there. But I won't close myself off, at least not yet. I will remain allowing, open and receptive. Once everyone is moved out and my work here is done I will make a decision as to what to do next. If there is nothing in this area for me, or that appeals to me, I am leaving. I will attempt to see a little of the world before I declare I don't belong in it. The Universe doesn't make mistakes, right? If I am here, there must be places where the puzzle peice that is my life can snap into. I am just about out of what little hope I could scrape together. Yes, I gained much from going to the course. I will not deny it. Deep stuff worked through, habbits broken. Sure. But if you keep thrustig the metal into the fire, beat on it, heat it, beat on it,. and never cool it, that metal will loose all its durbaility and strength. Everything and everyone requires some sort of rest. Nobody goes in for heart sugery and brain surgery at the same time. At least as far as I know. Recovery is needed. But I am denied this, and as a result I am growing weaker. I have words yet to say to one person in particular here, but I still have to work on them. I don't think I have much else to say here at Dao Bums. I will watch this thread. But I am tired of words, I am tired of a computer being my only link to any kind of social interaction. I am especially tired of help that is not really help at all, yet still I am expected to show appreciation and gratitude. I am supposed to be thankful for all the pain the advice I folowed brought to me. I am supposed to be gracious, motivated by love. Able to smile even as you punch me in the face. I am so far from being any kind of holy person like that it isn't eve funny. I will leave these superhuman abilities to the Buddhas out there. I am comfortable saying I am the furthest thing from any holy, wise spiritual master. I won't deny my weakneses, and I will claim my strengths, such as they are. Don't expect much activity from me around here for a while. Please accept my apologies in advance if I hurt or offend. It is very hard for the bear that has been seriously unjured to not want to maul anyone who passes by. Just treat me like a wounded, dangerous animal and don't take anything I do or say personally. I appreciate it. Understand that I am in a lot of pain right now, and these words are insufficient to describe the levels. I am alone and hurting, angry amd frustrated. Be patient with me. There will be no other updates for a while. But I have have more to say about the retreat, and will post that at my blog. -
Anything else like the Vipassana retreat centers in the Pacific Northwest?
DreamBliss posted a topic in General Discussion
I am focusing on the Pacific Northwest here in the USA. Specifically on "pay-it-forward" places like the Vipassana retreat centers, where the 10-day course, while required before doing anything else, is free, and food and lodging are also free. Hopefully this is not like Fight Club where the first rule of Fight Club is you're not supposed to talk about Fight Club... These retreats exist solely on the donations of former students, which I think is a really good system. I have always thought that a more spiritually evolved community of any kind would have to have some equally spiritually evolved solution to keeping the lights on, so-to-speak. What I would like to know is if there are any other spiritual retreat places like this? Here in the Pacific Northwest, Oregon, Washington and California, with free programs, food, lodging? If you are allowed to talk about them of course. -
Is Kunlun compatible with Vipassana, Zazen and Ji Ben Quigong?
gabrielnb posted a topic in Daoist Discussion
Hello, I would like to know, from an Kunlun practicer, if Kunlun is compatible with Vipassana, Zazen and Ji Ben Quigong. I got Max's book and I was wondering if I could to start to practice Kunlun, without drop my actual practices. The book says something about the water path (it shouldn't be mixed with the fire path, like kundaline stuff). But for me, zazen and vipassana are not focusing on kundaline. Neither Ji ben qi gong. How I'm not sure, I ask for the experts on Kunlun to give some advice. Thank you! -
I am somewhat confused by the concepts of self-remembering and vipassana(mindfulness) meditation. One says be aware of the sense of "am-ness"(without verbalizing it) whatever you are doing. The other says give full attention to whatever you are doing without letting your thoughts distract you. However, according to Osho, they are the same. But one seems to send attention inward while the other is outward. I cannot do both at the same time so they must be different. Am I misunderstanding something ?
UK retreats/organisations? Taoist, Buddhist, Tantra/Yoga, Whatever's Good :)
Satya posted a topic in General Discussion
Hello, I am looking at prospective retreats to go on when I finish this degree (as a little holiday, and maybe to clear a lot of gunk out of my system). There are so many free retreats to go on (which is great), but, I'm just wondering where to go, if anyone has any personal recommendations of schools, locations, organisations, teachers, etc? Generally I just want to go somewhere where I can do some kind of meditation (preferably some kind of mindfunless of breath, but, whatever works), for a long period of time. However, if there are any Taoist/Neidan/Neigong/Qigong retreats that involve meditation, I'd be interested in attending (not so much for Yoga, as, I already know a lot of the language, and I'd like to learn some Taoist terms/techniques, etc). I could perhaps just dedicate the time at home, tell others in the house that I will be silent for a week, turn off my computer/internet for a week, and draw up a timetable of meditation, practice, reading (got a lot of JAJ material to get through) and walks etc. I guess the advantage of a retreat is no distractions. Any thoughts welcome. -
I got accepted to Vipassana + Everything to know about Vipassana
dee posted a topic in General Discussion
Hey there Bums, Tomorrow is the start of my 10-day Vipassana retreat. I wanted to share this out of excitement with you guys, and hopefully bring to light to Vipassana incase those that don't know about it. I wrote an article about it here (Appreciate any input, comments or experiences shared here) Once my 10 days are over I plan to write a very long and detailed "report" on how I found it to be and the benefits of it. Thanks Beginning of the article. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The single most beneficial habit that I started for myself was meditation. In the past 2 years meditation has: helped ground me, worry less, relax me in stressful situations, teaches me to enjoy life, slow down, think less negative things about myself, define who I wasn't, and I have been able to consistently grow from it - and it's free. I am writing to help shed more light on meditation and hopefully get you to try to meditate if you don't already. If you're looking for more reasons on why to meditate I suggest you check out: Why You Should Meditate and if you are interested in learning how to meditate: How To Meditate I've done a lot of research into alternative ways to practice meditation, and have personally experimented with all sorts of meditations. There is no right way to meditate, and since we are all different, finding the type of meditation that works best for you is only going to make it easier on you. It's going to allow you to enjoy meditation much more, and continue this habit. After sticking to meditation for over 2 years I came upon the word Vipassana. Being curious, I read into it, and found it increasingly interesting. After some further research I was convinced - I wanted to try this. So I applied, and after two weeks I was accepted. Four months after my acceptance I finally get to start. Tomorrow is that day that I begin Vipassana and I will be doing nothing for 10 days straight. And by nothing, I mean I will be strictly meditating every single day from 4:30AM until I go to sleep which is at 9:30 PM for 10 consecutive days. It's a total of 120+ hours of meditation and I know it's going to be challenging both mentally and physically as they have a very strict menu, time table and rules and regulations. (things I don't like to follow) My acceptance letter What Is Vipassana? Vipassana, which means to see things as they really are, is one of India's most ancient techniques of meditation. It was taught in India more than 2500 years ago as a universal remedy for universal ills. (Example - The Art of Living). In the Buddhist tradition means insight into the true nature of reality. The whole purpose is to meditate until you become "empty". We all have ideas of who we are and what things are. So Vipassana is there to teach you to do nothing and just meditate - you get contemplate, reflect, observe your bodies sensations and live your own experience. By doing this you can learn to empty the mind and let go of your concepts, fears, beliefs, perceptions, ideas, perspectives, ideas and just see things as they are. How Much Does It Cost? When I read about how it works, it reminded me of the concept"pass it forward." Which means you pay for the next person in line or in front of you. There are no charges for this course. It's all for free, yes free! Everything from, rooming, food, and accommodation. They pay their expenses by accepting donations from people who have completed the course and experienced the benefits from Vipassana. This is so you can give the opportunity to the next person. Also the teachers conducting the course, the course managers and all those who work in the kitchen are all volunteers. Everyone is there to help each other. How Long Does It Last? It can be either 7 days, 10 days or 30 days. There are some courses that go on for longer. But in order to qualify for these classes have to of completed perquisite courses. All you are doing is meditating so they teach you the technique and then you have "x" amount of days to practice. The technique of Vipassana Meditation is taught at courses, during which you will learn the basics of the method, and can practice sufficiently to experience its beneficial results. It's a total of 120+ hours of meditation, which means over 12 hours of meditation per day. How Hard Can It Really Be? What Are You Going To Be Doing? Here is the daily schedule The Vipassana technique is used to help you become aware of the impermanence of everything that exists. This is all done through the breath. Meaning that for 120+ hours I will be in complete silence and not say anything for over 10 days. I have had some powerful and creative experiences when I was silent for a whole day; I am looking forward to what 10 days will mean for me. Vipassana meditation has three practical aspects to that they focus on developing. Here they are: Firstly, throughout the 10 days you will follow Sila, a code of conduct whereby you refrain from speech and actions that are harmful to yourself and others. Secondly, for the first three and a half days you will practice Anapana meditation, the observation of the breath, to help calm down and concentrate the mind. Thirdly, from Day 4 onward, you will practice Vipassana, the meditation of mental purification by insight. What you cannot bring to Vipassana The toughest part for me is going to be their food schedule. Since I workout and I like to remain active I require a lot of food. I just eat a lot. I also eat meat. This course provides only three meals per day (I normally eat 5-7!) In the mornings I normally eat 4-5 eggs depending on how hungry I am. Now I will be served oatmeal porridge, cold cereal, and toast are served as well as fresh fruit. For Lunch I normally eat a lot of meat along with beans, rice or some sort of carbohydrates. Here I will get rice and vegetables, and a protein such as tofu, lentils, beans or paneer. They also serve this mean with a salad. So far this doesn't sound too bad. At 5:00 p.m. they provide a light evening snack that is served of fruit and tea. This is going to be my biggest challenge as at night I eat anything I can find. I anticipate weight loss as well as some sort of mild hunger. I currently weigh 170 pounds, and will re-weigh myself when I am finished. Where Is It? Since I live in Canada, the one that I will be going to is located in Egbert, Ontario. If you are from Canada and you are interested in applying check out their website. There are courses around the world, so if you have any hesitations or questions let me know, I'd love to help. What The Point Of This Post? As stated above, the most inspiring and creative outlets that I've had happen to me have come from meditation or some sort of silence. This is going to the extreme for me. 10 days of only meditation and silence. I plan to write a very long and detailed post on how 120 hours of silence affected me. Questions and Comments If you have any questions or comments for me, let me know below. Question for you: If you've done Vipassana, how has it been for you? How has meditation benefited your life? Do you struggle with starting meditation, if so let me know why? Sources cited: Vipassana Centre, Wikipedia- 5 replies
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