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Found 2 results

  1. I'm very interested to read what you Daobums have to say about this, especially those with years of experimentation. As I've said in another post I'm weight training at the moment and it's pretty brutal 3 times per week full body. I'd say it's an intermediate workout. It mixes really nice with some some Taoist practices. I do them separately of course at totally different times. I do iron shirt and six sounds. I feel this aids in recovery massively and every session I either get stronger or better at maintaining form with the weights. I'm also certain the 3 sets of 20 breathing squats i'm doing supersetted with breathing pull overs really helps my stance develop too. Now say for a contrast. When I was taught a tendon changing set in Taiwan, the teacher strictly was against weightraining and mixing it with tendon changing . I can appreciate this for sure. I'd be very interested to know what supplementary strength work you use / swear by and what kind of practices do you find compatible or not, also maybe what kind of sequences do you use, ie lifting at start or end of session etc. So yeah what works for you in terms of weight training, weight lifting, power lifting, body weight training etc?. I'd really like if this was a popular thread as I bet you have got some great and varied opinions on this topic. Look forward to reading your replies... I think I really start to understand why the Shaolin concentrate on such a strong physical base for their students early on. I think carrying water up mountains every morning would do wonders for your 3 treasures !!
  2. Hi all, First off is there any way to delete a topic on the mobile version of this site? All I see are options to edit posts. So I have started my journey of meditation, but I was wondering if it should be coupled with some form of weight training, or cardio. In Chia's Awaken Healing Light of the Tao, he says exercise is important, but that you lose chi when you get out of breath. Should I just get into the sauna as exercise and do some Zhan Zhaung in there? I dont know if Im ready for Chi Gong or how I would practice it because I dont have wifi so I can't watch youtube really. Any good books that teach Chi Gong? Also I enjoy running on the beach by my house. Should I do that or would it mess up my energy to be out of breath? I used to go to the gym a lot, but I am a small guy so I have to eat a ton to gain any weight. I really don't think I need to be gaining weight, I just liked the effects of the gym (increased testosterone, increased vascularity). What are you guys' opinion on these topics. I know theres already a post about weightlifting which I have read. P.S. Does anyone find Mantak Chia's 6 healing sounds or Inner Smile meditations useful?