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Found 1 result

  1. Hi guys. I have a very weird question I'd like to ask. I experienced what you would call a spontaneous kundalini awakening a year and a half ago, It completely turned my life upside down and also messed up my career. I had to switch jobs and I find myself way, way overqualified to do the mundane work that I'm doing now. I have been reading online about various secret and occult organizations which appropriate mystical imagery, such as the Illuminati, NWO, freemasons, etc, and I am wondering, does my spontaneous kundalini qualify me to join any of those groups?? I am vastly intelligent, creative, and capable, but all my qualities are currently being wasted. If any of these secret groups are hiring people, then I would like to work for them and put my skills to good use. Does anybody know how to make this happen? I have no clue where to begin. I certain that 99.99% of what is written about them on the internet is pure fantasy (just like what is written about kundalini), but I am equallty certain that such groups do exist, if under different names with different motives and different characters. So they're definitely out there in some form, but they are difficult to reach. I'm sure it's one of those situations where you have to know the right people, and sometimes this entails having to know the person who knows the person who knows the right people. Can anyone here point me toward the right direction? Thanks.