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Found 1 result

  1. Celibacy and Will Power

    I am new to the site and joined after getting enlightened about few things relating to celibacy and will power. I want to share my experience and knowledge in brief. I am staying in India currently. I have been a long believer in science and scientific logic and excluded anything and everything not in sync with scientific principles. However, my interest is gradually starting to develop in things that exist or that happen but still there is no scientific evidence yet to prove it. Meditation, for example till last few decades had no scientific approval. Science used to laugh it away. Yoga is another. If we go further, even God is not approved by science yet. Would it not be appropriate to say that science is just trying to give us answer to many things that exist already, Science has not created Sun or Moon. Yes scientific discoveries benefit us all tremendously. But science is evolving at all times. It is not complete. So, what exists is more powerful than science. Science is just a student. The bottom line is that what science says today may be different what it say and does tomorrow. Therefore many ancient things are more powerful than science, e.g. spirituality. Why; because that exists, science is not powerful enough today to explain it, To pronounce a theory on it yet. That lead us to consider that ancient shastras, ancient scripts, old principles that may be related to spirituality, health or anything else deserve more attention. Modern medical science says that Celibacy is not good or at least it is not beneficial to us. Or semen retention is not healthy. But some of our ancient scripts says that semen has divine energy into it. Mahatma Gandhi, as we all know, practiced celibacy for some time, considerable long time. His grandson explains why Gandhi undertook celibacy in an interview on You tube. He says that Gandhi believed that he needed a lot of inner energy (not necessarily physical energy), soul power, a moral force to tackle a lot of difficult problems of his time. So whether or not semen retention or celibacy has any medical benefits, it definitely has spiritual power in it. It empowers you, it gives you the divine confidence that you are beyond the ordinary. Therefore will power is something, which science will take many decades to explain. But our ancient spiritual masters has already explained it thousands and thousand of years ago. I welcome views of fellow members on this. Love to all.