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Some more questions

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Is the Tao the "uncaused cause" in Taoism?


What is the goal of Taoist practice, if any?

Edited by nac

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Real short answer

To see reality.


Short answer II.

We get side tracked by questions of powers, immortality and various sects, but the goal (IMHO) is to see the world clearly. The Tao lens presents a world of 5 elements and yin and yang. To look beyond forms into the interaction of those forces.



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  thelerner said:

We get side tracked by questions of powers, immortality and various sects, but the goal (IMHO) is to see the world clearly. The Tao lens presents a world of 5 elements and yin and yang. To look beyond forms into the interaction of those forces.

Taoists see everything as interactions between primal forces?

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  evZENy said:

What goal !?


Doesn't Taoism have a goal? Why is it practiced?

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