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I have emotions, but I am not my emotions

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I've recently found that I can run up and down my core channel with no sense of effort or blockage. With the orbit it feels too large and clumsy, in the spine it's much narrower and FAST. I recently came across the quote for which this post is named in some meditation notes of Ken Wilber, and found it very empowering, the same quote translating for body, thoughts, and desires. My previous alchemical approach of "converting" negative emotion, was always somewhat forced and clumsy, and while regular practice certainly improves my baseline, it does to help me in times when I feel overwhelmed by some negative emotion, usually a fast process, which has an immediate impact, and also usually at times when sitting and meditating is not so much an option. What I've found is that by dis-identifying this way from my emotions, and carrying them as opposed to being them, I'm driven into my core channel, inside my spine, where no matter what I'm feeling in my organs or thinking in my head, it's nice and quiet. It feels like being in a cozy quiet room while a storm goes by outside. And now from this place, those storms of negative emotion, they've become the best way to highlight the quiet of my core. Contrast defines it. So in a strange way I'm almost craving stimulation of those negative feelings, as opportunities to get inside my core and look out at them unfased. It's a wonderful twist on things.



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Very nice post Brian.


When we experience our emotions, they are extremely useful, allowing us to make choices that guide our lives in a direction we want to go. When we identify with our emotions, we become trapped and tend to feel helpless and perpetuate patterns of conditioned behavior that are often unhealthy.


We will all experience pain in our lives but pain only becomes suffering when we identify with it and struggle against it.

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