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maybe it all comes down to wanting to avoid pain and suffering? perhaps you associated darkness with being subject to surprise attack or unexpected suffering. We are vulnerable creatures and it is good to be vigilant.


it is just that i had hear in the same place a strange sound in my ear before i ran away and today i felt the same and today and that other day for a year before it was both night full moon, i wonder if there is spirits there, when it is full moon, you see it is only in that place i feel afraid, could be haunted? I had been in like 10 fights and many things and in many places and never be afraid, but that place boy uuuuuuhhhhhh it scares me,


oh, then maybe it is haunted. I read that feeling deep fright and maybe paralyzed by it with hairs standing is because of a nearby spirit or ghost. the body somehow feels the presence instinctively. :)

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Good words Desert Eagle very good words yes


I feel darkness is something extrange something that my mind can not understand : What it is?


But is it good or bad to be afraid?


Desert Eagle when i am walking in that wood in full moon at night ( 22 or 23 pm) i feel that the trees and plants are like looking to me like if they were old spirits!!

Thanks for listen Desert Eagle


I saw in an anime that deals with martial arts and qigong training called kenichi that the master took the disciple to an ancient undisturbed forest in Yamagata and he said that it was because the chi there is stronger and helps expedite the training progress and the student noticed this surge of energy.


Some animes can be an accurate reference but I'm sure there other references to the effect of a good environment on training. I went once to the wilderness and got so much energy in 3 days that I had a very noticeable improvement in my health and reduced need for sleep. Maybe it's not malevolent spirits, Perhaps those trees are more evolved spiritually so that you can sense their presence? :)


Max Christensen in his book about Kunlun recommended that you ask permission from the trees near you before you start practice. :)



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When a young man comes of age, it is common in some cultures to have him face his fear. Staying for the whole night out, in a place where there is no real danger, but all the appearences of danger, can be a good one.


Provided there are no serious wild animals (I don't know where you are, some woods still do have wolves and bears), it sounds like your wood can be that place for you. You could go there, find yourself a confortable spot, maybe bring a blanket, and not sleep. It is fairly important that you do not sleep. If you know how, cast a circle of protection around yourself. If you know what, you can sing song that gives you power, or remind you of your own power. You just need to face your shadows. By the morning the magic will have had its effect, and you will never be that scared of woods. In fact they might actually turn out to be quite your allies.


After all, have you ever thought how bad would it be for those spirits if they were tu meet you? :-D


Or maybe you can look on internet, and find a group of native american, or similar, which will organise a similar initiation for you, while integrating it into a wider ritual.


It's ok, we all have gone through it, at one time or another.



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For me, being alone in the forest at night, with all kinds of animals living around, is one of the best/special memories I have.

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For me, being alone in the forest at night, with all kinds of animals living around, is one of the best/special memories I have.


Where is your avatar from? maybe it is a good movie to watch about meditating in the forest. :)


Hey my old friend yeeeee you get energy from the real the real wild haaaaaaaaaaaaaa :lol: power to you


yes I had a great time and I would live there forever as a hermit if I could. :)

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I was today walking alone in the woodland path and it was dark, and i felt afraid!

Then i was wondering why was i afraid? Why do i feel afraid when it is deep dark?


Any comments or feels?


Good Night


Funny you ask me that question. Don't you know your own feelings? Pay attention! If you pay attention you will know why you're afraid.


But since you're a lazy ass who wants to be told why you feel the way you do, I can tell you why.


The situation there reminded you of the transitory nature of things/situations and you felt an unwillingness to lose the world as you know it, and by "the world" I mean YOUR world... or what you think your world is. You think when things appear a certain way, it's your world, and when they don't, it's not your world. So you don't want to experience what you think is "not your world".


That's high level.


More concretely it means you don't want to sustain injuries to your body. You don't want to meet a snake for example. It means you don't want to sustain injuries to your mindset either, so you don't want to meet a crazy person in the forest. You don't want to suffer, so you don't want dangerous ticks dropping from the branches above. You don't want to get lost (unable to retrieve the experience you are familiar with). Etc.... All those feelings manifest as one overall feeling. They don't have to be separate. There is a general feeling of not willing to experience anything and everything. You are selective.


We think that in order for us to feel comfortable we have to be in certain pretty specific conditions. At the same time, in the back of our minds we realize those conditions cannot always be maintained, and we also realize that sometimes they have to be absent completely too. And yet we feel an unwillingness to enter into that new condition freely, and this creates the feeling of fear. We think that a certain condition is comfortable and the other condition is not. It's like if you think that tomatoes are tasty and olives are foul. Then you don't want to eat an olive and you hope your tomatoes never run out. But at the back of your mind you know that tomatoes will run out and you'll need to eat olives. And you don't want to. Really don't want to. That's fear.


If you open yourself to anything and everything (and this really means anything and everything) then you become fearless.

Edited by goldisheavy

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...If you pay attention you will know why you're afraid.


Good point! Very good point.


But since you're a lazy ass ...

:lol: we all are (or have been).

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Pietro your words are very wise and good, i had that plan for like a year now!!


I am going to the most remote near place for me, and going to stay there all weekend in the wood, whit malt, figs, nut and some banana :) and the hammock and books.


And there i am going to meet my shadows :D buuu hihihih


That other place that i talked before in this thread is not so good to stay so long, is to little and boats and many people goes there, day and night, even the dogs :angry:


But i tell you that other place i am talking to stay soon, is the most remote and silence and wild place in my City, this plan that i have, it's going to be near the winter, i know the date.


Very good Desert Eagle, i love Hermits too :mellow:




Don't forget the water.

My other suggestion would be:

security: make sure someone knows where you are, &/or add a mobile, with no internet connection, & turned off(just in case).

maybe forget the books. Although I do sometimes bring them in this kind of situations, the experience is usually stronger if you do not have ways to distract yourself. Your choise.

Don't bring the ipod ;-)... or the laptop :lol: .

Books, and music tend to connect you with your "usual self". Let that go.

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Don't bring the ipod ;-)... or the laptop :lol: .

Books, and music tend to connect you with your "usual self". Let that go.



Totally true ... I hope there comes a day when I can go someplace and just be without my ipod and macbook. :o

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