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that's what i call (a better kind of) news.


it should be repeated untill something is changed for the better, just like in iran.


the video has almost 1000 votes and apparently all of them 5 stars. that must say something.

Edited by froggie

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The allegorical meaning behind religions sounds very plausible to me, perhaps they were connected to morals by humans to prevent a negative event. But Abrahamic end times are clear that no one will survive and everyone will be judged, but the location of heaven and hell are not clear, in the islamic version the sky will collapse and the earth changed into another earth.



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I used to work in a port and was wondering why they say a ship is birthing which is the same word for child birth. And now this video says that we are treated as cargo in maritime law, a cargo is claimed when it enters a country. but claimed by who? he didn't say directly but started talking about the bloodlines of the rulers, so he means that those are the ones who claim us as property? we are born from the void (the sea) and entered this earthly realm and now most of those born are being claimed as property via the birth certificate?


It is intriguing the difference between laws and statutes, a person and a human. Needs to be studied further.

Edited by Desert Eagle

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