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I hope everything is well with you all. This odd mix of Taoists and Buddhists hanging out somewhere in cyberspace sharing with eachother or arguing :lol:


Just wanted to share with you all what I have been up to in Korea. I have been having a great time teaching and enjoying Korean culture. The food and people are alot of fun. I also have been training a little at the 6th Patriarch Zen Temple in Seoul with Master Sunim. I really respect Buddhist wisdom alot. Though my primary practice remains Kunlun. I am going to Hawaii in a couple weeks to train with Sifu Max.


The questions and conversations here can continue for a long time so I feel I made the right decision in no longer posting here. It's nothing personal but seems to be the natural progession of things for me. I don't want to add to the confusion or suffering of anyone. Especially those who are genuinely interested in the spiritual path or awakening.


Taobums Webmaster Sean has threatened to come to Korea so will see :) Maybe have some fun with my Taoist Bums brother.


Anyway, it seems the "Kunlun debates" are still going strong! Let me know if there is anything pressing you would like for me to ask Max. And only if you are sincere please. I think sincerity is something important to work on.


Best wishes,



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I hope everything is well with you all. This odd mix of Taoists and Buddhists hanging out somewhere in cyberspace sharing with eachother or arguing :lol:


Just wanted to share with you all what I have been up to in Korea. I have been having a great time teaching and enjoying Korean culture. The food and people are alot of fun. I also have been training a little at the 6th Patriarch Zen Temple in Seoul with Master Sunim. I really respect Buddhist wisdom alot. Though my primary practice remains Kunlun. I am going to Hawaii in a couple weeks to train with Sifu Max.


The questions and conversations here can continue for a long time so I feel I made the right decision in no longer posting here. It's nothing personal but seems to be the natural progession of things for me. I don't want to add to the confusion or suffering of anyone. Especially those who are genuinely interested in the spiritual path or awakening.


Taobums Webmaster Sean has threatened to come to Korea so will see :) Maybe have some fun with my Taoist Bums brother.


Anyway, it seems the "Kunlun debates" are still going strong! Let me know if there is anything pressing you would like for me to ask Max. And only if you are sincere please. I think sincerity is something important to work on.


Best wishes,




Hi Cameron,


Check out the whole jewels of Korean Zen lineage while you're at it. Some who I deeply respect include Suh Sahn Dae Sah, Kyung Huh Sunim, So Yo Tae Neung, and Won Hyo.


I think Kunlun is taking a more positive direction here recently with honest and open discussions. Especially with -O-'s efforts. Hope Max is doing well on his own thing.


Don't eat the "fire chicken" they sell on the streets. It just might paralyze you. ;).

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I'll be careful!


Going to go listen to Master Sunims Dharma talk this morning. He combines Zen with Sundo training so is quite an interesting approach. I have also started doing Brazillian Jiu Jitsu recently here in Seoul. I am really enjoying myself and will probably do the international thing long term.


Anyway, just wanted to check in with you all. Signing out again for a good while and will drop in occassionally to see what everyone is up to.



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Glad to hear you're having a good time, Cam! :)


mmmmmm... Korean food... ever so pissed I'm not eating it right now! :P

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Good to hear from you. You have inspired me to attempt teaching English as a second language (at some time in the next 10 years, small steps for me :lol: )


Be happy, be well, love all.

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Hey Cameron :)


Enjoy Korea and good luck with the BJJ classes. Say hi to Max !


Greetings, Mike

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The questions and conversations here can continue for a long time so I feel I made the right decision in no longer posting here. It's nothing personal but seems to be the natural progession of things for me.


I am an arahant and still post here :)


It is as good as anywhere else.


Btw, have fun in Korea and don't eat too much kimchi.





Edited: typo.

Edited by durkhrod chogori

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Thank you all for your kind words :)


My last message here that I humbly put forth. imho the purpouse of any authentic spiritual practice is to realize that it's all one. This simple realization of oneness is the amazing reality of what we really are-all of us.


If your practice isn't moving in the direction of experiencing oneness more and more. Then perhaps your not doing the right practice or need to evaluate things more.


Of course it's all beyond words. Beyond right or wrong. It's the deepest part of our hearts and I know it's in every one of us no matter how screwed up life can seem sometimes.


Of course there are alot of interesting lessons and fun to be had in the illusion of seperation. Our minds have done a great job convincing us all that these dramas are real. And of course in a certains ense they are real.


But at the end of the day it's still all one. As Adyashanti says I really don't care what anyone does as long as you get the oneness thing.


Take good care,



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Hi Cameron,


Of course it's all beyond words. Beyond right or wrong. It's the deepest part of our hearts and I know it's in every one of us no matter how screwed up life can seem sometimes.


Excellent point.


Wayne L Wang (Dynamic Tao) said basically the some thing. No matter how far we drift away from Tao we are always at one with it - we can always go back.


Be well!

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I like that. That you can always go back.


Or maybe it really is what is always and already present like the Advaita crowd always says.


Even though I had a good look at the truth when I was around 20 the last 14 years or so I havel been lingering around in a kind of shock and awe phase. Taoist stuff is great because it gives you tools to help ground and balance your awareness in your body. But once you see what is I don't think there is any turning back. Atleast for me. As much as I might think I could do something else I still find myself sitting in a pathetic excuse for lotus in fron of a Zen Master in Korea and flying off to Hawaii to study more with Max.


I'll stop here with something Zen Master Sunim told the American monk in residence at 6th Patriarch Zen Center in Seoul. Master Sunim pointed at me during lunch and told the monk to tell me the same.


"With each thought that arises your Buddha Nature is together with it."

Edited by Cameron

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Hi Cameron,


Yeah, With each thought that arises your Buddha Nature is together with it.


Regardless of where we are at a given moment we are exactly where we are supposed to be. (Even when we have gone morally and spiritually astray.)


The "going back" term is rather difficult to understand because we really have not gone away (from Tao), it is just that our consciousness decieves us into all kinds of wierd thinking.


Be well!

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Exactly. I took out the stop reading books part because that might have been advice specific to the student. But that second part I really like.


Just one more thing and I would like to bow out. Very soon after I met Master Sunim I found out he thinks highly of Eckhart Tolle. Besides Max the main teachers I have been interested in have been Adyashanti and Eckhart Tolle. I think there was some sentiment expressed here that some how the teachers in the East are better or something that the teachers in the West.


So it was refreshing for me that a Korean Zen Master feels Eckhart is doing good work. The way Master Sunim ranks someone is from the bottom up. Not from the top down like we do. So he ranked some teachers for his student here I spoke with in this way.


3. Eckhart Tolle

2. Krishnamurti

1. Buddha


I like how the top dog is the lowest instead of the highest. Very Taoist. I also think humilty and compassion are big time traits you see in these teachers.


And I have seen nothing but these same traits in Sifu Max.





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Ahhhh...just hanging here for a few minutes and I am responding to different threads. I enjoy this place but I have written enough.



Edited by Cameron

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Ah! A real life question from Smile! Love it!


Yes indeed, 'enlightenment' (I still don't comlpletely understand that word as there are so many different definitions) can be had by anyone, not just people born on Maniland China.


Actually, I have stopped reading. I was at a point in my life where I was content with my understandings and had found a path to walk. Sure, I love discussing philosophical Taoism as it allows me to purify my thoughts and understandings.


Yes, Cameron, it would be great if you could pop in now and then and share with us some of your experiences.


Be well!

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