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Quality Involution (TTB)

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I'm just a concerned member.

Why do you think this happens?


In the past there were discussions with people that were involved in different types of trainings, with different teachers.


Now it seems that people don't have any more interest or time to spend learning from a teacher...


Could this be it or...?


- i'm not disputing over IF it happens, it's quite obvious to anyone that has been here a while

- i'm not pointing fingers, i'm just trying to figure out the cause


Could it be the nutrition? Media? Electric smog?



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Now it seems that people don't have any more interest or time to spend learning from a teacher...


Actually, my friend, to me it looks like an opposite kind of development. Many actually chose a teacher and decided to spend their time more with study without necessary interest in discussing things. Others chose their teacher and left for their forum.


All these controversial discussions might have been interesting, but did they lead anywhere?


I think each of us runs into a plateau one day where we talked what we talked and thought what we had to think. While the universe may be infinite our thoughts regarding certain things do have the tendency to run in circles infinitely, but not to grow that way to enhance discussions. So either one is repeating oneself over and over again, without realizing it, being sick of it or enjoying the small talk...


do I walk in circles?


I do.





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yes Harry, it seems many of them left and start doing things the way things are supposed to be done: 'a little less conversation and a little more action please' - did Elvis sing that?


i could do that, no problem. it's just one of my favourite places to spent the time when i'm on the www. so, yes, i'm concened.


you asked if the discussions lead anywhere. for me, they did...


i can't help see a pattern, regarding my activity and the activity of other members: first we come asking some questions. then we start making opinions. then we start being smart asses :lol:




the evolution of the 'smart ass' into a better taobum may or may not be possible. some of us i saw getting over that, and offering quite a good and balanced advice from time to time...



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'a little less conversation and a little more action please' - did Elvis sing that?


Indeed he did... just a completely different context though :D


you asked if the discussions lead anywhere. for me, they did...


for me too... and still: a lot of what you read today and will read tomorrow will be a repitition of what we had to say yesterday and the day before... that is the reason some friends after having talked a lot justr play chess or Tai Chi Push hands without talking...


i can't help see a pattern, regarding my activity and the activity of other members: first we come asking some questions. then we start making opinions. then we start being smart asses :lol:


Well. This is a much better progression compared to those who just chime in and are smart asses right away... but okay: they likely had their progression ahead in a different forum...


the evolution of the 'smart ass' into a better taobum may or may not be possible. some of us i saw getting over that, and offering quite a good and balanced advice from time to time...


What is a "better" taobum?


for me it is the progression from "bumhopper to smart ass to humbleness"


still in the training





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I think the real enjoyment of this place is not the 'information' or the words, but the familiar characters and personalities. The information can be useful but it's the social energy that's enjoyable.


The cool stuff is always in between the words.


I don't come here for help with practice... although sometimes I get that... I don't come here to get more avenues of 'research'... although sometimes I get that too... I don't come for the drama, the arguments, the youtube videos, the 'my master is better than yours' posts... but I get all of these... I actually come here for the people! but I enjoy the other bits too :)

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:D so i take it that you guys think that it's not too bad actually, eh?


i wish it was so :unsure:

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yeah I come here for the people too.


Practice discussion is really just popcorn. It's yummy and you can eat lots. But really it's better to be practicing than talking about it. I also find that no matter how many times people tell me stuff I don't really "get it" until I suddenly "discover" it myself.


p.s. I'll admit to liking the youtubes and the arguments too, sometime it's like a car crash here, can't help myself :unsure:

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Mainly I just try to read and learn.


No one has "cornered the market" on wisdom so I find crumbs from everyone...and I mean everyone.


So many times it hardly does any good to get into arguments about this or that. A person may have the answers another person needs, but until that other person is ready to hear/see those answers they will say that person is wrong and such.


I look at TTB as more of an all-you-can eat buffet. There are many offerings, some good and some bad. Even if I get something that is not as good I can always go back for something else. And what tastes good to me might not taste good to anyone else.

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Mainly I just try to read and learn.


No one has "cornered the market" on wisdom so I find crumbs from everyone...and I mean everyone.


So many times it hardly does any good to get into arguments about this or that. A person may have the answers another person needs, but until that other person is ready to hear/see those answers they will say that person is wrong and such.


I look at TTB as more of an all-you-can eat buffet. There are many offerings, some good and some bad. Even if I get something that is not as good I can always go back for something else. And what tastes good to me might not taste good to anyone else.





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