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....I'm on a lonely, broke sabbatical-- writing my book (finishing? the rough, at least,) prior to my departure to china.


And as bad-ass I am, I have no one to tell, excepting this board. I AM A GENIUS.


I even know this is the wrong place to do this sort of thing. I just, ... I have to shout it from the roof-tops.


Many of you assholes may even own a copy of my book in the coming years. It's really coming out brilliantly.


I am such a genius !!!!!!!!!!

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....I'm on a lonely, broke sabbatical-- writing my book (finishing? the rough, at least,) prior to my departure to china.


And as bad-ass I am, I have no one to tell, excepting this board. I AM A GENIUS.


I even know this is the wrong place to do this sort of thing. I just, ... I have to shout it from the roof-tops.


Many of you assholes may even own a copy of my book in the coming years. It's really coming out brilliantly.


I am such a genius !!!!!!!!!!


:rolleyes: Awesome. Look forward to the book.

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Well, just be careful while you are on the roof top. Even though you are a genius I highly doubt that you can fly.


Be well!

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Can you tell me what you're having because, I want some B)


Whats the book about?

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....I'm on a lonely, broke sabbatical-- writing my book (finishing? the rough, at least,) prior to my departure to china.


And as bad-ass I am, I have no one to tell, excepting this board. I AM A GENIUS.


I even know this is the wrong place to do this sort of thing. I just, ... I have to shout it from the roof-tops.


Many of you assholes may even own a copy of my book in the coming years. It's really coming out brilliantly.


I am such a genius !!!!!!!!!!




Humble too! <_<

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You crazies write the best books because you see the world through different eyes. Put me down for an autographed copy.





If the price was reasonable I'd even be interested in an early draft.

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<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="

name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="
type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>

there, all better now  :rolleyes:

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oh !


Well, it is titled:


I CHING METAPHYSICS; Modern Taoist Philosophy


Cool title, huh? But I am filling it up with quite a bit of very cool stuff. Revolutionary, a good deal of it ! no joke !


It...uh... I only have, ... you know... about 30 pages on Word document.... uh....


but I still have a few more chapters to go. I think I may get it to 50!


I'll probably edit it as a hobby while I am in Beijing, and when I get back I am going to work with one of my philosophy professors a bit about it. So, uh... I'm writing it... but publishing it is a few steps down the road...


but it's getting done, and if I may say, brilliantly so !


Really ! Prolific ! It's turning out to be a vast, comprehensive philosophical system, all grounded in a simple metaphysic !


oh ... well... I get excited sometimes :) I've totally lost touch with my meditation. ... but, I know... I have spent the last several years cultivating P'o-- I plan to continue to do so for at least another 8 or so <_<

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oh !


Well, it is titled:


I CHING METAPHYSICS; Modern Taoist Philosophy


Cool title, huh? But I am filling it up with quite a bit of very cool stuff. Revolutionary, a good deal of it ! no joke !


It...uh... I only have, ... you know... about 30 pages on Word document.... uh....


but I still have a few more chapters to go. I think I may get it to 50!


I'll probably edit it as a hobby while I am in Beijing, and when I get back I am going to work with one of my philosophy professors a bit about it. So, uh... I'm writing it... but publishing it is a few steps down the road...


but it's getting done, and if I may say, brilliantly so !


Really ! Prolific ! It's turning out to be a vast, comprehensive philosophical system, all grounded in a simple metaphysic !


oh ... well... I get excited sometimes :) I've totally lost touch with my meditation. ... but, I know... I have spent the last several years cultivating P'o-- I plan to continue to do so for at least another 8 or so <_<


Interestingly enough it is quite common for young people to be touched. Have an important intuition. And then pass the rest of their life working on it. Just don't assume you are always going to feel that way. It's easy to feel a genius in your twenties (just guessing by the fact you speak about your "one of my philosophy professors"), it's harder down the line. ;-)

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But then it gets easier later on.


Be well!


How interesting!

How does this happens?


When you are young you feel immortal (few or none of your friends have died, you often have no serious illness or signs of age), if you are smart you will compare yourself with the average 20 something guy whose interest dont go much farther than sport and videogames. And you compare them on your chosen field (like, you like Taoism, and you know much more about Taoism than them). You also have those great intuitions that no one seem to be able to understand.


Later in life you start to age, your faculties are not as bright. And the more you were bright, the sooner you can feel this starting to happen. On average mathematicians reach their peak at 25. People who study physics at 30.


One example, Einstein was 26 when he published the special relativity.


Also as time gores by you know more and more people of your field. People who have similar interest. Now you are really competing with peers. And is harder.


But what makes it really harder is that you start to look at the people who made up this civilization. The immortal names that we all know. You might even know one or two by that time. And believe me, it's harder to feel a genius respect to them.


But then you say:


But then it gets easier later on.


I am lost. Can you explain me when (and why) does this happens.


Many thanks,


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Why so desperately clinging to this pseudo-ego ?




He'll figure it out.


Or we'll have another book based in ideas rather than achievements.


No offense findley, swift travels through the big-head phase. Po does that. ^_^

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Hi Pietro,


But then you say:

QUOTE(Marblehead @ Aug 5 2009, 01:36 AM)


But then it gets easier later on.



I am lost. Can you explain me when (and why) does this happens.


Many thanks,



This will be difficult to explain in just one post but I will at least attempt to present the basis for saying what I said.


(Remember, I am an older person, retire, and have 'enough' to satisfy my needs.)


I agree, when we are younger there is a need to compete (sadly). We compete for employment, soul mates, with our peers, etc. The list goes on and on.


We struggle to become financially well established. Thing is though, all these things that we are striving and struggling for are all externals. We get caught up with the thought "How do I look in the eyes of others?"


Speaking only for myself, as I aged I came to realize that most of the things I had worried about in life really weren't very important. What I found to be most important to me as I entered old age was that being at peace with myself was one of the most important things for me to concentrate on.


Now, as I mentioned, I am financially secure but wealthy by no means - I have enough. That is, enough so that externals are not a concern for me. Having no external concerns I no longer need to compete with anyone. Therefore there is no one in my life who competes with me.


Contentment with externals (please view this phrase lightly as there are many thing I would like to change regarding my externals and when there is something I can do I respond but if there is nothing I can do I don't worry myself about it) is the first step toward inner contentment.


Regarding inner contentment I oftentimes use the statement: Being able to do anything I wish and naturally causing no harm or anger to others. This can be a challenge because it requires one to be very flexible, to adjust oneself to ones surroundings and all other life forms in those surroundings.


Once we find contentment we will find inner peace. Now, I don't know if the use of the word "happy" is applicable here but I take the liberty to use it and suggest that I am happy.


So basically, if we are able to grow beyond the concept that externals are extremely important we will have a better chance at finding that inner peace and contentment that most of us long for.


Be well!

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I'd like to read your book once it is out.


Can you read or speak chinese? They have such good books! What the hell do we have?! starbucks?!

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Oh, I have a big head ;)


Well, no-- I cannot read or write in chinese yet. This is the primary reaon for my moving to Beijing this coming academic year.


--It is, however, a book based on Idea's. In fact, it is being presented as a somewhat comprehensive philosophical system, grounded in a specific aspect of I Ching Metaphysics.

However the fact that my last section is titled 'enlightenment', wherein I will discuss implications for enlightenment, I dare not say that I have achieved such a state. However, I would like to express the notion that, perhaps, philosophy grounded on 'experience' is actually less valid that that which is grounded solely on decent philosophical basis. (ie I have read a few books written by the 'enlightened'-- or those who claim to be.)


Hopefully, the idea's should speak for themselves.


I am still finishing up the rough-draft, (skeleton-form,) of the treatise-- it will be some, some time before I am even going to consider looking for publishment. Likely around the end of the fall semester, after this one.(in this respect, I regret bringing it up :rolleyes: )

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Great, another book on the I-Ching by someone who does not know Classical Chinese. :P I am just teasing, though. Good luck on you project.


However the fact that my last section is titled 'enlightenment', wherein I will discuss implications for enlightenment, I dare not say that I have achieved such a state. However, I would like to express the notion that, perhaps, philosophy grounded on 'experience' is actually less valid that that which is grounded solely on decent philosophical basis. (ie I have read a few books written by the 'enlightened'-- or those who claim to be.)


For the counter view on philosophical versus experiential based understanding you are going to want to get seriously versed on Nietzsche, Heidegger, Heigl, and maybe some Jung for good measure. If you do not do this first, you will not have a strong bases for your arguements either way. And when I say well versed, I mean that you should read the primary sources and not just what collage professors or textbooks have to say about them.


I have found that most textbooks are written by people with only a very superficial knowledge of these deep and profound philosophical thinkers. And sadly, this is often true of many (not all) college philosophy professors as well.


But basically, you cannot know what Western rational (non-experiential) philosophy has to say about enlightenment without deeply reading the work of these men.

Edited by Zhuo Ming-Dao

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Oh, and just to let you know, you will almost certainly not be learning traditional characters in Beijing. Mainland China only uses simplified characters, making a deep reading of the Yijng (I-Ching) very difficult IMO. Oh, and Mainland also does not use Wade-Giles romanization, so you will have to get used to pinyin as well. Oh, the fun of transliteration...


If you are going for the purpose of learning to read ancient texts, Taiwan might be a more fruitful place to go, unless you are specifically doing a program on Classical Chinese in Beijing. Most places, though, do not teach Classical Chinese until after you are at the third year college level (which one could achieve in about a year abroad or so at most programs).

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