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Tao and us

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Under our present status , a pseudo-ego is in domination , which unfortunately is mistakenly believed by us as the host of this body, and fools us by our desperately clinging to it. In our practice, no matter how hard we try , by relying on this pseudo self, the best we can get is just some post- heavenly qi , a static peaceful mindlessness or a healthier body, no matter what is far from solving the life- and- death issue of us , is far from attaining Tao .

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It is my opinion that we need our ego. The ego is part of our naturalness, of our natural being. It is the ego that instinctively aids us in our effort of survival.


The trick, IMO, is to understand why we have an ego, allowing it to do its thing without adding anything (additional responsibilities) to it.


Ego is the "I am" aspect of our existance. (It should never be allowed to become "I am better than ...")


The ego and inner peace and contentment are wonderful playmates as long as long as the ego doesn't pick up the ball and run to 'higher' places.


Be well!

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