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What is Considered "Dao"

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Hi Erdrickgr.


I hope I don't come off sounding rude but I don't agree with the quote above.


Yes, for those who have teachers available and who can afford the cost, sure, get a teacher.


But I don't see why a teacher is absolutely necessary because Tao is already in each and every one of us. The key is in learning how to access this (please excuse this word) power.


I have said this many times before and I will say it here now: The answers to all our questions lie within. We each must learn how to access this information. The means of doing this will vary greatly between individuals. Some may never find the way because their mind is cluttered with so much trash that they will never reach the innermost of their being.


Now, if you are interested in the arts then I would say Yes, find a teacher. But if your search is for inner peace and contentment then, as I suggested, the answers are within, out task is to find the way to the knowledge.


Be well!

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