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The Matrix

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Race is a proven myth. It's an extremely fuzzy, social classification strategy based on superficial visual characteristics that are the result of about .01 of our genetic makeup (that can rapidly shift in response to, ie: weather). The genetic difference between two Jewish individuals is just as likely to be significantly greater than the difference between a Jew and an individual of a different race.


Race-based conspiracy theories are the acme of ignorant paranoia. If a maniacal Jewish conspiracy is destroying the world then they are doing so with the help of a lot of a whole lot of non-Jews. So what is the co-conspirator's problem? Have their pure genes been infected by the evil Jewish pheremones? :blink:


Rational critique of individuals or groups abusing power should be based on the moral disagreements you have with their beliefs and the actions they are taking. Otherwise you are just promoting superstitions with no biological foundation.


My two cents.





[edit] I do want to say one last thing. I think it's entirely possible to put forward intelligent non-racist critiques of, say, decisions being made by political leaders and/or millitant radicals of Israel, or perhaps a balanced analysis of a set of values felt to be over-promoted by the American entertainment industry that has a large Jewish representation. But that is not what has occured in this thread.

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I agree 100% with what Sean has written here. And I don't support Nazi's . I can read or talk about whatever I want without it being my belief, you know?

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Sorry Cam, its can be a hot button issue. :(


Your writing and character speak for themselves. Now lets move onto less tangled topics, should partial birth abortion be allowed? and if so should we be allowed to eat the fetus? Controversial subject yes, but the article I've written for Bon Appetite magazine looks at both sides fairly.


There are probably a thousand or two subjects you agree w/ Lozen on and there's a good chance you're mostly in agreement about this one. You guys shouldn't sweat it.


In the words of an unknown meditator, making a glass of tea, I stop the war.





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I talked to Lozen and explained how this came about and apologized about my poor humor in the context. I don't think the issue will come up again unless she wants it to.


On a serious note, however, I have talked to Jews and Arabs both on the issue of Isreal and there seems to be no solution to this matter. I think Bush is really doing a disservice to America by invading Iraq and having our troops there. The reason I say this it is frankly impossible for an American to even remotely relate to the hatred between Arabs and Jews.


The funny thing my family being from Iran and I know many Iranian Jews so can't figure out what the problem is exactly. It is so deeply ingrained it's difficult to even isolate it down to..ok this is the problem and this would be a solution..type of thinking.


We should be out of there IMO. Lozen may disagree and say the US should be there to back up Isreal and democracy but that is when you are aligning the US as an enemy of the Arab world in genereal and frankly probably was the cause of 9/11 and other terrorrist attacks from extremist groups.


I really don't know what the solution is it is such deep hatred without any desire for real peace or understanding.

Edited by Cameron

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Well, from my understanding it is the many middle eastern people that hate us for supporting Israel(ok?) that is the problem.


I am not saying in the big picture this may not be the right thing to do but the US being friends with Israel makes us the enemy.


We would not be percieved as the enemy otherwise in my opnion.


It's all bullshit and I wish these people could just realize we are all human beings and have the right to the same freedoms and rights but that's not how it works. These people have been doing things this way for thousands of years.


Like I said it is a very difficult issue.

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Ok, let's drop all the political stuff which I am admittedly pretty clueless about anyway. What are the real issues? In my own family we have no anger at all towards Jews in fact I was sent to a school that was mostly Jewish until I was a teenager and many business friends are Jewish.


I can't figure it out. Does it really go back to that story in the Bible?

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No problem. I have friends who I disagree with pretty strongly on political issues on this topic and we are still friends and can (sometimes) talk about it unemotionally. I am not really sure what the real issues are--I have some opinions and people can also argue about history 'til the cows come home on any one aspect of this issue. I do not have any anger towards Arabs or Muslims either, in fact my best friend in high school was Muslim and I have a couple books from a mystic/Sufi sect my friend's mom studied. I do think a lot of the anger and hatred is based on the history of physical violence. In my family I remember my grandfather always said that people who blow themselves up are crazy--and I can't say I disagree.

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Ok so I get home from work and Matrix Revolutions is on. After watching it for a few minutes I have to admit it is seriously reaching to say the Matrix is supposed to be Jews.


Not to mention besides the special effects this movie sucks. The first one was pretty good.


Also, I think the director of the movie is jewish. Joel Silver I think?


So..needless drama I suppose.


I have enough Drama in my life right now without creating new interesting forms of drama on the internet LOL.

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There are actually college course based on discussing the Matrix. I saw the 2nd one on TV a few days ago, probably the 3rd time I've seen it. The first 2 times I kind of blanked off during the talk of the director and Neo. But this time I think I understood more of it.


So there were several matrixes (Hinduish cycles) before, most blowing out because humans didn't accept them. So they had to introduce the possibility of the matrix's existance to humanity to keep it from blowing out, that lasted longer, but led eventually to Zions and to Neo's.


Humanity and Neo was never a threat to the Matrix machine. It was only in accidentally creating a Super duplicating Smith that Neo had any leverage w/ the machine culture. Since Smith had seemingly duplicated most of the world by the end of the movie endangering the machines food/energy supply.



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