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I love KAP

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So... since I was too rev'd to get any sleep I decided least use the time constructively. Last week we learned Kan and Li and I made the surprising discovery that the interior of my body feels very damp and cold. In fact...I started to notice it ALWAYS feels damp and cold inside. I think that's one reason why I've always used a heating pad every evening as the heat helps diminish pain I often feel in my back and torso muscles. I also think I've unconsciously been using the heating pad to compensate for this constant cold, dampness. I think it's also why I've always disliked being in very cold, damp environments.


I have no idea what excessive cold, dampness in the interior of the body means in TCM (anyone who can enlighten me on that part please do). But I do know it has apparently contributed at least some to my chronic muscle pains.


Well...since starting Kan and Li I get a nice 'sauna' effect inside. It helps diminish the cold, damp feeling and bingo..pain in my muscles almost completely disappears for a few hours afterward.


It's also helping to give me more flexibility. It makes a great addition to some of my Pilates workouts. Oh...and it's all tons of fun. I like that my teacher, Tao Semko gives options for how to do the same exercise. Often times he'll teach both with visualization and a more 'tactile' option if that's more your preference (or better yet - do both).


It really is tons of fun. And now I can say it seems to have benefits for pain management and I suppose for correcting imbalances TCM-style.


I really don't know why I'm posting this. I guess I'm in a really happy buzz state - and all without any alcohol around at all.



p.s. The kriyas are getting positively funny now. Sometimes my body does such kooky stuff I can't help but laugh while they're going on.





Edited by SereneBlue

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Read this why you suffer from dampness:


You poured too much Yin in your cooking pot (stomach-ruled by Yang) and it has slowed down the fire represented by the spleen (ruled by Yin). Like this:







I would suggest you to visit a TCM practitioner, and get some herbs to remove stagnant "qi" and restablish its normal flow on those two organs, aside from fixing your diet. And please, don't drink cold water unless in the scorching heat of the summer season! :)



Edited: typo.

Edited by durkhrod chogori

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i have dampness! high five.

i think its because i've eaten too much bad unhealthy foods (taco bell?) at night. i developed lipomas and thats a definite indicator of dampness. i've been using the middle way formula here which is directed towards stomach/spleen qi dampness and deficiency..I saw a TCM Doc and he confirmed my diagnosis and said the herbs are good. but where did you get your diagnosis from? i suggest seeing a licensed acupuncturist/herbalist who has a Masters.


the herbs work. my dampness is clearing though it takes a long time since i've had this for years. i've been on the formula for almost 2 months.. and the big lipoma I had on my leg is shrunk twice in size. my digestion is also a little better.. and i feel better inside. but like I said, herbs work slow. I think acupuncture will also help, though its not necessary to overdo it. i'm seeing an acupuncturist next week.. he's awesome. I saw him 2 weeks ago for a free consult and for free he worked on me for an hour, he sent a lot of energy into my heart (he's a Qi Gong master) and I felt bliss for days.. and told me that lower dan tien breathing will really help clear up the dampness.

Edited by mikaelz

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It is becoming clear to me that Tao teaches KAP in a way that is more up my alley. Does the discount for retaking KAP 1 apply to taking it with a different teacher?

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It is becoming clear to me that Tao teaches KAP in a way that is more up my alley. Does the discount for retaking KAP 1 apply to taking it with a different teacher?


I think that you will find that it doesn't matter who you first did the course with as regards the discount.


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KAP 1 teaches Kan and Li.


I assume Kan and Li is similar to tummo? I'm unsure as to whether they're considered the same thing or not. All I know is it's because of Kan and Li that I became aware of the constant internal cold, dampness. I diagnosed myself just because there was no mistaking the difference. Once I'd had the chance to feel the difference it became quite easy to notice it was a constant thing. And there was certainly no mistaking how 'turning on the internal burn' greatly reduced the constant pain I've lived with for the last few years (thanks to a drunk driver hitting me).


He also gave suggestions today tailored to individual needs. And he's constantly stressing how all this should be fun...we should play around. If the 'standard' version of how to do something doesn't quite work for you then play around and see if you can come up with a variation that works for you. He keeps saying that's what Dr. Morris would teach. That your practice should be FUN. Bracket the practices you don't like with ones that you do.


You can always break them down into smaller sessions of bite-sized chunks - which is what I tend to do. I love how he stresses the tactile side of things! It's like he remembered there may be people in this world who were born blind but they shouldn't be forgotten. Visualization won't work for such people. Some of them might want to learn how to awaken Kundalini too. And he's right. It really 'powers up' your ability to feel the different sensations much faster than just via visualization alone.


Tao's also really good at Troubleshooting. Today's session was almost completely dedicated to troubleshooting assorted things we've each encountered during the practices. He listens, explains why those symptoms are happening then gives one or more remedies to correct it.


We got to learn about some mudras also. And now I know that apparently my hand kriyas are quite fond of making the protection mudra (hookem horns sign from UT Austin or as he reminded me a lot of Metal Headbangers love to do it at concerts :P )


p.s. If I recall correctly he also mentioned the protection mudra is also a grounding mudra. It grounds your energy with the earth.

Edited by SereneBlue

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