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Happy to be here

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Hello All,


I appreciate the opportunity to partake in this group with you. A group of this size and the combined wisdom is very promising and I look forward to snooping around.


I live a rural life in eastern North Carolina. Ten years ago I was partaking in a laymen study of Physics. During this study I stubbed my toe on the Tao Te Ching. It was as if I suddenly had clearer sight or better hearing.


However I still do not understand Physics very well.


I saw the power of the Tao not in what it says but in what it does not say. The lack of esoteric ideas and absence of dogma is a subtle relief but I quickly began to understand its great importance.


The idea that we are not really supposed to fully understand the Tao is liberating and expansive with possibility.


The concepts of good/bad or beautiful/ugly being abstracted from nature is both a freeing concept and also a reasonable burden on humanity.


This thing called Tao that I cannot hold, cannot use and cannot fully understand suddenly became very important to me.


I am also searching for a good vegetarian Thai peanut sauce.


Best Regards,



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