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I was just wondering if anyone has used spring forest in their personal lives for healing? I've used it with eye pains from contacts and intense weight lifting sessions.I wonder if it could be used to cure poor[mine] eyesight? In the video Chunny intimates this, so I wonder.MJJ. Becker suggested practicing for two hours, for two yesrs everyday and see where that takes me...interesting.I practice quite a few styles of chi gung but I break them up into different parts of the day.Sometimes-just sometimes it's so hard to measure benchmarks or milestones.I'm thinking healing might provide the pervasive motivation neccessary to persist.I mean to say concentarting on healing abilities rather than super duper powers may be more beneficial.Any thoughts on any of this?

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Sometimes-just sometimes it's so hard to measure benchmarks or milestones.I'm thinking healing might provide the pervasive motivation neccessary to persist.


I think I know what you mean. It would be so nice if you could get a star rating on a practices effectiveness or something :lol:


I mean, you would happily spend your entire life on something in full faith (because that's important) but then find out right at the end. Almost, but not quite...denied! :(


No SF info here but surly someone has done a bit of in depth practice in this one.

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I got a good eye healing story from Spring Forest Qigong. A friend of mine was several years younger and this was when he was 21 or so. I had moved into his house where I was practicing qigong a lot. He had been doing reiki but I explained to him how the full-lotus was much more effective than just meditation in reiki. So my friend actually took a class from Chunyi Lin. He could really feel the energy and was blown away. My friend had just got glasses but didn't really need them -- just barely. So my friend noted how much his eyesight had improved -- just from being in the same room with Chunyi Lin! When my friend told Chunyi Lin this Chunyi Lin responded in a way that cut down my friend's cocky young naive arrogance:


Why not try stop wearing your glasses?


This scared my friend away! haha. Then his acupuncturist told him that qigong was "too intense" for her -- she was Chinese as well. So qigong was too intense for him. Last I heard he was doing lsd instead. haha.


As for me I've completely relied on full-lotus qigong for healing my eyes. I was taken to the eye doctor in 2nd grade -- and got glasses when I was 8 years old. I would have fought it had I known better. When my sister first got glasses -- a weak lense when she was in her thirties -- I told her to stop wearing them. Now she doesn't need glasses anymore! I told her glasses will make your eyes worse!


I'm currently wearing a prescription that is at least 5 years old and when I had got a new eye test about a year ago the doctor said my eyes were pretty much the same. Those frames broke so I just switched back to my old frames. Actually I think they're 7 years old.

Edited by drewhempel

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Hi, I've been practicing SFQ off and on over the past 5 years or so, but over the past year I've been practicing regularly, almost every day, sometimes up to two hours a day. I've completed levels 1 through 3.


I haven't had as many opportunities to do the healings on people as I'd like, but out of all those that I have done, the majority of them have produced tangible results. I healed my mom's chronic back pain, which lasted about a week. I healed my next-door neighbor's numbness in her feet, which lasted for a few hours (it was a quick 5-minute healing session, might do more work on her again), I healed my friend's acid reflux apparently (he says it goes away sometimes on its own so it could have been coincidence), which lasted a couple weeks. I did a healing on another friend who has arthritis, who said he didn't notice anything.


I, too, have always been suspicious of eye glasses and eye doctors (all doctors for that matter haha)


I like the SFQ healing technique cause it's so simple. None of all this nonsense to supposedly "protect" yourself from "negative" entities/energies/whatever-other fear-based superstitions that I see in a lot of healing systems.

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Oh, and I did a healing on my sister when she was coming down with a cold. By the end of the day, all her symptoms were gone. She said she felt pin pricks on her back while I was working on her. I also detected blockages in the same areas her massage therapist says she has issues with.

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Oh, and I did a healing on my sister when she was coming down with a cold. By the end of the day, all her symptoms were gone. She said she felt pin pricks on her back while I was working on her. I also detected blockages in the same areas her massage therapist says she has issues with.


Jeremy, RU my neighbor on Topanga and Nord? The one with the really cute sister?

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None of all this nonsense to supposedly "protect" yourself from "negative" entities/energies/whatever-other fear-based superstitions that I see in a lot of healing systems.


"I don't see that nonsense either."

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But you are happy enough to be using a different energy management method in the retention thread??? What is the difference here?


Some people don't "protect" them self from "negative" entities/energies/whatever. IIRC it is a phenomena in your healing system but not in all. Well it is.. but they use different protection methods than barriers or it's not actually a major concern in the system. Some systems even do stuff like inhaling the pain & suffering, illness, negative energy etc of the person, let the universe cleanse it and return it to the person.

"Won't someone else's suffering contaminate me? Shouldn't I be breathing my own suffering out? What if the suffering I breathe in overwhelms me? What if I don't have any healing energy to offer?" In fact, tonglin is balanced: We do not drown in suffering because tonglin constantly reminds us to breathe out healing; we do not hide in false joy because tonglin constantly reminds us to breathe in suffering. We receive and we give.



All systems are slightly different yet all are similar too :mellow: perhpas it's just different terminology. What was that huge thread discussing this with regard to healing methodology a while back .....some sort of don't take in sick chi vs energy exchange.

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Jeremy, RU my neighbor on Topanga and Nord? The one with the really cute sister?


hehe nope, not me.

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but everyone has a cute sister :D


For more balance to the "Sick Chi" side and the importance of non-doing.


Soygal says that if you think you are doing the "work" (the healing, the transformation, etc.), you will get sick. If the inhale stops with you, the toxicity will stop with you. He says the practice should constantly remind us that our intention and breath are just a vehicle to connect us to something beyond.


Apparently Soygal Rimpoche, from the Tibetan Book of Living and Dying

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But you are happy enough to be using a different energy management method in the retention thread??? What is the difference here?


Some people don't "protect" them self from "negative" entities/energies/whatever. IIRC it is a phenomena in your healing system but not in all. Well it is.. but they use different protection methods than barriers or it's not actually a major concern in the system.


All systems are slightly different yet all are similar too :mellow:


What was that huge thread discussing this with regard to healing methodology a while back .....some sort of don't take in sick chi vs energy exchange.


In the other thread I was referring to a specific technique; I don't see how that applies here as we are talking about what is and what isn't, not technique.


You work in a hospital, are you saying there is no such thing as virus or bacteria? You could say it, but it wouldn't change the fact that they exist.

Sick qi exists no matter what energy system is utilized. It is how the practitioner approaches it that makes the difference. Have you not walked into a hospital room where someone was sick or dying and there was a palpable sick qi field? To say it exists in some system and not in others is the same as saying virus and bacteria exist in some systems but not in others. They exist; the difference in systems is the approach.


Most people who practice a powerful qigong system get to where they can see the sick qi. Again, I have worked on many "energy healers" who did not believe it existed. They were all very sick. I also know many other qigong healers that will say the same thing as they too have worked on many healers who had absorbed sick energy. Xie qi is described in Chinese Medicine and is a part of the Taoist teachings.


Sure there are many approaches to healing; most (probably not all) contain validity. Doesn't mean the healer of ANY system doesn't have to face the consequences of projecting energy to someone else.

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but everyone has a cute sister :D


For more balance to the "Sick Chi" side and the importance of non-doing.

Apparently Soygal Rimpoche, from the Tibetan Book of Living and Dying




Interesting Mal. In SFQ, Chunyi Lin talks about the foundation of the healing being your unconditional love for the person you're treating. The techniques are just techniques, and secondary to love & forgiveness. This makes intuitive sense to me. I trust that by keeping my healing (and whole life for that matter) centered around the energies of love & forgiveness, I don't need to worry about getting sick whether from chi or bacteria or viruses or whatever. Plus I do a lot of qigong & meditation by myself, which I trust will cleanse any bad stuff.

Edited by Jeremy

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Sick qi exists no matter what energy system is utilized. It is how the practitioner approaches it that makes the difference. Have you not walked into a hospital room where someone was sick or dying and there was a palpable sick qi field? To say it exists in some system and not in others is the same as saying virus and bacteria exist in some systems but not in others. They exist; the difference in systems is the approach.


It doesn't even have to be a hospital :) Some people just feel really bad or sick and I don't enjoy interacting with them. eg I certanly would not consider them as sexual partners :lol: But some systems are not overly worried about "catching sick energy" as I might be about catching certain virus's.


The thread I'm thinking of also debated the resistance to virus ability of healers who work with contagious people as well as just energy effects etc.


In fairness you have a lot of experience in healing while I am only just starting to look into these things. I would be interested in your opinion on the Tong Lin style approach of inhaling the persons negative energy, letting the universe cleanse it and return it to the person. which I feel is similar to spring forest's approach.

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... I don't need to worry about getting sick whether from chi or bacteria or viruses or whatever. Plus I do a lot of qigong & meditation by myself, which I trust will cleanse any bad stuff.


Of course you shouldn't worry about it. But you shouldn't be ignorant of it nor naive either. Are you going to just walk into a public place, touch everything and not wash your hands because you believe those bacteria and virus don't exist or won't harm you? Then are you going to go touch others after not washing your hands because you believe it won't harm them? Do you wash your hands? Why, if you believe what you are saying, would you even bother to do so? I hope you don't work in the restaurant industry. You mention you may want to do healing regularly. Do you plan on washing your hands after a session? Why would you do so?

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Hand washing is basic hygiene, but then some people take it to far and start obsessively using those alcohol based hand washes and dettol-ing all the surfaces in there house. Balance?


Arg I hate it when I can't find threads I'm searching for :( IIRC it was also about the get out there and have a go at healing vs you don't know enough to do no harm.


Perhaps it was a combination of these



There was a bit during the creation of the healing circle too.


anyhow almost sunrise so time for bed ;) Go out and practice healing if you want. So far my friend is enjoying me having a go at his sore knee and his shoulder seems to be improved too.

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My mostly-raw vegetarian diet, qigong & meditation keep me healthy. I rarely wash my hands and rarely use soap (never antibacterial soap). I do wash my hands if I'm going to handle food that I know somebody else will eat, because I understand and respect that most people haven't broken out of the germ hysteria, and most people's immune systems, and "inner terrain" aren't as healthy as mine so they may be susceptible to germs (and the stress hormonal effects caused by fear of germs).


I haven't been to a doctor in about 20 years. I can't remember when I had the flu or bad cold last (it was before I stopped eating meat). I don't believe in dirty invisible things all over that could make me sick, any more than I believe in bad chi that could me sick.


This works for me :D

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My mostly-raw vegetarian diet, qigong & meditation keep me healthy. I rarely wash my hands and rarely use soap (never antibacterial soap). I do wash my hands if I'm going to handle food that I know somebody else will eat, because I understand and respect that most people haven't broken out of the germ hysteria, and most people's immune systems, and "inner terrain" aren't as healthy as mine so they may be susceptible to germs (and the stress hormonal effects caused by fear of germs).


I haven't been to a doctor in about 20 years. I can't remember when I had the flu or bad cold last (it was before I stopped eating meat). I don't believe in dirty invisible things all over that could make me sick, any more than I believe in bad chi that could me sick.


This works for me :D


Well, I do believe in reality (that we have created; what is, is) and I haven't been sick in about 30 years - so the belief itself didn't make the difference, did it?


Talk to me again in about 20-30 years after you have projected qi to thousands of patients and we will see if you have had a change of perspective. Glad to hear you at least wash your hands for the respect of others. If you become a professional in the health business you will find that it is required and that there is a reason it is required.

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Hand washing is basic hygiene,...

Good... but if what you and Jeremy believe about sickness is true why do you do it?


So far my friend is enjoying me having a go at his sore knee and his shoulder seems to be improved too.

Very good. Keep up the good work! Hint - after projecting to the knee itself, hit st36 with a stream of qi then extend your energy out from your hand, reach into the channel and pull. Then do the same thing with knee, project then pull. What happens many times is the healer projects energy enough to displace the xie qi but doesn't pull it out of the body. What happens in this case is the pain comes back. If the sick qi is pulled out the pain relief will be instant.


But I do believe if you start doing this daily every day for many years you will have a different perspective. My perspective comes from studying medical qigong in the hospitals of China and from performing medical qigong qi projection, wei qi liao fa, in clinic for close to 30 years.


edit: oops, after I posted I realized I was giving advice on how to pull out sick qi to someone that doesn't believe it exists. So just ignore and carry on. I was trying to be helpful; I get excited to hear of others using these wonderful healing methods.

Edited by Ya Mu

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It doesn't even have to be a hospital :) Some people just feel really bad or sick and I don't enjoy interacting with them. eg I certanly would not consider them as sexual partners :lol: But some systems are not overly worried about "catching sick energy" as I might be about catching certain virus's.


The thread I'm thinking of also debated the resistance to virus ability of healers who work with contagious people as well as just energy effects etc.


In fairness you have a lot of experience in healing while I am only just starting to look into these things. I would be interested in your opinion on the Tong Lin style approach of inhaling the persons negative energy, letting the universe cleanse it and return it to the person. which I feel is similar to spring forest's approach.


Eh? In Spring Forest Qigong I think Chunyi Lin specifically says to not think of the energy you're pulling out as excess/blocked energy and NOT negative energy. I remember a story in his audio course about him once healing a patient by taking on their sickness, then having to transfer the 'sick energy' to a plant because he didn't feel good, which made the plant's leaves turn yellow. Then he felt so sad he went into meditation, and then came up with the idea of thinking of the blockages as simply energy rather than negative energy. So he tried that and it worked, so in his course he teaches students not to view the blockages as 'bad energy'.

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It doesn't even have to be a hospital :) Some people just feel really bad or sick and I don't enjoy interacting with them. eg I certanly would not consider them as sexual partners :lol: But some systems are not overly worried about "catching sick energy" as I might be about catching certain virus's.


The thread I'm thinking of also debated the resistance to virus ability of healers who work with contagious people as well as just energy effects etc.


In fairness you have a lot of experience in healing while I am only just starting to look into these things. I would be interested in your opinion on the Tong Lin style approach of inhaling the persons negative energy, letting the universe cleanse it and return it to the person. which I feel is similar to spring forest's approach.


Mal, I didn't see this post before I posted the last two replies; it appears you were writing it at the same time I was writing.


I see virus come out of people's bodies when I do wei qi liao fa. It is just another form of sick qi. Most of the time the sick qi looks like a black cloud. The virus appears as a mass with a shooting star kind of shape or as lightning bolt kind of shape. I have literally seen the virus come out of one person and go into another, then watched that person get sick. I have seen energy healers who didn't believe sick qi existed do the same thing; they would project qi into the person and the sick qi would go into their bodies. It usually goes into whatever weak area a person has. For instance an energy healer that has broken their arm may feel pain in their arm after a session. But it doesn't have to be just energy healers, this is how sick energy gets passed from one person to another. I watched a group of idiots holding hands in a circle and saw a virus go from one to another; the next morning that person came in sick. I have seen this many times not just once.

Most but not all people who practice a powerful internal qigong system for 10-20 years get to where they can see this energy. So from my perspective virus is just like any other sick qi; this is the reason for me making the comments to both you and Jeremy about if you really believed ithat sick qi didn't exist why in the world would you wash your hands. From your replies it appears you put more stock into hand washing than Jeremy.


Now we get to your question of my opinion about the style that inhales the sick qi, lets the universe clean it and return it to the person. I have seen this before as well. I'll explain this in the next paragraph because I want to encompass the whole spectrum while we are at it.


Sick qi and energy healers.


Why do some systems say there is no sick qi? I would like to point out that this is contrary to traditional Chinese medicine. What happens in quite a few of the non-medical qigong systems is that the healer has enough energy to displace the sick qi but not enough energy to force it out of the person's body. So the patient feels initial relief but either the pain comes back in a few hours/couple of days or the patients own qi gradually dissipates it. In this case the healer has little to no reverse effect. An example of this is chiropractic. The chiropractor displaces the sick qi, the patient feels better, but then the patient hurts somewhere else the next day. Another example of this is reiki. It does matter, however, who the healer is. If they practice qigong and raise their energy body vibration rate then they will have more effect on the patient than if they don't.


The next example is when the energy healer does have enough power to displace the sick qi out of the patients body. If the healer is young and healthy, they will not notice any negative effect whatsoever to themselves. If they only work on one or 2 people a day and practice enough qigong, they may never have much negative effect for a long time. There is, however, an accumulative effect. I have seen many energy healers die young because of this. But the negative effect is reversely directly proportional to the amount of qigong they practice. In other words, I recommend a minimum of 3 hrs a day of qigong practice to anyone who projects energy to others.


Now we get the the 3rd example. I get asked or more honestly "thrown in my face" that people like Chunyi Lin projects qi and doesn't have any negative effect. I have met him, listened to him speak, and watched his energy. I have also met many of his students. The next paragraph will explain a portion of why this is.


When people practice qigong for a very long time, raising their vibrational rate to a high level, they then attain the ability to transmute the sick qi to Light (this is also the answer to your original question). I do this as well. BUT initially no one can actually do this. I can't tell you the number of energy healers I have met who THINK they can but really can't. These are the ones that die young or end up having to quit their healing practice. I would like to point out the attrition rate for massage therapists who work on people daily; there is an 80% dropout of therapists within 10 years. This is due to the fact that most are not paying attention to energetics or were taught some type of weekend course in energetics and they think they know all they need to know.


It may appear that I am overly concerned with this concept or that the system I teach is overly concerned. This is not true. I myself can transmute the sick qi so I am not concerned at all. But I am concerned for beginner energy healers that think sick qi doesn't exist. They are dead wrong and if they do not pay attention to it it can hurt them.


Bottom line. If anyone wishes to be a healer they need several things in their life. They need to KNOW in their heart that they are meant to do this. It is serious business and not child's play. They need to practice their qigong for several hours a day. Otherwise they can deplete themselves and/or accumulate sick qi. They need to firmly establish a connection with the Divine. It doesn't matter what a person wishes to call it, they can name this whatever they wish. They need to maintain sobriety. This is a serious path that requires introspection and dedication. They need to practice Virtue. For this is really the only way to get past a certain point in the goal of raising the energy body vibration rate.

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Thank you for the detailed response. I will need to read more carefully and ponder for a few days.


In the meantime I just want to pick an important bit from what I understand of the type of healing I am learning in KAP.


When people practice qigong for a very long time, raising their vibrational rate to a high level, they then attain the ability to transmute the sick qi to Light (this is also the answer to your original question). I do this as well. BUT initially no one can actually do this. I can't tell you the number of energy healers I have met who THINK they can but really can't.


I am concerned for beginner energy healers that think sick qi doesn't exist. They are dead wrong and if they do not pay attention to it it can hurt them.


I understand the concern for peoples welfare. I also worry that what I am about to say is egotistical and may very well fall into the "thinks he can but really can't" category.


I am not able to transmute sick qi into light. But "I" don't have to. I merely act with love as a pathway for the divine, earth, void, supreme higher power (i.e. whatever you like to call the Tao) to take in whatever "dirty" energy, recycle it and replace it with clean.


I'm not clever, smart or powerful. I'm like a radio, not a computer. I do not change, create, or even plan and think. The energy is out there, something more clever then I put me together, and the combination of the two gives music. But I don't make the music, or even chose the channel.


Very good. Keep up the good work! Hint - after projecting to the knee itself, hit st36 with a stream of qi then extend your energy out from your hand, reach into the channel and pull. Then do the same thing with knee, project then pull. What happens many times is the healer projects energy enough to displace the xie qi but doesn't pull it out of the body. What happens in this case is the pain comes back. If the sick qi is pulled out the pain relief will be instant.


It's cool. There is a lot there that I would need to understand and parts that are beyond my current ability to perceive. I can try to flow energy between my hands, and I do a bit of that "playfully" with good people. But for healing I really don't know what I'm doing. I just rub my hands, do some tumo (spike my energy up a bit) and place my hands wherever feels right. Whatever happens happens. Without any direction from me..........


Still it's important to know it's not like I'm really healing the sick or anything. I'm not even as effective as a panadol or a ice pack :lol: But a bit like kung fu I've always been interested in healing, I just though you had to be naturally gifted, or really skilled, to do it. But apparently simple faith and love can work also.


(re: handwashing) With being in a hospital, even though I'm admin, hand washing is very important for disease control. I've done science at uni and my partner is trained as a bio medical engineer. I've also seen pics of virusus made plates of bacteria, and used that pink hand stain stuff to see germs..... So I'm convinced it's a good idea :D


But I'm not psychic and don't see visions so the notion sick qi is just something I have not experienced myself yet (although perhaps sometimes I can feel it) Experience changes everything I just need to get it :)


Thanks for the discussion

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It may appear that I am overly concerned with this concept or that the system I teach is overly concerned. This is not true. I myself can transmute the sick qi so I am not concerned at all. But I am concerned for beginner energy healers that think sick qi doesn't exist. They are dead wrong and if they do not pay attention to it it can hurt them.

This concept is really overly underestimated. And this understimation is confirmed over and over again by super-high-level healers all over the world that say "everything will be fine as long as you have good intentions".


I dont think this topic you present can be emphasized enough!

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I trust my teachers. Thats what they are there for :)

After what Ya Mu explained here, would you still trust your teacher if he told you "aaah, dont worry about it! Just have good intentions and keep projecting that healing energy. It will be fiiiine. No sick qi can hurt you."


I wouldnt...


But of cource, lucky me to have been introduced to a teacher very early in my carreer that taught me these things.

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After what Ya Mu explained here, would you still trust your teacher if he told you "aaah, dont worry about it! Just have good intentions and keep projecting that healing energy. It will be fiiiine. No sick qi can hurt you."


Yes. If I didn't trust my teachers they would not be teaching me.


Although it's not in such black and white terms as the above quote, and while I do feel comfortable posting the lesson notes as such.


"Tong-lin is a breathing practice used during meditation as an act of compassion. Simply stated, the practitioner creates a visualization while breathing, "seeing" the heaviness or negativity of the world (of a room, an individual) and breathing it in deeply and completely, filling oneself with the black, sticky, tarry, smokiness that is this negativity. When exhaling, a transformation occurs, and the breath supplies the void of the world with crystal clear or blue, or soft misty air, filled with a sense of wholeness, love, perfection, joyful energy. Again, slow inhalation of the heavy, dark, smoky air; exhalation of sunny, cool, sparkling air. This exchange creates a master out of the practioner who doesn't fear losing themselves when giving the world his or her strong energy. A selfless act indeed.


Safeguard are there. Giving the negative energy to the earth, connection to the divine, and cleansing yourself after practice. And well the people doing it usually have a chi gung practice too.


I "beleive" in sick qi, I just don't feel the concept needs to always be overly emphasized :)


But, you know, I grew up in the 90's and had unprotected sex :o YMMV, other systems are different etc.... I can accept different points of view but I'm not a fan of absolutes.

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