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"The Art of War"

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So anyway, I think in view of the ladys, SunTzu's deeper meaning was you have to woo them and don't come on too strong. Having said that I think there's a real danger if you make it too obvious it may have an opposite effect, so no flowers and chocolates and stuff, that always makes them run a mile. It's gotta be a bit more subtle, like, a lingering gaze, ever so slightly.....then when they are bang on your side you get in there with their hot friend! Which was your nefarious goal in the first place. And if the friend ever mentions that ever so slight lingering gaze(by now she's questioning if she ever really saw it at all)you can simply deny it.....but every now and then flash that gaze again or you will risk her turning against you, hell hath no fury.....


I never realized The Art Of War could be applied to so many things.


On a more serious note Marblehead, I once read/heard, can't remember which, that this book is one of the reading materials for officers training at Westpoint. Is it true?

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Hi Ninpo,


I was wondering if anyone would attach that understanding to the concept. You done good.


I can't say for sure about the West Point question but I am pretty confident in saying "yes".


I do know that many major US corporations make it a required reading for anyone moving into a senior management position.


The US involvement in Vietman proved how important it was for senior military officers to understand this concept of warfare and many articles/books have been written on the subject.


Happy Trails!

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City of gold is a local gambling casino that is between the where I currently live and where ralis lives. The connection is that Los Alamos National Labs designs explosives and has had advanced designs stolen by chinese agents.


We should get to the chapter on the use of spies


Chapter 3, Article 2:


Hence to fight and conquer in all your battles is not supreme excellence; supreme excellence consists in breaking the enemy's resistance without fighting.


The use of nuclear weapons are used in two primary ways;

1. above ground detonation

2. ground level detonation


The effects of these two types of explosions on the populace are equally demoralizing, with the ground level explosion causing the most trauma to the nation that might be the target of an nuclear attack.


Anybody care to evaluate Iran or N. Korea?


One important piece of chemistry to understand is the half life of tritium (H20^3+) Tritium is used in certain nations to enhance the characteristics of nuclear warheads. The half life of tritium is 12.3 years. Making warheads that were produced decades ago less effective.


Fortunately due to the efforts of the U.N. and others the weapons producing facilities of the superpowers have been regulated and decommissioned.


So ninpo me this ninjitsu me that what do you know about the terrorists activities in the world?

Useful ninjas are full of secrets right? Like vital strikes coming from an unexpected angle

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Hi Ninpo,


I was wondering if anyone would attach that understanding to the concept. You done good.


I can't say for sure about the West Point question but I am pretty confident in saying "yes".


I do know that many major US corporations make it a required reading for anyone moving into a senior management position.


The US involvement in Vietman proved how important it was for senior military officers to understand this concept of warfare and many articles/books have been written on the subject.


Happy Trails!


It's required reading for managerial positions? that's good, 'cos that means after this forum thread I can swiftly move into one! Actually you may be aware from the 'I'm Deluded' thread that I am have now achieved 'Non-Delusional God Status', that's definitely a management position, any God position in my book would be. However I'm not doing so well with that, this morning for example I failed to report to myself on time at work. I seriously chastised myself and am considering disciplinary action.


The Vietnam war, that's an interesting one, and I don't mean to sound trite to a man who was in the war, by interesting I simply mean, like you said, after that America changed the way they fought wars. The British had fought quite a few jungle campaigns and had learnt the whole 'hearts and minds' route was one of the few ways to go I guess. America just kind of piled in there.... such a sad waste of life. I don't know how you feel about the whole Iraq/Afghansitan war, myself I think that's a bridge too far. I just don't see it longterm.

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Hence to fight and conquer in all your battles is not supreme excellence; supreme excellence consists in breaking the enemy's resistance without fighting.[/color]


The use of nuclear weapons are used in two primary ways;

1. above ground detonation

2. ground level detonation




So ninpo me this ninjitsu me that what do you know about the terrorists activities in the world?

Useful ninjas are full of secrets right? Like vital strikes coming from an unexpected angle


You really make me laugh you do! And I really hope your wearing that hat with a dragon on it! So you take the above excerpt which says 'to conquer without fighting' and you apply it by nuking them? I don't know man, seems like slight overkill to me(no pun intended).


I can't say I'm a useful ninja, and honestly I know nothing about any such activities. I do also have a few nice hats though. And this city of gold you speak of, I know your just covering with the casino story, you don't wanna cut anyone in the action do you, you've found the famed Eldorado and you want all the spoils to yourself!

Edited by Ninpo-me-this-ninjutsu-me-that

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The Vietnam war, that's an interesting one, and I don't mean to sound trite to a man who was in the war, by interesting I simply mean, like you said, after that America changed the way they fought wars. The British had fought quite a few jungle campaigns and had learnt the whole 'hearts and minds' route was one of the few ways to go I guess. America just kind of piled in there.... such a sad waste of life. I don't know how you feel about the whole Iraq/Afghansitan war, myself I think that's a bridge too far. I just don't see it longterm.


Okay. First off, I am very proud of my service in the defense of my nation and its way of life. (I won't memtion the exceptions.)


I had always thought that the US had no just cause for getting involved in Vietnam. I therefore never asked to serve in the war. But I was finally sent in 1970 simply because I had not served there yet. I really had no significant position or mission while I was stationed there because my skill and skill level was not needed in that war.


America failed in that war because we tried to overwhelm the enemy with raw force. Yes, we killed a lot of Vietnamese people; military personnel as well as innocent women and children. We lost the war because the North Vietnamese fought the war according the the principles of "The Art Of War". They knew they could not over-power us so they just kept picking at us from all directions. Hit and run. Deception. Etc.


America's foreign policies when Russia was in Afghanistan laid the path for our later need to get involved there. I call this the stupidity of our government officials at that time. And even knowing that we would have to get involved over there we waited about a year too long before we took action. The invasion should have immediately followed the first missle strike we made in that country.


We are there for the purpose of limiting the efforts of Al-Qaida and the Taliban which was supporting Al-Qaida. It is my opinion that we have the right to pursue and destroy both as they have publicly committed to the destruction of the US.


In my opinion there was no just cause for either Iraq war. Our foreign policies prior to Saddam's invasion of Kuwait gave Saddam the understanding that the US would do nothing if he invaded Kuwait. He invaded and we changed our policies. Our fault. The second war - the one that is still going on - had no just cause. Stupidity ruled.


Happy Trails!




It's required reading for managerial positions? that's good, 'cos that means after this forum thread I can swiftly move into one! Actually you may be aware from the 'I'm Deluded' thread that I am have now achieved 'Non-Delusional God Status', that's definitely a management position, any God position in my book would be. However I'm not doing so well with that, this morning for example I failed to report to myself on time at work. I seriously chastised myself and am considering disciplinary action.



Yes. I noticed that. And as you have mentioned it here I must respond. I do not believe in the existence of any gods, godesses, or talking frogs.


Therefore, I must suggest you de-divine yourself else I will be forced to conclude that you do not exist and therefore I would no longer be able to speak with you. :P


Happy Trails!

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Would explain some of the radio technology that you were working on?


Radio communications were the only means of communicating over distances during the vietnam and korean war. Desert storm would be the onset of satellite communications and observations for the U.S.A.


Superior technology and holding the high ground...Sir Charles (a knighted friend of mine) told me once that there are 27 hubble type telescopes in orbit and 26 of them point down.


Hmm some of these movies that I have recently watched are making sense.


So much pain in these words.

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Would explain some of the radio technology that you were working on?


Radio communications were the only means of communicating over distances during the vietnam and korean war. Desert storm would be the onset of satellite communications and observations for the U.S.A.


Superior technology and holding the high ground...Sir Charles (a knighted friend of mine) told me once that there are 27 hubble type telescopes in orbit and 26 of them point down.


Hmm some of these movies that I have recently watched are making sense.


So much pain in these words.


My speciality was long-range (HF), high power (500 watts) field (highly mobile) radio teletype and morse code communications.


In Vietnam all long-range communications were handled by fixed (non-mobile) station communications personnel and equipment.


My speciality was not of any use in Vietnam because of the terrain. (Couldn't drive a 2 1/2 ton truck housing the communications equipment) with a 1 1/2 ton trailer housing the power generator and antenna equipment and supplies down a jungle path.)


My capabilities enabled me to communicate between Vietnam and Germany or the US direct (depending on the time of day) but why use a mobile unit when a fixed unit could do the same thing?


Yes, once satellite communications became established the need for my speciality was negated. However, the movie (Independence Day) showed the need to keep the specialty in reserve if satellite communications were ever disrupted.


Today's technology involves equipment that is non-repairable by the user. That is, it either works or it doesn't. My technology included the capability of the specialist being able to make minor repairs on-site if we were in a romote location without immediate access to by repair personnel.


I agree, communications is key in any form of human interaction. Superior technology allows for more reliable communications. And I also agree that holding the high ground is key in any violent interaction between humans.


Happy Trails!

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My knowledge of war comes through study of martial arts and the game of Go(weiqi). Currently I practice aikido with Sensei Craig Dunn who runs a dojo started by Sensei Steven Segal and I know some kung fu from Sifu Bob Cook. Sifu Cook's son, Bob Cook Jr. trains UFC fighters. For example Bob jr. trained BJ Penn back in 2002 and a little bit earlier fought against Tito Ortez in the mid 90's.


I don't fight, but train frequently for the cardio conditioning and currently am studying and finding old sword techniques at Sensei Dunn's dojo.


The change in servicability of battleground technology is important to know about. I understand that the infintry men are better able to perform in the field and have less to worry about if the equipment is "bullet proof". The M-16A rifle during vietnam was a constant source of problems for the platoons on the move through the jungle terrain versus the AK-47 which I'm lead to believe is less sensitive to weather conditions.


Durability of design with redundant robust systems are important concepts of modern engineers.

I wish that there is a way of designing systems without the impetus of war.


With the advent of modern communications equipment the U.S. armed forces can create a battleground very rapidly. By surveying the movements of suspected terrorists with modern surveillance equipment the force commader can deploy troops. Thus controlling the ability of engagement.


The ability to control when and where the battleground forms is mastery of war.


This sword of knowledge must be why foriegn nations such as N. Korea are striving for space based capabilities.


I wonder how good my golf can get?

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Yeah, I had enough playing war during the twenty years I was Active so I don't play that stuff now. I don't even go watch the Fourth of July fireworks.


Too much is enough.


Happy Trails!

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Yes. I noticed that. And as you have mentioned it here I must respond. I do not believe in the existence of any gods, godesses, or talking frogs.


Therefore, I must suggest you de-divine yourself else I will be forced to conclude that you do not exist and therefore I would no longer be able to speak with you. :P


Happy Trails!


That's easy for you to say Marblehead! But once you become a 'Non-delusional God' other people are not inclined for you to de-divine yourself, I can tell you I have a que of people outside my door all asking for advice such as 'how do I raise my pet goldfish' and such like. It's not an easy task let me tell you. Even if I did relinquish my divine status the trademarks are already in place, so you see my dilemma, even were I to 'go public' and relinquish my 'Non-Delusional God Status' in the eyes of the law I would still be a 'Non-Delusional God'. I seriously regret my Godhood now, I feel were I given another chance(God Willing)I would most definately choose a different career path. And I highly recommend anyone considering such a vocation in the God Fields would be better served studying for a career in accounting.


Anyway, now that I have got a measure of silliness out of my system, the whole Iraq war... I have to say I hold some differing views as to the involvement and reasons why. But in anycase I'm sure we could go on all day about that one but lets get onto more interesting topics.....


The ladys are getting frisky and I'm waiting for the next instalment of 'The Art Of War' from you which I can re-interpret in my own warped manner. I will admit I haven't downloaded it, slack I know. I think I have a rather interesting one on the 'use of fire' however I don't want to jump the gun. I

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That's easy for you to say Marblehead!


Hehehe. Yes, it was extremely easy to say. It was the truth so I didn't have to make up anything for the presentation.


Yes, Ninpo, it is very easy to not be delusional. Don't think! Wu wei my friend.


The ladys are getting frisky and I'm waiting for the next instalment of 'The Art Of War' from you which I can re-interpret in my own warped manner. I will admit I haven't downloaded it, slack I know. I think I have a rather interesting one on the 'use of fire' however I don't want to jump the gun. I


Yes, it is again time. In a little bit after I catch up on the over-night postings.


Happy Trails!

Edited by Marblehead

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Chapter 3, Article:


17. Thus we may know that there are five essentials for victory:


(1) He will win who knows when to fight and when not to fight.


(2) He will win who knows how to handle both superior and inferior forces.


(3) He will win whose army is animated by the same spirit throughout all its ranks.


(4) He will win who, prepared himself, waits to take the enemy unprepared.


(5) He will win who has military capacity and is not interfered with by the sovereign.


1. Timing is everything.


2. Know how to use your resources to the fullest.


3. Confidence in yourself and your goal.


4. The Boy Scouts motto: Be prepared. Act when your opposition (or your goal) is at its weakest.


5. Try to prevent others from interferring with your goal.


Happy Trails!

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Hehehe. Yes, it was extremely easy to say. It was the truth so I didn't have to make up anything for the presentation.


Yes, Ninpo, it is very easy to not be delusional. Don't think! Wu wei my friend.

Yes, it is again time. In a little bit after I catch up on the over-night postings.


Happy Trails!


I once met a waitress called Wu wei, and I tell you what, she'd mastered the principle. Slow is not the word, neither is lazy, but it's close!


Chapter 3, Article:


17. Thus we may know that there are five essentials for victory:


(1) He will win who knows when to fight and when not to fight.


(2) He will win who knows how to handle both superior and inferior forces.


(3) He will win whose army is animated by the same spirit throughout all its ranks.


(4) He will win who, prepared himself, waits to take the enemy unprepared.


(5) He will win who has military capacity and is not interfered with by the sovereign.


1. Timing is everything.


2. Know how to use your resources to the fullest.


3. Confidence in yourself and your goal.


4. The Boy Scouts motto: Be prepared. Act when your opposition (or your goal) is at its weakest.


5. Try to prevent others from interferring with your goal.


Happy Trails!


Well, you've really put in the work today I can see! I like your interpretations too, but I have to say I think your number two is a little loose, but that may simply be because I don't understand your thinking, resources/forces....give me an example, throw a dog a bone.


Let's see what I can come up's not an easy one this time though.


1. Women being lovely, yet not so simpleminded as men, have times when they are approachable and times when they are most definitely not. Therefore, if your in a bar and there right before your eyes is a stunner yet she keeps looking at her watch or phone, I would say, for the most part it would be pretty pointless to engage, her mind is elsewhere and she is quite obviously waiting for someone. Slim chance. However, woman sat at the bar alone, on the stools, advance the troops! Much higher chances! She sat there for a reason. I know some might say perhaps she wanted a nice quiet drink, but she could have sat at one of the tables for that and been much more comfortable.


2. How to handle superior and inferior Forces I'm gonna connect with what type of woman it is. For example a powerful lawyer type must be handled very differently to a woman working in the service industries. Women in the service industries are used to taking a fair share of abuse from the general public, so they have a higher tolerance for idiots like me, so you can be a bit more relaxed in your dealings, just being plain nice they appreciate. Whereas the lawyer/manager type, she's gonna test and test, and if your not up to it, your gonna end up with egg on your face. Definitely gotta suit up for that one! I should add before I get stuff thrown at me that I don't consider service industries inferior to the other professions. And neither do I consider one kind of woman superior/inferior to the other, superior/yang, inferior/yin. Simple polarity.


3. If your Johnson says no, don't go!


4. Traps. In the battlefield of love(sorry)are an absolute must when your either unsure of engagement.....and then marriage....or when you don't want to commit firepower either due to being unsure of your mark, economy of motion, or to maintain the psychological edge. For example, you know the when and where the woman you want to get to know will be at a certain time, yet your not sure if she would rebuff the usual 'why don't we do lunch sometime' question under normal conditions, if she has many admirers that is highly likely. Yet, if your walking down the street and bump into her by 'accident', while she is still in a state of wonder and surprise casually slip in the 'when shall we do lunch then?', she's much more likely to agree because of a certain fated feel to the whole thing.(darstardly I know, but one day she may actually be flattered that you went to the trouble, or not as the case may be.)


5. Military capacity/wing man, sovereign/the womans friend. Approaching two girls together when your alone, not impossible, but needs serious confidence levels(firepower), most days the majority of men at a bar just can't be bothered putting in the work and there is the added potential problem of the friend/sovereign interfering in one way or another, either she doesn't like you and advises her friend against you(perhaps simple jealousy, doesn't want to lose her friend, she's also single etc.)or she really likes you and is attracted to you(again, jealousy). Enter the wingman. Divide and conquer..... I think that's in another part of the book.


I think I've given away way too many man secrets. I have offended my family and the Shaolin temple.

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Hehehe. You did very well this time. You're gonna' become a soldier of love yet!


But I need say, you need to leave my Wu Wei alone else somebody's gonna' die. :ph34r:


Happy Trails!

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Hehehe. You did very well this time. You're gonna' become a soldier of love yet!


But I need say, you need to leave my Wu Wei alone else somebody's gonna' die. :ph34r:


Happy Trails!


She's all your's, frankly I couldn't cope with a woman that does that little. You're a better man than me, that's all I can say. :blink:


So, since we've effortlessly ended up on Wu wei, not at the same time mind you, how would you apply wu wei in war, or perhaps I should ask 'would you, in theory apply it?'. Now don't tell me the lying in wait for your enemy thing, because that still presupposes intention. Or, does your idea of wu wei include intention and then patience?


By the way, I think the marketing strategy for this whole thread is all wrong, if it was titled Sun tzu and the art sex or even just 'sex', it would be way up on viewing numbers, it wouldn't matter if that was even part of the subject matter or not. It's controversy that we're lacking Marblehead, mark my words.

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She's all your's, frankly I couldn't cope with a woman that does that little. You're a better man than me, that's all I can say. :blink:


So, since we've effortlessly ended up on Wu wei, not at the same time mind you, how would you apply wu wei in war, or perhaps I should ask 'would you, in theory apply it?'. Now don't tell me the lying in wait for your enemy thing, because that still presupposes intention. Or, does your idea of wu wei include intention and then patience?


By the way, I think the marketing strategy for this whole thread is all wrong, if it was titled Sun tzu and the art sex or even just 'sex', it would be way up on viewing numbers, it wouldn't matter if that was even part of the subject matter or not. It's controversy that we're lacking Marblehead, mark my words.


You just didn't push the right buttons. She turned me every way but lose. (Sorry, wu wei.)


I think that Sun Tzu's entire philosophy of war is based on the concept of wu wei. There is a time to rest and there is a time to fight. If you must fight, you fight when the enemy is at its weakest. When the enemy is at its strongest you rest and defend.


George Washington did this. He never would have defeated the British head on. He waited until Christmas eve night when the enemy was drunk and sleeping.


So you think it should be titles Sun Tzu's "The Art of Sex" do you? There's a lot of competition on the markey with that subject.


Happy Trails!

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You just didn't push the right buttons. She turned me every way but lose. (Sorry, wu wei.)


I think that Sun Tzu's entire philosophy of war is based on the concept of wu wei. There is a time to rest and there is a time to fight. If you must fight, you fight when the enemy is at its weakest. When the enemy is at its strongest you rest and defend.


George Washington did this. He never would have defeated the British head on. He waited until Christmas eve night when the enemy was drunk and sleeping.


So you think it should be titles Sun Tzu's "The Art of Sex" do you? There's a lot of competition on the markey with that subject.


Happy Trails!



Yes, perhaps your right, therefore I propose an argument of epic ridiculousness, with lots of insults both ways, that should do it.


Still, I gotta be careful, someone posted this little gem out of nowhere on another thread 'All too often you think you have thought something unique while what it was was only an alternative interpretation of the redundant occurrence of the thought process - no matter the binding or liberation.', I probably shouldn't be quoting from other threads, but you really pulled that one out of the surprise bag didn't ya! I can see someone applies the 'art of war' in other ways too...softly softly softly BAM!


Christmas seems to be a popular time to get stuff done in the states, as far as memory serves me(I wasn't there you understand)the federal reserve thing was shoved through around Christmas time too. I think Christmas should be banned! It's a weakness, that much has been proved.

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Yes, perhaps your right, therefore I propose an argument of epic ridiculousness, with lots of insults both ways, that should do it.


Still, I gotta be careful, someone posted this little gem out of nowhere on another thread 'All too often you think you have thought something unique while what it was was only an alternative interpretation of the redundant occurrence of the thought process - no matter the binding or liberation.', I probably shouldn't be quoting from other threads, but you really pulled that one out of the surprise bag didn't ya! I can see someone applies the 'art of war' in other ways too...softly softly softly BAM!


Christmas seems to be a popular time to get stuff done in the states, as far as memory serves me(I wasn't there you understand)the federal reserve thing was shoved through around Christmas time too. I think Christmas should be banned! It's a weakness, that much has been proved.


Hehehe. Yeah, getting a new market in the sex industry would require a lot of trickery. That market has been very well milked.


That quote you mentioned above was actually a reinterpretation of something Chuang Tzu said modified to fit the situation.


Christmas time in the U S of A!!! Indeed, the most profitable season of all for nearly all markets. It is sad that a religious concept has been used to sell stuff to people who can't afford it to give to people who don't need it but that's the way it is.


Yes, the market is geared to take advantage of the weakness of the consumer. Hey! How else could they sell all that stuff that nobody needs or wants?


But that is one way the sellers use the "Art of War". Deception! Deception is a powerful tool. Sun Tzu will talk about that at some point in the future.


Happy Trails!

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Chapter 3, Article:


18. Hence the saying: If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles.


If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat.


If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle.


Might I say that this goes without saying?


To know yourself is first priority. This is accomplished by looking within.


To know your enemey (the universe, physical reality) is second priority.


With understanding we can life our life to the fullest.


Peace & Love!

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Chapter 4, Article:


1. Sun Tzu said: The good fighters of old first put themselves beyond the possibility of defeat, and then waited for an opportunity of defeating the enemy.


2. To secure ourselves against defeat lies in our own hands, but the opportunity of defeating the enemy is provided by the enemy himself.


Here I would like to replace the word "enemy" with "potential gain".


Therefore Article 1 would read: The good planner puts himself beyond the possibility of loosing what is already at hand and then awaits the opportunity of potential gain.


And Article 2 would read: Securing what we already have is in our own hands and not dependant on others but potential gain is controlled by conditions beyond our control so we must be constantly aware so to be able to take advantage of changing conditions.


Peace & Love!

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Chapter 4, Article:


5. Security against defeat implies defensive tactics; ability to defeat the enemy means taking the offensive.


6. Standing on the defensive indicates insufficient strength; attacking, a superabundance of strength.


Remaining defensive then would be considered when we do not have the capacities and capabilities to conduct an attack. It is during these time when we strengthen our abilities, give thought to our intentions, holding on to what we already have, and increasing our strength and resolve.


Once we acquire a superabundance of strength, strengthened our resolve, we then are in a position to attack (go forward with our goals in life).


Peace & Love!

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