
Yin Yang symbol spinning

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Yes, spinning clockwise, then counter. And later it changes into a fully gray yin yang, as the two sides blend with eachother. So cool!

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The change of direction is just due to the different speeds between the different distances -- the same reason planets appear to travel backwards in the sky.


What's interesting about the Spring Forest Qigong yin/yang symbol -- something I discovered -- is that the colors are part of the build-up of the energy. Green is the universe along the outside of the tai-chi symbol -- it's the color of the lungs, the "breath" of the universe. Yellow is the "consciousness" that connects the yin and yang -- the "S" -- and yellow is the color of "intention" or consciousness of the individual connecting the kidney energy to the cerebral cortex. Red and black are the yin and yang with black being the will power of the kidney and red being the heart energy -- these two interweave on different levels.


If you take ayahausca or intense levels of DMT then you see this "rainbow of reality" -- a vortex of colors which is holographic, constantly breaking up and reconnecting energy blockages across the universe, with our own existence just a part of the pattern while universal consciousness that is formless as the source creating it all.

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