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an alchemical mantra

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So, I was walking along last week, shuffling through the falling leaves, and I decided to try the AYM mantra of "I AM" of which Yoda and others have been singing its praises.


I said it for a few minutes and, for me, it just became a head-space, and I didn't find resonance in my body. I then thought about the sounds of the syllables, and realized that both of them had a nasally sound that caused me to contract my sinuses a bit to make internally (bad habit that I could probably correct...).


So, I thought about how Michael Winn had taken parts of the healing sounds and used them to create a series of tones to use to tone the directions in the Primordial Qi Gong. I find the 7 tones a bit many for me, and wanted something simpler like the 4-syllable "I AM" (ah-ee ah-mm).


I had recently taken to saying "sun-moon-earth" and feeling the lower tan tien while saying sun, middle tan tien while saying moon, and solar plexus while saying earth. I then realized, while shuffling through the leaves, looking for an alternative to "I AM", that the words "sun and moon" had tones in them similar to the relevant healing sounds.


Sun has an ahhh sound similar to the heart healing sound of haaaaa.

Moon has an ooooh sound, similar to the kidney healing sound of tchooooo (leaving the way part out).

Earth, however, is not simlar in sound to the raspy whoooooo for the spleen. So, I chose the word "home", said in a way that sounds more like the whooo.


So, I have "sun - moon - home" said in a way that matches the healing sounds. I hear the sounds emanate from as deep in my core as I can - with the sounds coming from the Greater Kan and Li arrangement of sun in lower tan tien, moon in middle tan tien and earth in solar plexus. The emphasis in the sound is on the vowels. I allow a transparent image of the planets to appear with the sounds, but the focus is on the sound (which is, for me, more shen level than is the image which is more jingy for me).


It's sunny out, so I'm off for another walk. I wonder what will happen today?



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I'm searching for instant healing sounds, and I like the sunmoonhome.


On NPR this weekend I caught a show about a UCLA professor saying that cells somehow emit soundwaves and he's going to see if the soundwaves that cells from different organs correspond to the Chinese system. He admits that this is pretty far out, and might now come up with anything, but he's hoping to find a way to improve organ health through sound.



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Great post Chris. I've also noticed IAM to occur mostly in my head space but it typically dissolves into just non-local space for me when done still, seated and w/ eyes closed. Yogani says that mantra will move around as you work with it. Cool find with the "sunmoonhome".



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