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Closed eye visuals.

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So anyways, whenever I do a slight meditation or simple breathing while lying down with my eyes closed for awhile I begin to see very strange phenomenon in my minds eye. Images of faces, or people, or very alien looking things come and go without my control..and yes to a novice like me it is a bit intimidating. When I am having these visuals I always feel like I can enhance their lucidity but am afraid to do so....just as a general survey I was wondering what the contents of some of the users on this forums closed eyed visuals are..and to what extent they can control them.


Edit. I also want to add that I also sometimes see reptilian eyes, pineal crowned beings, and sometimes even very strange looking architecture..arranged as cities or towns.

Edited by Eviander

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I tend to just see weird colors spiraling in different areas or something.


And open eye visuals are just like little specks of light that show up and fly around sometimes. An interesting thing is I've noticed when there is sexual energy, like if a girl is around, it happens more. I will get a few little light dots flying. Weird.

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That's part of the awakening process; that what you see every day is product of the mind and when you close your eyes the mind is trying to fill the gap. Don't worry too much about it. Keep practicing.

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That's part of the awakening process; that what you see every day is product of the mind and when you close your eyes the mind is trying to fill the gap. Don't worry too much about it. Keep practicing.




Like an ill behaved child, your mind is acting out when told to sit quietly. These are desperate attempts to divert your consciousness back to ego. Beautiful, scary, bizarre, the scenes will keep changing, keep trying to grab your attention.


Don't be fooled. Stillness is around the corner.

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So anyways, whenever I do a slight meditation or simple breathing while lying down with my eyes closed for awhile I begin to see very strange phenomenon in my minds eye. Images of faces, or people, or very alien looking things come and go without my control..and yes to a novice like me it is a bit intimidating. When I am having these visuals I always feel like I can enhance their lucidity but am afraid to do so....just as a general survey I was wondering what the contents of some of the users on this forums closed eyed visuals are..and to what extent they can control them.


Edit. I also want to add that I also sometimes see reptilian eyes, pineal crowned beings, and sometimes even very strange looking architecture..arranged as cities or towns.


Your intuition about you being able to enhance their lucidity is correct. You could enhance them, if you gave yourself over to those images. But the reverse is also true. You can make them more vague, and eventually disappear as well. I can think of two ways to get rid of them. Pay attention to blackness and make the blackness grow. Alternatively pay attention to something totally different, like your breath or some higher order concept, like infinite space, or some such, and you won't be seeing any images then either. Basically you see that which you pay attention to. Expectations play some role in this too.


Don't worry about ego either. If you want to deal with ego issues, you need to contemplate what is ego rather than meditate anyway. Absence of images is egoic as much as their presence, so there is no pride in the silent mind. Silent mind is ego as much as the noisy mind in the same way that my message is as much space between the letters as it is the letters themselves. It's all the same thing and to understand this you need contemplation instead of meditation.

Edited by goldisheavy

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Oh no I want to enhance them. It's quite amazing how creative the mind can be on its subconscious/unconscious level. I just have a fear of the everyone else.

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I have some interesting experiences in this area. It is interesting to see how my "inner image" has started to change as of the last few days.


Used to - when I meditated - I'd see all kinds of inner images just like the OP mentions. Some of whom I believe to be guides that are trying to assist me. Lately however the most amazing thing has happened. My Inner Image guides have been telling me I think waaaay too much and if I don't just drop it I'll be stalled out.


In of my guides literally kept looking at me and turning into the head of a loud, braying mule and I always got the VERY distinct impression he was telling me I was being a very stubborn jackass in my excessive reliance on thinking to try to understand what he says can not be understood like that.


He would look at me and then do THIS > jackass.jpg


Now something even odder has happened as of yesterday and today. For the past 2 days - now when I meditate - a strange...hmm..non-thinking blackness quickly envelopes me. My mind..while not truly purely quiet certainly quiets down much more than it ever has before. Then my awareness seems to drop to my heart level and from there I'd swear it seems to radiate outward 360 degrees. I can feel this 360 degree 'sensing awareness' in my body physically. It's very odd and very new. I've never felt anything like it before.


And all because of Inner Images.


Things that make you go Hmmm....

Edited by SereneBlue

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When it comes to meditation, i've ironed it down to this...


The goal is to cleanse the mind so thoroughly of any possibility of thought, which takes years and years, but the closer the adept reaches the point of pure reflection, the ability to capture conscious transmissions of expression being sent to us from the universe becomes more and more possible. Whether these transmitted expressions are interpreted as images, sound or formless understanding, whatever. To each their own. But from what i've gathered, clearing the mind of personal/ego thought, to TRULY, HONESTLY and self-critically do this... allows us to extrapolate what is being communicated to us at all times.

Edited by hyok

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I have some interesting experiences in this area. It is interesting to see how my "inner image" has started to change as of the last few days.


Used to - when I meditated - I'd see all kinds of inner images just like the OP mentions. Some of whom I believe to be guides that are trying to assist me. Lately however the most amazing thing has happened. My Inner Image guides have been telling me I think waaaay too much and if I don't just drop it I'll be stalled out.


In of my guides literally kept looking at me and turning into the head of a loud, braying mule and I always got the VERY distinct impression he was telling me I was being a very stubborn jackass in my excessive reliance on thinking to try to understand what he says can not be understood like that.


He would look at me and then do THIS > jackass.jpg


Now something even odder has happened as of yesterday and today. For the past 2 days - now when I meditate - a strange...hmm..non-thinking blackness quickly envelopes me. My mind..while not truly purely quiet certainly quiets down much more than it ever has before. Then my awareness seems to drop to my heart level and from there I'd swear it seems to radiate outward 360 degrees. I can feel this 360 degree 'sensing awareness' in my body physically. It's very odd and very new. I've never felt anything like it before.


And all because of Inner Images.


Things that make you go Hmmm....



If I didn't know any better, I would say that my boob comment just got me compared with a jackass, but I am used to that :lol:

Seriously, I get a yellow glowing orb that slowly pulsates in and out of my visual field. When I was very young I used to imagine it to be God himself. It would of course be unbearably hip if someone told me it was some kind of Third eye phenomena.

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Yikes! So I've actually REGRESSED in my meditation?!!


You need to watch your negaception (negative perception coloring). :lol:


I was saying that when your mind get's quiet, your awareness will drop into your heart center at times and spread out from there, instead of your head. It's generally considered the place of the dark meditative void or the causal body, where not time, or thing can enter. It's a space beyond the energy body, or astral body. So no, I'm saying your going forward!! LOL!! :P


Your too hard on yourself.

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If I didn't know any better, I would say that my boob comment just got me compared with a jackass, but I am used to that :lol:

Here ya go. THIS one is just for you, Blasto. > brayingjackass2.jpg




You need to watch your negaception (negative perception coloring). :lol:


I was saying that when your mind get's quiet, your awareness will drop into your heart center at times and spread out from there, instead of your head. It's generally considered the place of the dark meditative void or the causal body, where not time, or thing can enter. It's a space beyond the energy body, or astral body. So no, I'm saying your going forward!! LOL!! :P


Your too hard on yourself.


Thank goodness!


Yeah...I have a tendency to do that sometimes.

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