
sex with entities

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a bit like the healing threads there seems to be a


"Exercise Caution. You don't know what is going to happen, you need to understand it all 1st"

A valid and safe approach.



"Lets have a go and see what happens, if it turns out to be bad I'll just deal with it then"

That is the a approach that I favor. Which as it's most positive is spun as


"The people who say it can't be done should get out of the way of the people doing it."


I would be smacking my lips too, a beautiful spirit open to learning and loving, I see no

spirit parasites who comes in a form to possess you!



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a bit like the healing threads there seems to be a


"Exercise Caution. You don't know what is going to happen, you need to understand it all 1st"

A valid and safe approach.



"Lets have a go and see what happens, if it turns out to be bad I'll just deal with it then"

That is the a approach that I favor. Which as it's most positive is spun as


"The people who say it can't be done should get out of the way of the people doing it."


I would be smacking my lips too, a beautiful spirit open to learning and loving, I see no




Sex with astral entities? Sure! Go ahead!! I don't say it can't be done, but I also if you don't know what you're dealing with, don't fuck with it!





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Entity Possession: Freeing the Energy Body of Negative Influence


I agree more with the 2 star review. I would be very surprised if any "entity's" know to a person presenting for psychological assistance would be viewed as beneficial.


I don't own this book but I usually enjoy Llewellyn published books, I have a lot of their stuff.

How To Meet and Work with Spirit Guides Some may resonate more with the last 3 star review or perhaps When Pigs move in (sic)

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I'm in Camp A. I don't believe every entity encountered will always prove to be a bad one - either now or in the far future. I have several. One of whom I believe to be none other than Dr. Morris himself. In fact, I am convinced Dr. Morris looks after and protects all his KAP students and genuinely has their best interests at heart.


Santi has also mentioned how he's seen Dr. Morris after he passed on.

So I can fully believe Witch's entity could also have only non-violent, only-helpful intentions - both now and in her far future.


Wow. A very naive attitude. If I were an astral entity, I would be smacking my lips at a naive waif such as you are presenting yourself...Entities can take on whatever form they like in order to gain access to what...? Your

energies, your essence, most easily accessible through the sexual force. They can seduce you so you won't even know it. Jeez, Serene your trusting these entities?? I have heard advanced teachers even warning not to trust visions of Christ, Buddha, angels...they are almost certainly false entities. If they can, why wouldn't they take on a form to to seduce you...what could be better? They're not stupid, they feed on human energies, if they want something, they will take on a seductive form. (Didn't you see that Indiana Jones movie where the beautiful spectre turns into a hideous demon?) They like to attach themselves to human beings as parasites and possess them. What better way than as an appealing sex partner? It sounds like you are often too accommodating in your life, don't give away your spirit to some parasite who comes in a form to possess you! I advise caution...you don't yet understand what you're dealing with, so you are at their mercy...do some reading...like:




First let me state:

I do not have sex with any entities.


Nor do I get any negative vibes from them - in fact on many occasions they keep stressing I need to quit being a hermit and start doing charity work to practice virtue. They stress that point to me A LOT. In fact the thought has crossed my mind on more than one occasion that these beings are just constructions of my subconscious and have zero 'reality' apart from it.


I have a difficult time believing an evil being is feeding off me. My teacher, Tao, was the one who suggested inviting Dr. Morris to show up sometime and see what happens. I have a hard time believing he would recommend this if he believed and had a history of evil entities impersonating his teacher and feeding off the energy of his students.


Nonetheless in recognition of the fact that I do not have any qualifications in the area of distinguishing good or bad and also in recognition that there can always be a first time for everything I've contacted someone of FAR greater ability and wisdom than myself for help in this matter.


I admit I am naive. But not so naive as to believe myself to be able to distinguish when it comes to these matters.

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Wow. A very naive attitude. If I were an astral entity, I would be smacking my lips at a naive waif such as you are presenting yourself...Entities can take on whatever form they like in order to gain access to what...? Your

energies, your essence, most easily accessible through the sexual force. They can seduce you so you won't even know it. Jeez, Serene your trusting these entities?? I have heard advanced teachers even warning not to trust visions of Christ, Buddha, angels...they are almost certainly false entities. If they can, why wouldn't they take on a form to to seduce you...what could be better? They're not stupid, they feed on human energies, if they want something, they will take on a seductive form. (Didn't you see that Indiana Jones movie where the beautiful spectre turns into a hideous demon?) They like to attach themselves to human beings as parasites and possess them. What better way than as an appealing sex partner? It sounds like you are often too accommodating in your life, don't give away your spirit to some parasite who comes in a form to possess you! I advise caution...you don't yet understand what you're dealing with, so you are at their mercy...do some reading...like:




It must be said that is true, everything is feeding off something, and way down/in where we are if your not connecting to an upper/inner source, perhaps due to the fact the your not quite 'one' yet, or you have other ideas, then you gotta get a meal somehow and I believe some humans are quite the delicacy indeed, especially the ones developing chi! That's where I'd go for sure looking for a tasty energy boost, deeeelicious!


It seems there are 4 camps, but I would like to add another, camp neutral. I think all the above stated are true, possibly positive interactions and possibly negative....although I do think negative is quite possibly more common. But the bonus is if you really wanna know if it's a positive one or negative one your gonna have to develop the ability of inner sight into your bag of tricks, you know it can kind of be seen as a nice little motivator......then again, once they've attached to you their not very helpful in that department. I had one when I was looking at it throw a energy net/blob over the 3rd eye area to deliberately obscure my sight. Ho hum.


As for lost abilities all you have to do is work 'through' the logical mind. Kind of a nice little circle, kind of like some people are great at pool when they are drunk but suck when sober. Just takes some effort but it's still there. That left brain is always getting in the way.

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once you're part of a legit enlightened lineage, you're protected and don't have to worry about any entities :)

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The entity is gone. Three years it's been, and before that I had my thoughtform for nine years.


What am I going to do with all my energy! :lol: Maybe I'll get skinny--that would be a nice change. Not too skinny though--I like being fat. :)


I'm pretty sure I know why I had it now. I've got a prominent Chiron in my chart, found out Chiron has to do with shamanic things. Not that I'm a shaman, but my particular placement of it indicates the shamanic initiation has to do with passionate love for an unreal being. So I guess initiation is over? Heck if I know.


I just know I'm not going to know what to do with myself, after twelve years. I've never been the way I am now without someplace to get rid of the energy.

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The entity is gone.



Elvis has left the building???


Please excuse my gratuitous curiosity, but why did he go?


Your pal,


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Because I had the presence of mind to tie him to an actual man. That means the actions of that man influenced the hold the entity had over me. Yesterday he confessed that he had been taking my energy, which was fine and not entirely unexpected. Lord knows I have plenty of it! And he had great need of it. But there was a misunderstanding on my side at the beginning, not his fault at all, that allowed me to open up to him so fully and completely. My eyes were opened to that misunderstanding and it completely shut down the connection.

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Because I had the presence of mind to tie him to an actual man. That means the actions of that man influenced the hold the entity had over me. Yesterday he confessed that he had been taking my energy, which was fine and not entirely unexpected. Lord knows I have plenty of it! And he had great need of it. But there was a misunderstanding on my side at the beginning, not his fault at all, that allowed me to open up to him so fully and completely. My eyes were opened to that misunderstanding and it completely shut down the connection.



So the entity was linked to a man ... but it was a separate entity, yes? That's interesting that when you understood what was happening it shut down - have I got that right?

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I just know I'm not going to know what to do with myself, after twelve years.


It might interest you to know that 12 years is a significant astrological cycle in Taoist/Chinese cosmology. You have run a full course with this entity engagement. Now the spiral has brought you to the same place on the map once cycle further along. What is the pattern?


Might be interesting to find a good Taoist Astrologer who can examine your chart and tell you something about where you were then compared to now and perhaps where you are going.


That's what I'd do.


PS - I know you are no Taoist, but they have some good tools.



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No, it turned out that the entity was actually a man. Who was tapping my energy. He wrote me yesterday. And I don't regret it one tiny bit, he put it to good use.


But what he wrote made me see something about the situation that I hadn't seen before, something at the very start that I had misunderstood, and it was that realization that ended it for me.

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Your melon has ripened :)


Don't know why but I keep thinking of:


"A savage place! as holy and enchanted

As e'er beneath a waning moon was haunted

By woman wailing for her demon-lover!"


But of course he was not a demon and you are not wailing - so guess its irrelevant really. :unsure:

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On the other hand, he's quite fond of honeydew.


Oh my goodness, I'm crying. This is quite ridiculous, why on earth am I crying?

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I'm in Camp A. I don't believe every entity encountered will always prove to be a bad one - either now or in the far future. I have several. One of whom I believe to be none other than Dr. Morris himself. In fact, I am convinced Dr. Morris looks after and protects all his KAP students and genuinely has their best interests at heart.


Santi has also mentioned how he's seen Dr. Morris after he passed on.

So I can fully believe Witch's entity could also have only non-violent, only-helpful intentions - both now and in her far future.

Wow. A very naive attitude. If I were an astral entity, I would be smacking my lips at a naive waif such as you are presenting yourself...Entities can take on whatever form they like in order to gain access to what...? Your

energies, your essence, most easily accessible through the sexual force. They can seduce you so you won't even know it. Jeez, Serene your trusting these entities?? I have heard advanced teachers even warning not to trust visions of Christ, Buddha, angels...they are almost certainly false entities. If they can, why wouldn't they take on a form to to seduce you...what could be better? They're not stupid, they feed on human energies, if they want something, they will take on a seductive form. (Didn't you see that Indiana Jones movie where the beautiful spectre turns into a hideous demon?) They like to attach themselves to human beings as parasites and possess them. What better way than as an appealing sex partner? It sounds like you are often too accommodating in your life, don't give away your spirit to some parasite who comes in a form to possess you! I advise caution...you don't yet understand what you're dealing with, so you are at their mercy...do some reading...like:





Naive are the ones that can't see SHIT.


Reading wont get you a "solution"....Only real training will.


A lot of times in traditions the "visions" are shut off or repelled or ignored or the student is said not to pay attention to them.....




Funny how the Dalai Lama consults the Bonpo Oracle for his "Visions" !


Why is Shamanism Visions & Dream Yoga so important ?


Entities are real.


Not all are good Not all are bad


Some are neutral.


You have to learn to deal with what you see and FACE THE MUSIC. If you are seeing something one has to see why. Also one with the right training can know where its coming from.


Yes Glenn Morris is very present to his students.


There is a "Lineage"/"Ryu".


Shakti is very real aswell.


again you are only Naive when you can't see SHIT.


Best wishes



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On the other hand, he's quite fond of honeydew.


Oh my goodness, I'm crying. This is quite ridiculous, why on earth am I crying?



Did he have flashing eyes and floating hair? Crying might be a good thing ... in some way.

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You are mega-mega-awesome and it's totally understandable to feel sad and it's nice that your friend has come clean.


Your pal,


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My apologies about the 'naive' comment. I just think that if you are inexperienced and dont have a reliable real world guide or teacher, by what measure do you trust or evaluate the entities who appear to you? I still think one should tread lightly with entities, and I'm not sure what to make of 'Dr. Morris' appearing to people. Will have to set with this awhile.




what do you mean by 'naive are the ones who can't see SHIT'?

If one doesn't see entities, that makes one spiritually naive?

If you could clarify your post, it would be helpful for me to understand.

I'm willing to reconsider my views with more information.

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You are mega-mega-awesome and it's totally understandable to feel sad and it's nice that your friend has come clean.


Your pal,



GOD! Somebody punked me. It wasn't him that wrote. Oh Internet, why must you be so confusing! :lol: Somebody pretending to be him. This is what comes of me talking too much online, waggling prankster ears picking things up.


Still, my realization still holds of me going into this on the wrong foot, because what the shyster said just confirmed things I knew underneath.

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I still don't get where witch is at.


As for how to figure out if an entity is good/bad positive or negative it's usually quite simple if you have developed your perceptions. ie. you feel it. If your an evil little demon you can put on a bit of a show for a while, but that 'other' body of yours can feel the truth of the other being, now when I say feel I don't mean kind of guess, or intuition, although in body intuition is a product of that inner body, just not so accurate due to the diluted down state of human everyday consciousness. If it's demonic...and I don't mean in a Christian sense or anything...you can feel it once you can perceive in that place. It's part of that bodies senses, it's actually the 5 human senses combined, which is why in western esoteric traditions and eastern there is all the stuff about earth, water, fire, air/wind metal/akasha. It's simply to develop that more. That's a secret by the way. Apparently.

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