
sex with entities

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Can someone please explain the story of what bad experience the Dalai Lama had with one of his entities? I've not heard of this anywhere else except here.


I think Santi's Psychic Self Defense course is a good one to take. If I ever get up enough money for it I'm definitely going to do it. Also...Ya Mu's suggestion - which I tried - does seem to work. I had a positive experience with it of which I am very relieved. Although as a result I am now convinced more than ever of the need to go out and actually *do* virtuous, charitable acts. And I am now definitely convinced Dr. Morris watches out for his all student's welfare. :)

Edited by SereneBlue

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Eric Yudelove had similar experiences after his doing with Magic went south. You may ask him for help as he seems to be recovering pretty well. He is here on this forum.

I would also recommend visiting any Zen Master.


As for all the entity lovers out there, the best verification you can get to see what side they are coming from is to ask them to send a wave of Love energy at you. There is NO ENTITY that can do it if they are evil. I-m-p-o-s-s-i-b-l-e... In the spirit world, you can do many things but you can't fake LOVE.



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How about if you are so good at feeling love yourself, that they get you to feel your own love energy, and you mistake it for theirs.


world of mirrors.


I've often contemplated that.

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Apepch7, thanks for the book suggestion! I hadn't thought of the whole thing in terms of familiars.








Best not to buy the ouija board in the first place! :lol:




Yes Yoda,


But maybe what is being pointed out is that this is a dangerous way of working - maybe the people who have problems do not take the proper steps, or do not try to understand their own experiences or enter into the relationship lightheartedly without care.


If you look at our own Witch's experiences in her practice log you can see that it is quite difficult to see exactly what is going on - is this real, is it me, is it something I have created, can it influence the world of other people ... and so on ... these questions are always there. In simpler times (e.g. the Middle Ages) everybody took things literally ... but we have been taught to question.


It is not my preference to work this way - and I think it is dangerous, or has its dangers - but that is not a reason for not doing it. Otherwise we wouldn't do anything, pretty much, would we.



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Great post, Yoda!

If you look at our own Witch's experiences in her practice log you can see that it is quite difficult to see exactly what is going on - is this real, is it me, is it something I have created, can it influence the world of other people ... and so on ... these questions are always there. In simpler times (e.g. the Middle Ages) everybody took things literally ... but we have been taught to question.
That seems to be one of the main problems with entities - lack of discernment about them. It's like a blind man meeting strangers in an alley.


So, I agree that these encounters could be risky until you open your 3rd eye or something to develop better perceptual abilities and see what's really going on.


One reason I like the traditional Chinese alchemy right now is that it's all about going deeper inside yourself, and doesn't involve invoking any entities, which could definitely get confusing for a "blind" beginner...

Edited by vortex

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Frankly the same things could be said of men--hard to know, draining, potentially dangerous. Yet women still go out with them. I think the thing here is that people are individuals, and I happen to be an entity myself, so it makes sense that I'd be romantically interested in them--and by romantically I mean sexually. :D Ever since I've entered puberty I've been able to go into men; I used to amuse myself by giving my boyfriends wet dreams. *cough* And it used to make my ex-husband angry. He did not find me attractive, but yet I could give him an erection just by looking at his cock. He would say, "How do you do that!" and get annoyed. I remember one time he denied me sex when I asked him for it, while he was sporting a boner you could hang a bath towel from.


I like going into men, so it makes sense that I would be interested in an entity/elaborate fantasy of an entity :D who can come into me.


I do have some discernment, my third eye has been open for a while now.

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How about if you are so good at feeling love yourself, that they get you to feel your own love energy, and you mistake it for theirs.

Just imagine a tremendous feeling of Oneness, Connectedness to everything with a mix of Unconditional Bliss that you don't what to ever stop.... I'm pretty sure you will feel the difference when they send it to you, although the degree and intensity will be based on the level of their development. Like I said, it's impossible to cheat there - they either have it or not. When I was a teacher with Sacred Merkaba organization we used to "shift"/travel to higher dimensions all the time and this was how we check before communicating with "anybody" there.

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Just imagine a tremendous feeling of Oneness, Connectedness to everything with a mix of Unconditional Bliss that you don't what to ever stop.... I'm pretty sure you will feel the difference when they send it to you, although the degree and intensity will be based on the level of their development. Like I said, it's impossible to cheat there - they either have it or not. When I was a teacher with Sacred Merkaba organization we used to "shift"/travel to higher dimensions all the time and this was how we check before communicating with "anybody" there.


While I have never won a Smile/Yoda debate, I think that the whole reason people get into the entity groove is easy access to love, bliss, how to escape Tibet instructions, how to learn Spanish in 5 seconds, how to heal cancer, and cool stuff like that. Otherwise, only a small handful of angry teens would be into it and it wouldn't be of any interest to us.

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The entity tried to be romantic and sweet at first but also resorted to threatening the life of her young daughter periodically which illustrates the point that they may seem nice at first but not so much later on.


The author talks about settling in with one entity who protects one from the bad ones and/or using protective rituals or symbols for defense... I look at this as paying the school bully protection money.


To my manner of thinking, the entity was ransacking the author's ancestral energy at such a rate as was uncomfortable for the author which threatened the longevity of the relationship, so the entity agreed to turn down the pain (and, I would guess, up the author's orgasmic pleasures) in order to continue the relationship... draining of the author's power which will make gaining reincarnation for the author a difficult feat... probably too late for her to gain reincarnation for a very, very long time if at all and will make it harder for family members as well.




i dont understand this part...how does her being attacked by the entity affect her family members (other people)


anyway any protection from entities ???

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While I have never won a Smile/Yoda debate, I think that the whole reason people get into the entity groove is easy access to love, bliss, how to escape Tibet instructions, how to learn Spanish in 5 seconds, how to heal cancer, and cool stuff like that. Otherwise, only a small handful of angry teens would be into it and it wouldn't be of any interest to us.


I know I'm upside down and backwards on all this, but that description of love/bliss sounds like ice cream. The thing I'm interested in from my entities tastes more like, um, really good chili. :) I'm not interested in getting anything from my entity except the company of the entity and that earthy very tasty energy. The protection thing is an added very good bonus.


Like when my thoughtform was losing its grip on me, I constructed a new one based on this guy:




an old imaginary friend from my childhood. He wasn't very strong because he wasn't based on a real person, but he was quite nice and held until this current construct walked into my life.


That was the thing with the Kunlun visualization that I didn't like--I felt very disoriented visualizing myself floating in the air on a white cloud or whatever it was. The only way I could do it and not get a feeling of wrongness was to imagine my entity on the cloud with me. My visualizations are black and rooted to the earth, just like Chernabog--and very pretty. :)

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i dont understand this part...how does her being attacked by the entity affect her family members (other people)


anyway any protection from entities ???


Singapore Guy,


That is just traditional Taoist theory... the actions of the emperor effect the citizens on tangible and on vibrational levels and vastly more so does the action of the father or mother effect parents, spouse, children, ancestors, and descendants possibly for generations. So the Taoist sects who believe that mediumship is draining believe that it's not just the individual who suffers the draining process. And all this happens on a deeper level than standard chi energy. The theory is that ancestral energy is what is primarily drained. Per the theory, entity side effects that are experienced in terms of weird dreams, lower energy levels, and lower luck levels are just the tip of the iceberg... interest payments only, but they are the ones that are the most obvious to us.


The defenses against this sort of thing is like in the movies, don't play with the ouija board in front of the tv at 3am while on drugs... common sense stuff. There have been some good pointers on this thread. I would add early to bed/early to rise, avoiding pornography/occult/new age websites including this one, strict serial monogamy and strong morals, and no smoking.


I hate it that I'm on the buzzkill side of the equation these days, but there you have it. :lol:


Your pal,


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I can imagine that feeling, yes. Actually, when I felt that in the past, sometimes out of the blue, I'd think I was being visited astrally by someone/whoever I was enamoured of at the time. Now I know that I can feel that feeling at any time,and there is no external trigger needed. The ecstacy is always there and my heart is a channel for it, in fact my whole being is a channel for it, and the divine eroticism of a flower or the thrusting celebration that is a tree, or the beautiful baked planet-piece that is a brick, all of it is one big orgasm love festival just right here, right now. The orgasm and the bliss and the joy is available, 24/7. No entities/astral wanderers required. It took a while, though, to get the idea that I need not hang the experience on an imagined identity.


This is my experience, and not in any way a comment on your experience, witch, because I know you are into your own very particular ways. :) It is funny to turn men on without them knowing what you are doing, and I have done it myself out of mischieviousness too. Even at quite some distances. But I do believe in karma, so I am wary of giving full reign to my trickster energy. Hormones are tricky enough for humans to deal with already, I reckons...


I get four feelings from my entity, all very different from those. First off is the earthy energy, like I mentioned. That is very delicious and I need it and I take it. Second is the feeling of an open male heart and I need that too, to ejaculate my heart energy. I can't get my tantric rocks off without at least visualizing a man from the waist up, and it works better of course with a fully formed entity. Third is an extra bonus that happens sometimes, it's the eye energy. Also sometimes involves kissing. Everything from the neck up and gives me sixth chakra orgasms. The fourth is the most disconcerting and that is a simple plain feeling of intimacy. I suppose that could be thought of as loving, it is, but nothing like bliss. It feels so ordinary. That's the hardest one to get used to! Like "Oh honey, don't forget to stop and get gas on the way home." :D

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Singapore Guy,


That is just traditional Taoist theory... the actions of the emperor effect the citizens on tangible and on vibrational levels and vastly more so does the action of the father or mother effect parents, spouse, children, ancestors, and descendants possibly for generations. So the Taoist sects who believe that mediumship is draining believe that it's not just the individual who suffers the draining process. And all this happens on a deeper level than standard chi energy. The theory is that ancestral energy is what is primarily drained. Per the theory, entity side effects that are experienced in terms of weird dreams, lower energy levels, and lower luck levels are just the tip of the iceberg... interest payments only, but they are the ones that are the most obvious to us.


The defenses against this sort of thing is like in the movies, don't play with the ouija board in front of the tv at 3am while on drugs... common sense stuff. There have been some good pointers on this thread. I would add early to bed/early to rise, avoiding pornography/occult/new age websites including this one, strict serial monogamy and strong morals, and no smoking.


I hate it that I'm on the buzzkill side of the equation these days, but there you have it. :lol:


Your pal,



ill make sure to read taobums with garlands of garlic near my monitor !


anyway interesting taoist theory about energy...now i know why taoist practise ancestor worship

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I think the witch living alone in the woods was doing what we have been doing. I reckon it's an archetypal womanly way for a certain type of mystical woman who treads the paths independantly.


And it's funny because I dont think it's what the (male) hermits alone in their caves were doing. And it doesnt appear to be what any of the male taoists are doing. Interesting, I think.


I agree with all of your post but this part especially. The more I poke around I realize that historically there have always been women like us--sometimes more socially accepted, sometimes less so. And sometimes those women had to go underground, perhaps not even consciously, and fit their experiences in with social norms (nuns being the Bride of Christ, for example).


I don't think I will ever de-anthropomorphize to the extent that you have done, because I'm pretty boy-crazy, but I can sort of understand where you are. More advanced than me! :D

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I can imagine that feeling, yes. Actually, when I felt that in the past, sometimes out of the blue, I'd think I was being visited astrally by someone/whoever I was enamoured of at the time. Now I know that I can feel that feeling at any time,and there is no external trigger needed. The ecstacy is always there and my heart is a channel for it, in fact my whole being is a channel for it, and the divine eroticism of a flower or the thrusting celebration that is a tree, or the beautiful baked planet-piece that is a brick, all of it is one big orgasm love festival just right here, right now. The orgasm and the bliss and the joy is available, 24/7. No entities/astral wanderers required. It took a while, though, to get the idea that I need not hang the experience on an imagined identity.
Very nice, Cat. Thanks for sharing. :wub:


To return the conversation back to astral beings.... If you do any type of cultivation for a long time, you will attract a lot of attention to yourself in the other worlds. Look at yourself as a beacon in the dark night - a lot of beings will be simply curious to see who it is out there to have all this energy. Believe it or not, even in the big city it's not very common for someone to cultivate properly. So you will get attracted a lot of beings that will come and look around. Some will like you and will want to feed on you, and will devise all sort of ways to get your interest. Just observe and let them go. They can't do anything unless you let them. Unlike in this reality, the free will principle works there very well, and you will have protection in case someone decide to break it.


Still, there are a lot of very powerful beings that can fuck you up, if you have any type of agreement with them. Human body is a delicious treat with lots of unique experiences and energies not available in the astral world. Just take sex as a good example. Or love. Darkness can't relate to love but it can feed on the energy.


Again, it's important to cultivate properly so your mind doesn't drift and becomes attracted to these things. Vipassana is a good example of a proper method, where you learn to observe things that come and go without attachments. Kunlun method could create a problem as it will generate certain energy that attract a lot of attention. Most people wouldn't be ready for this kind of attention in the spirit world and hence without a teacher monitoring their progress they get in all kind of mess that will be hard to fix.


One of the biggest mistakes people make dealing with spirits is that they think they are strong enough to control them and the situation. If you have a powerful energy, you will attract a powerful entity. It is important to cultivate your mind so it won't be attracted to the glitter of possibilities and promisess. It will be lots of tests like this in one form and another. Don't get sidetracked off the path, because you may never find it back in the darkness. :unsure:

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I agree with all of your post but this part especially. The more I poke around I realize that historically there have always been women like us--sometimes more socially accepted, sometimes less so. And sometimes those women had to go underground, perhaps not even consciously, and fit their experiences in with social norms (nuns being the Bride of Christ, for example).


I don't think I will ever de-anthropomorphize to the extent that you have done, because I'm pretty boy-crazy, but I can sort of understand where you are. More advanced than me! :D


Replying to myself! I just wanted to add now that I understand Cat's way a little better and I might end up there myself eventually. The thing that's really holding me to my construct is that I deeply love the man it's based on.

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Again, it's important to cultivate properly so your mind doesn't drift and becomes attracted to these things. Vipassana is a good example of a proper method, where you learn to observe things that come and go without attachments. Kunlun method could create a problem as it will generate certain energy that attract a lot of attention. Most people wouldn't be ready for this kind of attention in the spirit world and hence without a teacher monitoring their progress they get in all kind of mess that will be hard to fix.


I think it's more a case of "when a student is ready, the teacher appears," or rather its opposite -- "when a student appears who is not ready, the teacher might be wasted on him/her." With public teachings (something nontraditional and therefore as precarious as all things new), students might flock in who may or may not be ready, hence the difficulties later. (And with learning from other sources than a live and "charged" teacher, the practice is diluted very thinly and so are all its effects, auspicious and inauspicious. Probably applies to viprassana as much as to kunlun, or anything else.)


Come to think of it, I have never learned from a teacher without having been invited. Now the invitation itself may have come about because I practiced and my practice got noticed at other levels, who knows. However, I never "appeared" to a master without the master extending an invitation first, so I never had any (knocking on wood) effects from any practice that I would want to take back. (Spitting thrice across the left shoulder.) As a protagonist of an old joke says, "I don't have a drinking problem -- I only have a problem when I can't get a drink." Bad things happen to me if I don't practice -- the entity I have to overcome, a most powerful one, is the mighty and evil demon of Why Bother. (I counteract its interference by invoking the great and benevolent spirit of Why Not.)


One of the biggest mistakes people make dealing with spirits is that they think they are strong enough to control them and the situation. If you have a powerful energy, you will attract a powerful entity. It is important to cultivate your mind so it won't be attracted to the glitter of possibilities and promisess. It will be lots of tests like this in one form and another. Don't get sidetracked off the path, because you may never find it back in the darkness. :unsure:


So very true.

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Replying to myself! I just wanted to add now that I understand Cat's way a little better and I might end up there myself eventually. The thing that's really holding me to my construct is that I deeply love the man it's based on.


Both you and Cat are leagues ahead of me energy-wise. I live alone too so maybe someday I'll catch up with you two. :)

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I think it's more a case of "when a student is ready, the teacher appears," or rather its opposite -- "when a student appears who is not ready, the teacher might be wasted on him/her." With public teachings (something nontraditional and therefore as precarious as all things new), students might flock in who may or may not be ready, hence the difficulties later. (And with learning from other sources than a live and "charged" teacher, the practice is diluted very thinly and so are all its effects, auspicious and inauspicious. Probably applies to viprassana as much as to kunlun, or anything else.)

I learned a version similar to Kunlun from a Russian teacher but that was long time ago. It was a part of a bigger system and it was for advanced practitioners and he would watch over me every week. The reason is that you can open the door that will let all the shit out and all the other shit in. Some people here can attest to that.





The glitter of possibilities and promises.. what would that look like, concretely, can you give me a for example? What ways will be devised to get one's interest?



All your heart desires... If there is something you wish for, they will explore it to the tiny detail. That's why you need your heart content and still, or you will be lost.

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