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I'm here... Capital, right?

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Hey everyone! I probably should have lurked more before writing my intro, but there was some section or another that I couldn't get into without registering and writing this, and I just had to say fuck it. Now I'm trying to think of something to write.


Ah; my real name is Kyle. That's a place to start. My mom wanted to name me Dilan... eurghh.


You all can call me Kyle or Capital. I chose Capital as my screenname because the word (in the old Brit exclamatory sense~ That's splendid news! Capital!) amuses me enough to bring up a real smile every time I see it, and that's more than reason enough to have it as my screen name.


I guess you could say that I'm a general all around beginner, though that doesn't bother me, as that simply means I have the rest of this lifecycle (whether I die tomorrow) ahead of me. I'm only 19, I'm fresh out of High School (and silly procrastination kept me from college this first semester), and I am only beginning to understand what I should be beginning to understand as it pertains to philosophy, Taoism, Religion, Qigong, spirituality, and my admittedly shallow dabbles in Taijichuan.


I guess that's what I'm doing here. I found a link to this site and read through a few pages of discussion, and I liked the frank and relaxed discussions I saw here, as opposed to the stuffy arrogance I've found consistently elsewhere (Is it arrogant to dislike the arrogant? That question has always bugged me). I'm hoping my activity here will help me to open up philosophically/spiritually, as another forum I frequented helped me to open up intellectually.


My main problem is my complete lack of direction. When everything looks so pretty, but offers nothing truly tangible to 'hold on to', you start spinning constantly to try to see all of it at once, and then you just end up falling on your ass. This forum could just be one of those things, but I got good vibes pretty instantly (as I did with the other forum I talked about, and didn't with all the others), and I trust myself, so we'll see.


Anyways, I'm not really sure what exactly this forum focuses on in a 'good introduction', so I'll wait and respond to what responses come.



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Hi Capital,




May you enjoy your time here.


A complete lack of direction? I have known some people who spent their entire life in that mode. They just did what they were told they were supposed to do - got a job - got married- bought a house- made some babies- then died.


I will say this: get your butt in school next semester!


Join in whatever discussions interest you and you will soon see where you what to go.


Happy Trails!

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Now that I see no paper or bricks are involved, your name 'is' capital.. the greatest!


May your desire to fathom the unknown bring all you sought and all you hope.

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Now that I see no paper or bricks are involved, your name 'is' capital.. the greatest!


May your desire to fathom the unknown bring all you sought and all you hope.



hello - Capital intro! bet you'll have fun.

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Marblehead: Yea, I'll definitely be in school next semester. I have the grades and the SATs. I'm not the type that could do long without some sort of learning.


The main reason I'm not in a good college yet is because of a rather pathetic amount of procrastination, as I said; the reason I'm not in school at all is because of a bunch of odd, and rather frustrating, circumstances that ended up being completely outside of my personal control.


Then again, had I started earlier, the problems could have been solved before the final deadline...


----- kekeke


Being out of school though fully, I have to say, has been a rather fulfilling experience by itself. I have been a lot less stressed, and I've lost a good portion of the excess weight I had gained over those long, lovely years of adolescence.


I also began really meditating then, and I think that is what actually made all the difference.

Edited by Capital

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Marblehead: Yea, I'll definitely be in school next semester. I have the grades and the SATs. I'm not the type that could do long without some sort of learning.


The main reason I'm not in a good college yet is because of a rather pathetic amount of procrastination, as I said; the reason I'm not in school at all is because of a bunch of odd, and rather frustrating, circumstances that ended up being completely outside of my personal control.


Then again, had I started earlier, the problems could have been solved before the final deadline...


----- kekeke


Being out of school though fully, I have to say, has been a rather fulfilling experience by itself. I have been a lot less stressed, and I've lost a good portion of the excess weight I had gained over those long, lovely years of adolescence.


I also began really meditating then, and I think that is what actually made all the difference.


Good to hear you have a plan. Yeah, I know. Shit happens sometimes. Thing about school though is that the longer you stay away from it the harder it is getting back to good study habits.


And I know about waiting to resolve a problem. Been there, done that. Problems seem to grow the longer we ignore them.


Anyhow, get involved in some discussions now so you can see where your interests lie.


Happy Trails!

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