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Hi Songs,


Do you know how easy it is to get translations of nearly any language into English on the internet now-a-days?


Happy Trails!

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I am making one more comment about this situation so that everyone can understand where I was coming from and why I brought Tao99's post to the other mod's attention.


First and foremost:


I was using the criterion SEAN himself - the owner of the site - gave us as to how to mod profanity. He said he would allow some but if it was EXCESSIVE then he - Sean - advised stepping in and modding.




I did NOT go in and edit or delete Tao99's post.I still haven't. I talked with the other mods first. Basically I asked them a single question. I wanted to know...was I the only person who saw Tao99's profanity filled post as being excessive? BECAUSE BY SEAN'S STANDARD IT WARRANTED BEING REMOVED and at the time that was the only sure guideline I and they had to go by.


I've been a member of many boards where only the in-crowd ever felt safe. I've been a member of one board where the biased modding and favoritism was so blatant that members went out and started their own boards (invested in buying the bandwidth, server space and software no less!) just to get away from that kind of atmosphere.


I do not want to be and will not be a dictator. I am hypersensitive to being accused of playing favorites and being biased - which of course Tao99 believes he now has proof that I am. I am truly sorry for that but I won't be able to win friends all the time. That's just life I guess.


Had Sean advised us to ignore any and all profanity unless it was a personal attack I never would've batted an eye at it. BTW - I do agree Santi should have the same standards apply as to anyone else (me too for that matter).


Best wishes to everyone. I really am going to try to be as invisible as a mouse.


*roses to the board members*

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this is just hyper biased mod commenting for the in club.


In your own admission you deliberately pushed the line and got called out for it ... get over it.


I think so to.


just forget it


Like water under the bridge, no worries.

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Hi Serene,


Thank you for the clarification.


I do agree that the outburst of profanity was "excessive".


But it was being done for a purpose - to test the limits.


So now the limits have been defined. That's good.


Happy Trails!

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First and foremost:


I was using the criterion SEAN himself - the owner of the site - gave us as to how to mod profanity. He said he would allow some but if it was EXCESSIVE then he - Sean - advised stepping in and modding.


Best wishes to everyone. I really am going to try to be as invisible as a mouse.


*roses to the board members*


Oh ok, I didn't know Sean had given you rules. I guess he should have told the board too, so we knew what rules to play by. Oh well just a little misunderstanding there, no big deal. I don't believe you are a dictator type, and see you were just applying his rules. So no problem, have a good one.

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