
The Cool Picture Thread

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my son has really strong liver energy.

in first grade he came to me and said "I don't like the pledge of allegiance dad"

"why not?" I asked.


"because I don't think god is real and it doesn't make sense."

"well, you may get shit from the school, your friends and maybe even your teachers" I said.  "but you have my support and I'll never punish you for being who you are."


for a while, he would say the pledge and just skip the god part.

any more, he just stands quietly while it's recited.

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This is weird, I used to be able to do nutty stuff like that, We had a very dangerous and risky place we used to hang off , people would get sick and dizzy just watching me.


Now, I am the one that gets dizzy , feels weird and gets wobbly knees when I approach a chasm ... dont remember the change, I had a long break from that stuff, then one day when I tried something like it .... whoaa! 


It was not until I got in this thing that I realised it had an open metal mesh floor   :wacko:





Half way across the tour guide goes  " And if you look down to the left, far below, you will see the remains of the last cable car."



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This is weird, I used to be able to do nutty stuff like that, We had a very dangerous and risky place we used to hang off , people would get sick and dizzy just watching me.

That one I could still do.  I think it has a lot to do with my feet and hands having something secure to hold to.

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