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When you are hurt, how do you feel?


Do you distrust reality? Do you get angry because things are not going your way?


Is it due to the fact that the mind distrusts anything it cannot control?


Is there a limit to trust? Where certain forms of energy work begin and where it ends with false trust ideas like jumping in front of a bus?


Is trust blind faith or is it something that is felt like the ability to feel chi, or to feel various things?


Does your mind often fight with you telling you you are going nuts? Or have you learned to trust?



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Yes, I still get slightly bent out of shape when my expectations of trust in someone does not turn out the way I had expected.


Yeah, I know. My fault because I should not place my expectations on others.


But still ...


I don't care much for the concept of blind faith. I think that is taking trust a little too far.


Peace & Love!

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