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Stretching Chi Kung

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I have a book titled "Eternal Spring Chi Kung" by C.K Chu which contains some Chi Kung postures which put you in a stretched or contarcted position in which you relax and breath deeply, Im really intrigued by this style of Chi Kung as its simple but still very powerful internally, Im wondering does anyone know of any specific Chi Kung material which contains this style of Chi Kung.



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Hey Dan, may not be what you are looking for as it's not traditional Chi Kung per se, but I think Yin Yoga does something like this. Here's a blurb:

This philosophy integrates the Taoist Meridian and Acupuncture theories of China with the Yogic and Tantric theories of India. ... Most forms of Yoga practiced today are Yang, they emphasize muscular movement and contraction. By contrast Yin Yoga targets the connective tissue of the hips, pelvis and lower spine. Yin postures are held three to five to ten minutes at a time. This type of practice complements the more muscular styles of Yoga and is a great aid for learning to sit in meditation.

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