
the internal climax

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Hi I'm looking to find a good resource, perhaps a good book to learn the REAL internal climax for males. I know there are a lot of techniques, and different types of climaxes etc. I want to learn how to approach this topic.


I appreciate any insight.



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You can dig into this stuff but my opinion is that any physical method is too limiting. Lots of people here focus on retention but the internal climax comes from IONIZATION or purification which is the mind energy -- it's not physical. So it's best just to keep practicing the small universe to open up the 3rd eye. has the best microcosmic orbit training c.d. as I've heard from several other taobums -- You can get the level 1 sitting meditation c.d. with 1/2 hour small universe track or else just the small universe c.d. 1 hr training Here's the sex taoist doctor -- again I rely on full-lotus for the internal climax -- no touching! haha.




Hi I'm looking to find a good resource, perhaps a good book to learn the REAL internal climax for males. I know there are a lot of techniques, and different types of climaxes etc. I want to learn how to approach this topic.


I appreciate any insight.



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You can dig into this stuff but my opinion is that any physical method is too limiting. Lots of people here focus on retention but the internal climax comes from IONIZATION or purification which is the mind energy -- it's not physical. So it's best just to keep practicing the small universe to open up the 3rd eye. has the best microcosmic orbit training c.d. as I've heard from several other taobums -- You can get the level 1 sitting meditation c.d. with 1/2 hour small universe track or else just the small universe c.d. 1 hr training Here's the sex taoist doctor -- again I rely on full-lotus for the internal climax -- no touching! haha.


Thanks. Is the full lotus technique in the book ?

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You can dig into this stuff but my opinion is that any physical method is too limiting. Lots of people here focus on retention but the internal climax comes from IONIZATION or purification which is the mind energy -- it's not physical. So it's best just to keep practicing the small universe to open up the 3rd eye. has the best microcosmic orbit training c.d. as I've heard from several other taobums -- You can get the level 1 sitting meditation c.d. with 1/2 hour small universe track or else just the small universe c.d. 1 hr training Here's the sex taoist doctor -- again I rely on full-lotus for the internal climax -- no touching! haha.


Also.. you say any physical method is too limiting, so what's the non physical method, so that when I get to the appropriate level I know where to look to find the technique. Or will it just come to me automatically?


And just where can I find a teacher for this after level 10? I think these teachers are very rare to find here in the United States.

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Oh I meant chapter 10 of the Taoist Yoga book -- Chunyi Lin is definitely such a teacher. He heals patients from the top hospital in the world -- the Mayo Clinic. His assistant Jim Nance is also a qigong master -- they both do phone healings and long distance healing. So you can always call the for a healing or you can do to Minnesota or you can get their self-learning materials.


Check this out



Also.. you say any physical method is too limiting, so what's the non physical method, so that when I get to the appropriate level I know where to look to find the technique. Or will it just come to me automatically?


And just where can I find a teacher for this after level 10? I think these teachers are very rare to find here in the United States.

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I practiced standing bent over uddiyana bandhha which is the sixth tibetan right. that directs the energy upwards but also kills your sex drive...



about the youtube link u gave regarding mulah bandha. I think mulah bandha is just root lock. It only becomes pleasurable if u can intently do the consecutive rapid succession squeezes, ie squeeze rapidly about 10-15 times (like what occurs during orgasm) and try to really feel pleasure down there. Im not sure if this happens but I've read that if u practice the rapid squeezes for a while maybe 3 months or so, ur body will then start to automatically do these squeezes once u initiate it and can induce orgasms.


I've read mixed things tho about mula bandha. I've read that if u do it too much, one can make the pc muscle too sensitive and u orgasm alll the time without control (and therefore can ejaculate). I also read that by doing mulah bandha is also cuts off circulatino from the penis. So I've read mixed things... that mulah bandha helps to control ejaculation, and that it also harms and that the real way is to keep it relaxed.


what gives lol.

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I am postin this in this thread as well as it is relevant here also:


I have very little experience with these things, I have not mastered retention at all and I am not going to go back to trying untill I ahve sorted out a lot of other stuff but I have some thoughts based on the little experience I have combined with reading and talking to peopel:


Read these. Lots of good advice and the karezza site puts things into perspective. In karezza they achieve a form of multiples through just relaxing and staying at a proper distance from the point of noreturn. I think that most people go to 9,9 and then squeze. In Karezza they more or less go to 9,5 and surf arround that terrirory constantly and sink deeper and deeper into it. Just relaxation, slow brething and proper distance, no technique. This might not feel like much in the bgining. Most guys want to have more of the type of orgasm tehy are used to, explosive. Instead they should realy sink into the sensations that are very close to orgasm but are furhter away than where they are now clenching. It is when you sink into this and mindfully accept and go into this state that the you get a shift in energy and it naturaly becomes more upward flowing and "spiritual"/ At first this place feels a little bit to tame and not what you want to multiply but this is were if you relax and sink into it it will slowly start to expand a lot.


I think lots of beely breathing is key to mastering this. The better you are at it a nd the more relaxed you are and the more you can control your chi the more you can manage this while having quicker paced sex. The more fast paced and excited type of sex produces a different energy which probably has a lot more dopamine in it than the karezza orgasm. In all likelyhood that is a huge part of the explanation for why people get trouble integrating the energy from retention. THe Karezza theory is that orgasm with a partner creates both dopamine and oxytocin. Dopamin is realted to excitement and oxytocin to love and bonding. Dopamine actually kills oxytocint o some extent so that the afterglow with cuddling which is braught on by loads of oxytocin after orgasms only lasts about 10 min untill the dopamine from orgasm gets arround to killing it. According to the karezza people when they forsake conventional orgasm this afterglow lasts for hours and days which probably means that there is much less dopamine in this type of valey orgasm thatn in the conventional orgasms. Those who practice this kind of sex descirbe it as harmonizing on the individual and bonding in its results for the couple (because the serotonin dopamine balance is changed). THey also say that people who have read Chias books and now experience multiples of a conventional kind say that they feel a huge shift it they change to karezza style and that the conventional multiples made them overexcited and unbalanced whereas these orgasms make them balanced and satvic. This is probably because of a combination of the level of relaxation during sex AND the closeness to the point of return. Those who are very high level probably experience a lot more of this naturally because their levels of relaxation makes them very relaxed even when they are having quite vigorous sex and because thir breathing and orbits naturaly bring the energy upwards so that there is little point in going to 9,9 and squezing like a madman.


There is also a big difference in taking energy from the lower centers and throwing it up in the body and letting it flow like a nutrual river and actually blend and transform at each energy point on the way up. The feeling I get from most descriptions of beginers pulling energy up is that they just end up having the same energy as int the gentials in the heart and head area and this feels overcooked and out of place for them. Probably in this instance the energy from low down is just close to the higher energies but neither blended with them nore transformed into them.

On Trunks site there is mention of a tecnique where energy from the heart is pulled down to the sexual center and vice cersa. This is said to balance out a lot of the problems with retention, cooling people of and refining the energy. I have tried it sometimes and can definitively see that this should work. The inner smile I have also been told can do a similar job of balancing out the sexual energy all over the body because it sends heart energy to every cell. So if you do the inner smiel and also add the intension of blending the smiling energy with the sexual energy it encounters a lot of cooling and refinment is done by just that.


Two teachers of taoist sex and tantra I have a lot of respect for both told me that ultimately it is the energy of the heart that balances out the sexual energy so that it can be integrated well. Various methods can do that or it can happen by itself. THis is very interesting when seen together with the information from Karezza. oxytocin is a heart and love hormone. WHat makes the karezza apraoch work is probably reducing a certain type of lower level excitement that amps dopamine and a relaxation that lets eenrgy flow up and blend with the heart and higher centers thus producing more oxyctocin. Also the karezza style is very heartcentered and "cuddly" thus producing even more oxytocin. THis also provides a possible partial explanation for the difference between solo sex and dual cultivation. Not much heart involved in jacking of usually but with a partner you love lots of heart energy produced by itself and thus more balanced. Not just exchange of yin and yang but production of loving feelings within yourself. THis shoudl also relate a lot to what biff said about being in a giving mindset. Santi aslo has said something about doing it with someone you really love makes a lot of the alchemy automatic.


So to sum up what you want is multiple orgasms that happen more or less by itself, through gentle intent or through breathing or all of these. You also want the orgasms to be of a different nature than what you are used to, you want one or more streaming seamingly endless valey orgasms not a bunch of peak orgasms. If you are having the same orgasms as before only bigger and more of them you are doing something wrong. When you are having really long sessions you should be left with the feelin gof having had a more spritual and more loving experience. You should feel both more harmonized and more cuddly a long time afterwards. THe realtionship should become more steady and there should naturally be more toucing etc. Otherwise soemthing is probably wrong with the oxytocin and dopamine balance in tyour orgasms. The heart energy is what harmonises most of this. A lot of what is not harmonised through the sex itself can be harmonised by blending heart and sexual energy directly and throught the inner smile. Testicle breating can be a good cool of. Remember that energy is suposed to blend and transform when it moves not just be out of place.


How do you get this to happen by itself and how do you have the right orgasms? As mentioned i think lots and lots of belly breathing is key, absolute key. Another very good option is of course to have a lot of karezza style sex. The pace and aproach makes this happen spontainiuosly. Once this has started to happen during such sessions you will be able to manage it more and more in sessions that are more vigorous. The more you cultivate with meditation chi gong etc. the easier it is to expand the more vigorous sex. I dont remember if the parasymphatic ore the sympathetic nervous system or whetever they are claaed control the realxed and passive or the actice functions in the body but my gues is that you either want to have a slight dominance of the relaxed system or you want perfect balance in order both for having the right orgasms and for being able to having multiples effortlessly. Anotehr option is the aneros. The aneros helps men get multiples analy without even touching the penis and without any technique. Beyond ptting it in contra=cting a bit to get it going and relax and breathe lax and breathe. THe great thing about it is that it can not be forced no matter what you do. Only relaxation and breathing will make it happen. So this teaches you to do it right. Many who use the aneros experience that using it makes it much easier to have multiples during normal lovemaking as new neural pathways has been made.


When you are solcultivating it is actually possible to bring in a lot more love and heart energy. Sex teachers Annie Sprinkle and Joseph Kramer suggest masturbating in ways where you REALLy make love TO yourself with lots of caressing etc. to get the heart going and spredaing the energy. Also afterwards having a relaxing yin face where you let the energy circualte by itself and nurture the rest of the body is also good. You can also at this point do blending with the heart,inner smile and maybe some testicle breathing.


Dr lins technique using the tailbone muslce is agreed upon to be much better and less forcefull than Chias so use that in stead if you can.


The sexual energy amplifies emotions a lot so it is very important to having your emotions in check. The secret smile is superb for this and very very effective and it also cleanses channels very well and such is great in this context. It also spreads love and happiness all over your body and so should help in doing some of the blending as well. Maybe because secret smile also blends in orgasmic energy with the emotions it has some sort of extra harmonising effect on the sexual energy?


At the karezza site there is an article about neo taoism that I find interesting. It contrast the style of retention practied by people who has read chia and contrast this with descriptions by Lao Tsu. THe way Lao Tsu describes sex with mulitples is extreemly similar to karezza and so much more yin, "water path" or whatever you want to call it.


Actually I thinkt hat it is not so much relaxation as mindfulness that makes it easier to achieve multiples and that transforms the energy itno more beneficial more spiritual and loving energy. When I was experimenting with this I saw that there is a desperate craving for release when you get close to the point of no return. This craving itself create a lot of what made the ejaculation start. Relaxing helped but what realy did it was midnfully acepting what I was feeling. When I did that I go away from the point of no return AND I got a lot MORE arroused and orgasmic at that instant. I think when the karezza people surf at 9,5 instead of 9,9 and sinc deeper into that this is what happens for them also even if they do not use the word midnfulness. Relaxation makes mindfulness happen a lot by itself but there is still a big difference between the two. Also I felt that the midnfulness naturally made the energy go upwards in the centers and, extreemly importantly, TRansformed the energy as it was going upwards with zero concios effort. This was the exact opposite of my experience trying to push energy upwards with the orbit which amounted more to sending sexual eenrgy up the bully the upper centers because no tranfsormation ocured since I did it forcefully. I actually believe that mindfulness meditation is a much more important practice to have success with rention both in terms of having the mulitples but also having hte right orgasms.


Another point to have in mind is that you are moving towards more bliss. When you are having orgasms of the conventional kind these are expansive and outward reaching and explosive and hot. If you go to 9,9 and contract you get more of these. But you want to do more of what I have described instead and when you do the orgasms should start feeling more and more subtle, the shoudl get a hgiher vibration after while and should get closer to meditative oceanic lbiss than what people think about if you ask them to think about a really powerfull orgasm.


An important thing to note is that the karezza principles aply to women also in order to have the correct type of orgasm. Even women usually or often have a style of orgasm that might by quite wavelike but is till often too expansive and hot.

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about Oxytocin. Man Ive been wishing I could get an OTC medication for oxytocin.


I've had social anxiety for about my entire life. I'm guessing it is due to my loneliness (never had a girlfriend, female friend, or much of any friends, always the loner type, etc.) in the beginning of my life and in childhood. It's hard to get out of though. You were supposed to learn things when you were younger. Balance is necessary and chemical reactions are supposed to occur in childhood and growing up... which didn't happen for me and I fear I have a personality disorder as well as physiological developmental retardation as a result that blocks me from getting anywhere in life.


Starting out with a shortage of oxytocin makes it much harder to become abundant in oxytocin. It's much easier for someone with a NORMAL amount of oxytocin in the bloodstream to begin getting more oxytocin released in the bloodstream. I dont even know how it feels to have oxytocin in my bloodstream.


How does one begin to imagine something they've never experienced?


I try bein friendly and stuff though.


I wish I could find a taoist support group here. Where I can find friends and people interested in the same things I am. Hard to find though...

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about Oxytocin. Man Ive been wishing I could get an OTC medication for oxytocin.


I've had social anxiety for about my entire life. I'm guessing it is due to my loneliness (never had a girlfriend, female friend, or much of any friends, always the loner type, etc.) in the beginning of my life and in childhood. It's hard to get out of though. You were supposed to learn things when you were younger. Balance is necessary and chemical reactions are supposed to occur in childhood and growing up... which didn't happen for me and I fear I have a personality disorder as well as physiological developmental retardation as a result that blocks me from getting anywhere in life.


Starting out with a shortage of oxytocin makes it much harder to become abundant in oxytocin. It's much easier for someone with a NORMAL amount of oxytocin in the bloodstream to begin getting more oxytocin released in the bloodstream. I dont even know how it feels to have oxytocin in my bloodstream.


How does one begin to imagine something they've never experienced?


I try bein friendly and stuff though.


I wish I could find a taoist support group here. Where I can find friends and people interested in the same things I am. Hard to find though...


Well, I don't know about pill form but there is an excellent way to get it naturally and that is through touch therapy. It is kind of similar to massage but much, much lighter and slower and it follows a very repetetive pattern and mainly focuses on stimulating skin rather than muscle. This is suposed to maximmize the production of oxytocin. I have had this and I would say it gave me at least twenty times as much oxytocin as a regular massage would do. Probably one of the best and simplest body therapies there is. I am pretty sure that one or two of these a week has a stronger effect on the psyche than antidepressants. I am not sure what this therapy is called in english, maybe touch therapy or tactile stimulation. If you live in a city of a certain size it should be possible to dig this stuff up. Another alternative is to do more or less the same to yourself. Very slow loving touch focusing on sensation in the skin rather than muscle, almost like cuddling with yourself. The result is pretty much the same, free and can be done everyday.


I gave you the tip about in another thread and I will reply thourougly to that later but I will say that this method has nothing in common with the cocky funny stuff you tried from sosuave and it does not require any sort of arrogance or any sort of the not so nice methods of some styles of pickup. It is a very nice method focused on genuinly connecting with people. It is also superb for more general social and conversation skills and not just pickup so in terms of teaching you the basics of social interaction (and the advanced stuff as well actually). All of the coaches (especially Timmy) are also good at teaching you about body language and non verbal communication. The fact that you had some success in getting attraction from women with the ckcky funny stuff is very promising. It means that you are actually much closer to where you want to be. You would not have stood a chance to get anywhere close to getting any sort of attraction had you been totally lost in terms of social skills. There has got to be a lot of good instincts for social interaction right belove the surface in you, otherwise as I said you would only have been blown out quickly by all the girls you talked to.

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i was wondering about the oxytocin thing. In the link provided it says that traditional sex causes a sharp decline in oxytocin afterwards as a result of a sharp increase of oxytocin during orgasm.


does the internal climax counteract this? does the karezza method counteract this? If so does that mean that there is really no orgasm?


I've been able to induce a sort of "thrust and flutter" type of dry orgasm through masturbation (never had the chance with a partner).. which is not a full on orgasm but it does cause the automatic pc muscle contractions... but this may also be like retention because afterwards u kinda feel drained tho not as much as regular orgasm, and the energy or semen just builds up and clogs the perineum, which may cause mild to more intense pain depending on how much you've done it and for how long you've gone retaining. What kind of orgasm is this? is this the plateau phase? if so it would be kind of dangerous to stay there. if this is the internal climax it would be dangerous because it is semen retention.


any insight would be appreciated



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Non, before doing any kind of sexual techniques find a girlfriend. Otherwise you will end up having more problems than the problem of finding one girlfriend.


If you want to cultivate oxytocin you can take dance lessons (tango, salsa, ballroom, country, any kind of dance involving couples), you will hug and pet so many girls that all the social anxiety will heal by itself in time. Just learn to feel good when you make a girl feeling good.


And leave your weenie alone. Leave that job to your girl, when the time is right. ;)

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Non, before doing any kind of sexual techniques find a girlfriend. Otherwise you will end up having more problems than the problem of finding one girlfriend.


If you want to cultivate oxytocin you can take dance lessons (tango, salsa, ballroom, country, any kind of dance involving couples), you will hug and pet so many girls that all the social anxiety will heal by itself in time. Just learn to feel good when you make a girl feeling good.


And leave your weenie alone. Leave that job to your girl, when the time is right. ;)


:) good post

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ill just stay lonely my whole life then. u guys make it sound like i masturbate everyday lol. right now im going for 100 days

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Guest artform

Hi Non :D


Although it seems like heresy to some, after developing a practice following Mantak Chia et al's books on retention techniques, and doing the inward ejaculations, even after being able to do the microcosmic orbit, I was not happy with how this was affecting my body and energies.


About 2 + 1/2 years ago I found the Aneros prostate massagers technique for rewiring oneself for dry male multiple orgasms , and Jack Johnston's Key Sound Multiple Orgasms technique


With KSMO as the core of my practice, and Aneros as an exploration key and trigger/trainer device(s) as well as therapy for my chronic prostate problem, BPH, Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia, I have quickly developed full energies generation and transmutation jing>qi>shen with my wife involved and active too, sharing energies and shared MCOs, like Chia's The MultiOrgasmic Couple, but by a different path/paths.


I agree with steam and Little1 in principle, in that when you do find a girlfriend who wants to follow a similar path, there is nothing better than the m/f energies exchanging/balancing and travelling together beyond!! You may find my blog here helpful with more detail:


With great respect for others, I find this is fully acceptable within the Taoist tradition, while not part of any masters' lineage to date.


all the best on your journey



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Hi Non :D


Although it seems like heresy to some, after developing a practice following Mantak Chia et al's books on retention techniques, and doing the inward ejaculations, even after being able to do the microcosmic orbit, I was not happy with how this was affecting my body and energies.


About 2 + 1/2 years ago I found the Aneros prostate massagers technique for rewiring oneself for dry male multiple orgasms , and Jack Johnston's Key Sound Multiple Orgasms technique


With KSMO as the core of my practice, and Aneros as an exploration key and trigger/trainer device(s) as well as therapy for my chronic prostate problem, BPH, Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia, I have quickly developed full energies generation and transmutation jing>qi>shen with my wife involved and active too, sharing energies and shared MCOs, like Chia's The MultiOrgasmic Couple, but by a different path/paths.


I agree with steam and Little1 in principle, in that when you do find a girlfriend who wants to follow a similar path, there is nothing better than the m/f energies exchanging/balancing and travelling together beyond!! You may find my blog here helpful with more detail.


With great respect for others, I find this is fully acceptable within the Taoist tradition, while not part of any masters' lineage to date.


all the best on your journey




I think the aproach you have used, the aneros and the key sound, will work better for most people than the pc muscle stuff. Better and safer and easier and more yin.

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Guest artform

Hi markern! :D


I think the aproach you have used, the aneros and the key sound, will work better for most people than the pc muscle stuff. Better and safer and easier and more yin.


Thank you very much. More yin indeed!


all the best energizing and balancing all



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Hi Non :D


Although it seems like heresy to some, after developing a practice following Mantak Chia et al's books on retention techniques, and doing the inward ejaculations, even after being able to do the microcosmic orbit, I was not happy with how this was affecting my body and energies.


About 2 + 1/2 years ago I found the Aneros prostate massagers technique for rewiring oneself for dry male multiple orgasms , and Jack Johnston's Key Sound Multiple Orgasms technique


With KSMO as the core of my practice, and Aneros as an exploration key and trigger/trainer device(s) as well as therapy for my chronic prostate problem, BPH, Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia, I have quickly developed full energies generation and transmutation jing>qi>shen with my wife involved and active too, sharing energies and shared MCOs, like Chia's The MultiOrgasmic Couple, but by a different path/paths.


I agree with steam and Little1 in principle, in that when you do find a girlfriend who wants to follow a similar path, there is nothing better than the m/f energies exchanging/balancing and travelling together beyond!! You may find my blog here helpful with more detail:


With great respect for others, I find this is fully acceptable within the Taoist tradition, while not part of any masters' lineage to date.


all the best on your journey




I am so afraid of that damn thing its not even funny.


afraid of sticking anything into my anus. AFRAID. I am defnitely interestd in learning the best pc muscle technique for training onself to acheive the dry orgasm.

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I am so afraid of that damn thing its not even funny.


afraid of sticking anything into my anus. AFRAID. I am defnitely interestd in learning the best pc muscle technique for training onself to acheive the dry orgasm.


maybe with a girl Id be willing to try it but only to learn how to induce the dry orgasm and last longer.

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Guest artform

Hi again Non


maybe with a girl Id be willing to try it but only to learn how to induce the dry orgasm and last longer.


There are two options in my original post. The second, KSMO, works without being physically invasive. KSMO has become the core of the multidisciplinary practices of several friends who also use aneros and various aspects of Tantra, Tao, and Kundalini and/or other yoga techniques.


As a personal observation, the little plastic massager is smaller than your daily solids outputs if they are "normal", and ceratinly less challenging for your anus. Prostate massage has been shown to reduce the chance of prostate cancer by 20%. Since using aneros, my PSA tests for prostate health, which have always been in the safe low range (5 or less), have dropped to less than 1.


I have used prostate massage since my early teens for enhanced sexuality. Almost three years ago my wife and I decided to explore our mutual sex life further and went out and bought my first aneros (MGX) and her G-spot vibrator, plus some videos and books, including Jack Morin's on Anal Health and sexuality, on our topics and that shopping trip launched our great mutual prostates (G-spots) practice.


all the best as you find your way to energetic ecstasies and enlightenment all



Edited by artform

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Hi again Non

There are two options in my original post. The second, KSMO, works without being physically invasive. KSMO has become the core of the multidisciplinary practices of several friends who also use aneros and various aspects of Tantra, Tao, and Kundalini and/or other yoga techniques.


As a personal observation, the little plastic massager is smaller than your daily solids outputs if they are "normal", and ceratinly less challenging for your anus. Prostate massage has been shown to reduce the chance of prostate cancer by 20%. Since using aneros, my PSA tests for prostate health, which have always been in the safe low range (5 or less), have dropped to less than 1.


I have used prostate massage since my early teens for enhanced sexuality. Almost three years ago my wife and I decided to explore our mutual sex life further and went out and bought my first aneros (MGX) and her G-spot vibrator, plus some videos and books, including Jack Morin's on Anal Health and sexuality, on our topics and that shopping trip launched our great mutual prostates (G-spots) practice.


all the best as you find your way to energetic ecstasies and enlightenment all





How you explored her a-spot also? It is even more fun than the g-spot for many women and is one heck of an instant lubricator. It is much furhter in close to the cervix and there are actually two, one on each side of the vagina. If you google David Shade and the deep spot you will find an excellent description. He also has youtube videos with more visual stuff. There are also specific a-spot stimulators. I think maybe it is called the a-spot wand, cant remember. By the way I am taking a course on sex in two months time and they claim both male g-spot and a-spot orgasms. Maybe they use both those terms to describe the male prostate but I am hoping they have uncovered a completely different thing. I will of course post that if that is what they indeed have done.

Edited by markern

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Guest artform

Thank you for this too markern! :)


How you explored her a-spot also? It is even more fun than the g-spot for many women and is one heck of an instant lubricator. It is much furhter in close to the cervix and there are actually two, one on each side of the vagina. If you google David Shade and the deep spot you will find an excellent description. He also has youtube videos with more visual stuff. There are also specific a-spot stimulators. I think maybe it is called the a-spot wand, cant remember. By the way I am taking a course on sex in two months time and they claim both male g-spot and a-spot orgasms. Maybe they use both those terms to describe the male prostate but I am hoping they have uncovered a completely different thing. I will of course post that if that is what they indeed have done.



We have played with these spots too! Because of my injuries and other mobility limitations, we use the Scissors position most of the time. That position has the penis coming up the side of the vagina and right to the a-spot. both mrs. a and I are much more tuned to and focused on the wider energies exchanges and balancing, and energetic building storage and circulation as described in my blog here:


I look forward to your posting after the sex course and the revelation of the male a-spot. I have found several interesting spots exploring my own anatomy with my fully retracted penis as set out in my blog here. I'll try thinking of appropriate alphabet letters with which to tag them! :lol:


all the best on the course on sex



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