
Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

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12 hours ago, -ꦥꦏ꧀ ꦱꦠꦿꦶꦪꦺꦴ- said:


This is amazing! Did you end up taking the meds in the end?

No, but I probably should have.

12 hours ago, -ꦥꦏ꧀ ꦱꦠꦿꦶꦪꦺꦴ- said:

I’ve been regularly clearing cold symptoms with FP too


Nice - any specific meditations/breath controls that you use?

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2 hours ago, daobro said:

No, but I probably should have.

Well it’s interesting to see that you didn’t need to because of FP



2 hours ago, daobro said:

Nice - any specific meditations/breath controls that you use?

Long form daily plus I rotate through each exercise so I do each of them at least once a week

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To Daobro: No, have not tried acupuncture. My medical clairvoyant in the past tested acupuncture for me and found that it would not result in better sensing of subtle energies. The problem lies in my corpus callosum preventing signals from the right brain hemisphere crossing over the callosum. He also recently tested me for EBV and he found it mainly in my gut, but also in my brain. He Rx 2 bottles each for 2 different ayurvedic herbal formulas and he said this would knock out the EBV. But I would also have to start going to bed by 10pm so that the immune system could rebuild. It rebuilds during the hours of 10pm until 1pm, per Ayurvedic science. I will do the herbs but not the bedtime curfew as I am a night owl since I reached retirement. 

Congrats on those amazing healings of yours! A famous Vedic astrologer who is heavily into subtle energy healing told me recently that when he has cold or flu symptoms, he inhales nebulized ionic zinc, and his symptoms are gone in 30-60 minutes. I've posted here in the past that in 2014 I healed a serious virus overnight by doing qigong for 3.5 hours, after having been in bed for 8 days from that  illness. A Chinese doctor claims that he grew a new set of teeth after doing qigong 5 hours a day for a number of years. What is almost as unbelievable as growing new teeth, is how does any doctor find 5 hours a day of free time? He probably did not own a television or computer, or have a family or a dog. 

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On 12/9/2024 at 9:59 PM, daobro said:

2. A couple nights ago, after playing basketball in the cold, I felt a tickle in my throat. I drank a preventative formula from my Chinese Medicine doctor, chewed some ginger, and did an hour of FP (Long Form, Monk Gazing at the Moon, all of the 90s meditations, and some seated meditations). I immediately felt the cold symptoms dissipate and the urge to go to sleep. The morning after, I felt completely recovered with no trace of the cold whatsoever.


This is fascinating, because I have been practicing this in real time too, though not the same just my usual jumbled mixture of vol 1 and 2 which ever moves I'm feeling like doing to get in my 30 mins a day or so. But Both the people I live with had cold/flu like symptoms and the worst I got was a scratchy throat for a night or two. I have successfully used FPQ to keep myself healthy over the last year and it can even cause a bounce back from a night of drinking too much when it happens. Though not Qigong related another system I study uses a visualization of a bright orange ball of light in and surrounding the throat chakra to kill virus' etc. Worth trying if nothing else is working.

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Just a quick question for Sifu Terry regarding the Flash Meditations, I know you recommend learning the volumes in order, but if I remember correctly an older post from some years back said you could technically learn them with the beginner volumes... Is this correct?

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On 12/13/2024 at 5:19 AM, DanC said:

Just a quick question for Sifu Terry regarding the Flash Meditations, I know you recommend learning the volumes in order, but if I remember correctly an older post from some years back said you could technically learn them with the beginner volumes... Is this correct?

Hello DanC,


The 90-second Flash Meditations are on Volume 5 of the DVD series, which I suppose you can refer to as the "beginner volumes"--even though the FPHHCM Long Form on Volume 4 is the capstone meditation of entire the FP System (and its practice alone subsumes the practice of every other exercise in the system) and is all one needs to maintain strong immunity, the ability to cure oneself of disease such as toxemia (colds and flus) and cultivate potent and verifiable healing powers.

I programmed the CKFH DVD series with exactly the order of practicing the FP Qigong system that GM Doo Wai taught me and my cadre of students from 1991 to 1997.  Hence, for best results, do the Vol.5 Flash Meditations after one has mastered the practice of the Volume 4 Long Form and can swear to its  results.


But you did remind me that I once said that one could learn the Vol. 5 meditations alongside the Volume 1 standing meditations--simply because they are so simple and and easy to do.  However, if you do them before you've gone through the system and thoroughly penetrated/mastered the capstone Vol. 4 Long Form Meditation, you won't feel the full energizing and healing potential of the Vol. 5 meditations.  They won't feel as powerful if you do them early on.  You can prove this to yourself.  Practice them now.  And then practice them again after you've done the Vol.4 Long Form Med. regularly for about 6 months.

I hope this clarifies.


Sifu Terry

P.S.  Enjoy your practice.  FP Qigong will keep one warm and dry during the cold winter if you're in similar climate that I'm in:  21ºF daylight temp. with 88% preciptation (rain, ice and snow).







Edited by zen-bear
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To supplement Paragraph #4 of my post here on 10/17/2024 at 6:52 PM, zen-bear (on page 237), here is another attempt to post a super-downsized copy of one of the  letters that the court of Queen Elizabeth II had sent to Grandmaster Doo Wai, thanking him for his health services, specifically mentioning his "herbs."  However, GM Doo Wai told me that he did specific healings for the Queen and other members of the Royal Family.  Hence, no wonder that then Prince Charles--now King of England--had acknowledged the value of Qigong to public health as quoted at the start of Ch. 5 of Wong Kiew Kit's book (as cited by Pak_Satrio on page 236.)  


GM Doo Wai's healings of serious diseases and chronic illnesses was and always is a combination of herbs, acupressure, and energy healing following his diagnosis. 
(*the photo was reduced to DB's measly 10kb limit, which makes it hard to read.  Try using a magnifying glass on your computer screen.  And complain to Daobums about this absurdly low size/resolution ceiling for attachments.)

Edited by zen-bear
attached better resolution photo
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8 hours ago, zen-bear said:


To supplement Paragraph #4 of my post here on 10/17/2024 at 6:52 PM, zen-bear (on page 237), here is another attempt to post a super-downsized copy of one of the  letters that the court of Queen Elizabeth II had sent to Grandmaster Doo Wai, thanking him for his health services, specifically mentioning his "herbs."  However, GM Doo Wai told me that he did specific healings for the Queen and other members of the Royal Family.  Hence, no wonder that then Prince Charles--now King of England--had acknowledged the value of Qigong to public health as quoted at the start of Ch. 5 of Wong Kiew Kit's book (as cited by Pak_Satrio on page 236.)  


GM Doo Wai's healings of serious diseases and chronic illnesses was and always is a combination of herbs, acupressure, and energy healing following his diagnosis. 
(*the photo was reduced to DB's measly 10kb limit, which makes it hard to read.  Try using a magnifying glass on your computer screen.  And complain to Daobums about this absurdly low size/resolution ceiling for attachments.)

Here is the pic in higher resolution, it lets me post up to 16.2 MB for some reason 


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Ive been reading around the forum and ive decided to try FPCK.

ive been struggling to find a comprehensive practice for self healing. active practices without a teacher are hard to navigate on my own and FP can be practiced without a teacher and is not a forceful system from what i understand so id like to try it.
i have a few questions

1. Are the DVD's on amazon? i couldn't find Vol 1 and 2 there


2. Where should i start? Vol 1 and 2? Are the beginner postures included in Tai Chi for Health Yang Short Form? or is unrelated to FP?
or better yet, is there a beginner exercise i can try before investing into the DVD?


3. I've read the FP training schedule, i know the importance of everyday practice however i often find myself needing more time to integrate practices. Is it recommended to keep up daily practice even if this arises? 

4. Is it okay to do exercise for longer than 2 weeks and not progress to the next one if i feel it is necessary?


Much love


Edited by BluePickle
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7 hours ago, BluePickle said:

Ive been reading around the forum and ive decided to try FPCK.

ive been struggling to find a comprehensive practice for self healing. active practices without a teacher are hard to navigate on my own and FP can be practiced without a teacher and is not a forceful system from what i understand so id like to try it.
i have a few questions

1. Are the DVD's on amazon? i couldn't find Vol 1 and 2 there


2. Where should i start? Vol 1 and 2? Are the beginner postures included in Tai Chi for Health Yang Short Form? or is unrelated to FP?
or better yet, is there a beginner exercise i can try before investing into the DVD?


3. I've read the FP training schedule, i know the importance of everyday practice however i often find myself needing more time to integrate practices. Is it recommended to keep up daily practice even if this arises? 

4. Is it okay to do exercise for longer than 2 weeks and not progress to the next one if i feel it is necessary?


Much love




1. Are the DVD's on amazon? i couldn't find Vol 1 and 2 there

You can buy them here: https://www.taichimania.com/chikung_catalog.html


2. Where should i start? Vol 1 and 2?


I would start with volume 1 first. Focus on the static postures to fill yourself up with Flying Phoenix qi and then do Bending the Bows once or twice a week.


Are the beginner postures included in Tai Chi for Health Yang Short Form? or is unrelated to FP?



or better yet, is there a beginner exercise i can try before investing into the DVD?

This is Monk Holds Pearl, the third static posture from DVD 1. I do not encourage people using leaked videos of Flying Phoenix but at least this one is of Grand Master Doo Wai, not some random person doing it incorrectly. You can do it standing, seated or lying down. Just ignore the part about the ginger. Do it for at least 5 mins but the best is 10 mins or more. Try it for a week or two and let us know how you feel.



3. I've read the FP training schedule, i know the importance of everyday practice however i often find myself needing more time to integrate practices. Is it recommended to keep up daily practice even if this arises? 

Yes, daily practice is always necessary to make progress. Usually I learn new practices outside of my time dedicated to daily practices.

4. Is it okay to do exercise for longer than 2 weeks and not progress to the next one if i feel it is necessary?


This is not only ok, but I would actually encourage it. If I could start Flying Phoenix again I would do the first DVD for a year before moving on. It may seem boring because it’s mostly static postures but you will set yourself up very well for further exercises. There is no need to rush to learn them all so fast.

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On 12/27/2024 at 8:42 PM, BluePickle said:

Ive been reading around the forum and ive decided to try FPCK.

ive been struggling to find a comprehensive practice for self healing. active practices without a teacher are hard to navigate on my own and FP can be practiced without a teacher and is not a forceful system from what i understand so id like to try it.
i have a few questions

1. Are the DVD's on amazon? i couldn't find Vol 1 and 2 there


2. Where should i start? Vol 1 and 2? Are the beginner postures included in Tai Chi for Health Yang Short Form? or is unrelated to FP?
or better yet, is there a beginner exercise i can try before investing into the DVD?


3. I've read the FP training schedule, i know the importance of everyday practice however i often find myself needing more time to integrate practices. Is it recommended to keep up daily practice even if this arises? 

4. Is it okay to do exercise for longer than 2 weeks and not progress to the next one if i feel it is necessary?


Much love


Hi Blue Pickle,


Welcome to the Flying Phoenix Qigong community.  FP Qigong is a unique and excellent healing Qigong system--that works.  It imparts tangibly energizing and profoundly restorative effects that can be further "stored" or reserved in the body and that can ultimately empower one to be a healer--if one has the will to become one.  Once the Qigong is established, its benefits are repeatable and verifiable with every practice.  And most of transformative health benefits can be done just by practicing the material on the  DVD series, without an instructor like myself in the room--and especially if one already has some background in Chinese internal martial arts.  Learning how to heal with the FP Healing Qi is more efficient with one-on-one tutelage.


Further answers to  supplement Pak Satrio's very good answers your questions :


1. Are the DVD's on amazon? i couldn't find Vol 1 and 2 there

• The 6-volume series is always here on my website:   http://www.taichimania.com/chikung_catalog.html


2. Where should i start? Vol 1 and 2? Are the beginner postures included in Tai Chi for Health Yang Short Form? or is unrelated to FP?
or better yet, is there a beginner exercise i can try before investing into the DVD?

• Yes, most people start wiht Volumes 1 and 2 to get a good taste of the FP Qigong system.

Adept practice of Yang Tai Chi Chuan will make learning FP Qigong easier.  But the two arts are completely unrelated.  They different origins and completely different histories.  And the yogic methodology of FP Qigong is very, very different from that of Tai Chi.



3. I've read the FP training schedule, i know the importance of everyday practice however i often find myself needing more time to integrate practices. Is it recommended to keep up daily practice even if this arises? 
• Yes.   For absolute beginners, the better one keeps to a regular daily practice schedule and does NOT mix in other practices nor do them too close temporally to one's FP Qigong practicr srssions, the faster the FP Healing Qi becomes tangible and takes effect.

But it's quite okay to miss a day of practice each week over the course of a long term--let's say 6-month-- practice of this system.
As mentioned in the earlier years of this thread, a standard practice suggested by GM Doo Wai in the 1990's was 108 consecutive days of practice. 
OPTIONAL:  As per the Youtube video featuring GMDW, one can hold slivers of raw ginger between one's teeth throughout one's FP practice.

4. Is it okay to do exercise for longer than 2 weeks and not progress to the next one if i feel it is necessary?

• Yes.  The training schedule is not set in stone.  One can spend 1 month or 2 months or longer to become familiar/get saturated with the effects of any of the Volumes.  When one gets to the longer moving meditations on Volume 3 and the capstone meditation on Volume 4, that requires a good 2 to 6 months--depending how good one is at learning forms-- just to memorize the movements.


Enjoy your practice once you begin.

btw, besides the CKFH DVD series, I also teach weekly Zoom classes and both beginning and Advanced FP Qigong practice.  The schedule of my Zoom classes is on my free monthly Newsletter on substack (below).


Sifu Terry Dunn




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