
Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

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I have done yoga pranayama, alternate nostril breathing every day for the last 39yrs as an optional part of the TM program as it settles down the mind before meditation and it does do things with energy channels. But there is no comparison with what I experience from Chi Kung compared to pranayama. And the Oneness movement from Sri Bhagavan does some very heavy, intense pranayama for kundalini which I have done and refuse to ever do again due to it being so uncomfortable and torturous feeling. If it feels bad, I leave it out of my life.

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Steve - thanks for posting the analysis by your friend on the energetic qualities of the 90-second standing meditations. I can actually concur with every one, except I can't glean the right and left aspects. It's pretty clear White Crane Spreads Wings and Dragon Emerges from Cave serve to open the heart area. Also with the Lift Earth to Heaven exercise, one can feel the opening of the energetic path from the lower torso energetic areas to the head. Since the movements of Dragon and Phoenix Play are perfectly symmetrical, it's interesting your friend Eric would say he saw it clearing the nervous system especially on the left....could that have been what it was doing for you in particular on that day?

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Sifu Garry - that's a way cool teaser of a video on the Flying Phoenix Heavenly Sword form. It's a nice reminder for all regarding the interrelationship or the Doo family arts. Thanks for posting!

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Steve, actually I tried already to do pranayma breath along with FP and I mentioned that before. I quit doing pranayama as I felt little agitated. I dont know why, may be there were some other factors... Anyway i felt like it was diff energies. It is more subtle one from this qigong. And pranayam is kinda gives more gross feeling afterwards.

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Steve, actually I tried already to do pranayma breath along with FP and I mentioned that before. I quit doing pranayama as I felt little agitated. I dont know why, may be there were some other factors... Anyway i felt like it was diff energies. It is more subtle one from this qigong. And pranayam is kinda gives more gross feeling afterwards.


Hi Eugene,


I am not Steve, but from what I know, pranayama should be practiced only after years of asana practice because the body, the nadis, chakras have to be prepared for this powerful practice otherwise it may lead to problems. Pranayama requires being able to be very attentive, internally still, and able to control very well your diaphram muscle, having a very good posture etc..Also, traditional practice of yoga means leading a life according to the yamas and niyamas. Feeling agitated is a sign that you may not be ready for pranayama. But this is my opinion only.

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As far as I know that bandhas are recommended after couple years of asana and pranayama. Pranayama and asana should go alongside

Nadi Shodhana is recommended even by Ayurveda for cleansing gross and subtle bodies and for soothing and bringing doshas back to balance. Probably I did to much and much energy is not always good. Anyway I am not going to mix up this stuff. As it might be different ways with different approaches and body might need to adjust to the process. The more processes the more stress for the body

Edited by Eugene

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To be more precise there are:


In Natha Sampradaya the yoga practice is presented by a mantra-yoga, hatha-yoga, laya-yoga and raja-yoga, as well as аshtanga-yoga (Yama, Niyama, Asana, Pranayama, Pratyahara, Dharana, Dhyana and Samadhi)



Following methods enter into hatha-yoga: sukshma -vyayama, shat-karma (cleaning technics such as netti, basti, nauli, trataka, kapalabhati), asana (steady position of a body), pranayama (the control of vital energy over respiratory exercises), mudra ("stamp") and bandha (muscular "lock"). These methods inter-direct a stream of a prana in the central Sushumna channel and contribute to awakening of sleeping spiritual power (Kundalini Shakti) which rises upwards on the central channel and joins with supreme-consciousness (Shiva). This union of spiritual energy and consciousness is called hatha-yoga. There are many definitions of term the "hatha-yoga" in classical Nathas' texts, some of them belowed: Surya-Chandra, Prana- Аpana, Dakshina-Vama, Yamuna-Ganga, Ida -Pingala, Shiva-Shakti, Kula-Akula, Dvayta -Advayta, etc. The ultimate goal of hatha -yoga is realized by total unity of contrasts and attainment of ideal balance (samarasya).


So sukshma -vyayama, shat-karma (cleaning technics such as netti, basti, nauli, trataka, kapalabhati), asana (steady position of a body) follow by pranayama



And I suppose we have our own asana and pranayama in Flying Phoenix Celestial Healing Chi Kung

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ex: to Steve via Zen-Bear.


(4) As already confirmed by numerous practitioners on this thread, FP Qigong induces deeper and more restful sleep. That alone improves mental health. With some people who suffer from depression and have fragmented sleep, FP practice over time can "mend" the fragmented sleep and foster a more "normal" sleeping cycle.


'Would love to have someone with the position and resources in the mental health field conduct controlled experiments studying the effect of FP Qigong on highly distressed, highly anxious and upset persons in specific types of identifiable crises. A study of the effects of FP Qigong on clinically diagnosed depressives would also be most interesting and telling. With solid scientific research, not only would FP Qigong's anxiety and stress-relieving properties be statistically proven, but the mechanism by which this happens might be objectively discovered through monitoring of vital physiological signs. Know anyone who can get this done?



Sifu Terry



Sleep continues after years of Tai Chi and the last 2 with FP to elude me. I am often awake twice in the night. Sometimes I use the time to practice meditation or FP or ZZ. Still I wish this would dissolve.

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You dont need to mix anything into the FP, argh!!! FP is a huge system, you guys are on basics and you all wanting to mix things, I dont get it!!!???


Forgive me, please. :blush:


But as you can see many people benefited from FP having experience in other systems. And here almost everyone doing something else alongside with FP: yoga, tantra or TCC. Sifu Terry recommends TCC as good addition to FP!


Just want to share... Today I have posted about FP and BFP on a yoga and qigong thread on another (not in english forum) and mentioned about these systems having said it is high level yogic system and different from diluted yoga and qigong known in the West. One guy who replied was very crude and called this system as Chinese crap and mix of stuff because FP was created by Feng Tao Te while traveling in Tibet and India. And that chinese people are masters of stealing arts from other traditions. There are so many cruel people. Sad :angry:

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That guy does ashtanga yoga as I realized.


I left all other stuff of the exception of yin yoga (tao yin) asanas which are good for relaxation strengthen kidneys

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You dont need to mix anything into the FP, argh!!! FP is a huge system, you guys are on basics and you all wanting to mix things, I dont get it!!!???


Hi Sifu Garry,


I don't practice yoga. Every system has requirements and an order to follow. That's what I was saying.



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Garry, I can't see dao yin right now in FP. But I feel I NEED some stretches right now. Explain me, why I should not do dao yin if it helps me to stretch body and relax.

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SYG & FP is Chinese Yoga - Dao yin of the Bak Fu Pai there is everything in these 2 systems that can take you to the highest levels in yourself if you have the pure mind / heart.

So very true and well-put, Si-hing Garry! Thank you for always being helpful in directly clarifying.


Si-hing Terry

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Ah....good information Sifu Garry about "taking yourself to the highest level". The practice of FP becomes a vehicle. While the practice takes discipline and dedication, that's the easy part. Having a pure mind / heart....that's my real challenge.

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Alright! We are now taking this thread to the spiritual aspects of Flying Phoenix. This is what I have been waiting for. Keep it rolling guys. Thanks Sifu Garry for moving us upward in levels.

Edited by tao stillness

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